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MATLAB Code for CVPR '24 Paper: "A Subspace-Constrained Tyler’s Estimator and its Applications to Structure from Motion"

MATLAB code for the paper "A Subspace-Constrained Tyler’s Estimator and its Applications to Structure from Motion" [1]. Two experiments, "Robust Fundamental Matrix Estimation (RFME)" and "Initial Camera Removal for SfM (ICRS)", are provided, corresponding Section 4.1 and Section 4.2 in paper.

The experiments are based on the Photo Tourism Dataset. The SfM data (utilized in the ICRS) was generated by [2] and one of the data set is accessible through the "SfM_CVPR_code" repository. For detailed information, refer to the file "SfM_CVPR_code\README.txt".

Experiment 1: Robust Fundamental Matrix Estimation

Step 1: download the SfM (Clean) Data

Download the processed SfM data from this link and place the "sfm_clean" folder at "STE\FundMatrix\data\sfm_clean".

Step 2: running experiments

Run the MATLAB script run_all.m located in the directory "STE\FundMatrix" to generate the errors of the Subspace-Constrained Tyler's Estimator (STE) and other Robust Subspace Recovery (RSR) methods of TME, FMS, and SFMS. The errors correspond to Table 1-2 in [1] while the results are obtained separetely in 'py/'.


Generate the Figure 3-5 by calling the script 'plotting.m'.


Experiment 2: Initial Camera Removal for SfM

Step 1: download the SfM Data

Download the required SfM data from this link and place the "SfM_data" folder at "STE\CamRemoval_SfM\data\SfM_data".

Step 2: running experiments

Follow the instructions below to produce the errors of STE and other RSR methods (TME, FMS, SFMS):

  1. Run the LUD pipeline [6] by calling the function run_baseline located in the directory "STE\CamRemoval_SfM".
  1. Generate the stacked estimated essential matrix and fill the zero blocks by running the matrix completion algorithm.
  1. Run the LUD+RSR pipeline by calling the function run_all located in the directory "STE\CamRemoval_SfM".


  1. The data is originally collected by the authors in [3]. The data are processed and stored as .mat file.
  2. SfM data was processed by the authors in [2] and it was further and stored separately in "sfm_clean". Note that only correspondence, calibration and the (ground-truth) relative pose are needed in estimating the fundamental matrix. Only storing these data will greatly increase the computational efficiency. Each entry in "sfm_clean" represents a pair of images (nodes). Note: Each entry (datum{k}) includes the following information:
  • Image pair indices: [i, j] = datum{k}.nodes
  • Point correspondences: [x; x'] = datum{k}.points
  • Calibration matrices: [K, K'] = datum{k}.K
  • Relative rotation (R0): R0 = datum{k}.R0 (computed by Ri * Rj', where Ri and Rj are true rotations from SfM_data)
  • Relative translation (t0): t0 = datum{k}.t0 (computed by Ri' * (tj - ti), where ti and tj are true translations from SfM_data)
  1. Parallel Computing: it is recommended that run the parfor in thread-based enviroments for experiment 1. To setup, change the setting in 'Preferences/Parallel Computing Toolbox/Parallel Environment/Default Profile' from "Processes" to "Threads". The difference between the process-based (default in Matlab) environments and thread-based environments see here.
  2. The comparing robust subspace recovery (RSR) methods include FMS [4] and TME [5].


[1] Feng Yu, Teng Zhang, and Gilad Lerman. "A Subspace-Constrained Tyler's Estimator and its Applications to Structure from Motion." arXiv:2404.11590.

[2] Soumyadip Sengupta, Tal Amir, Meirav Galun, Tom Goldstein, David Jacobs, Amit Singer, and Ronen Basri. "A new rank constraint on multi-view fundamental matrices, and its application to camera location recovery." CVPR 2017.

[3] Kyle Wilson and Noah Snavely. "Robust Global Translations with 1DSfM." ECCV 2014.

[4]Gilad Lerman and Tyler Maunu. "Fast, Robust and Non-convex Subspace Recovery." Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 2018.

[5] Teng Zhang. "Robust subspace recovery by Tyler’s M-estimator." Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 2016.

[6] Onur Ozyesil and Amit Singer. "Robust camera location estimation by convex programming." CVPR 2015.