Storybook for Vue is a UI development environment for your Vue components. With it, you can visualize different states of your UI components and develop them interactively.
Storybook runs outside of your app. So you can develop UI components in isolation without worrying about app specific dependencies and requirements.
cd my-vue-app
npx sb init
For more information visit:
Starter Storybook-for-Vue Boilerplate project with Vuetify Material Component Framework
Storybook also comes with a lot of addons and a great API to customize as you wish. You can also build a static version of your storybook and deploy it anywhere you want.
- When using global custom components or extensions (e.g.,
). You will need to declare those in the./storybook/preview.js
In Storybook story and decorator components, you can not access the Vue instance in factory functions for default prop values:
props: {
foo: {
default() {
return; // does not work!