Here you'll find a collection of things you might find useful for monitoring a Tivoli Storage Manager installation with Splunk.
This code is highly tailored to our needs and includes integration for many things you don't care about and it may be completely broken outside of our environment. It has virtually no documentation and is not guaranteed to do anything at all. Feel free to ask questions, but note that this code is provided as is. We are not affiliated with IBM or Splunk and all trademarks belong to their respective owners. Proceed at your own risk!
Here's a short description of what each component is:
- druid_forwarder: the splunkforwarder app to be installed on your TSM servers.
- druid_agent: Python script that dumps the TSM server's DB tables into flat files to be ingested by the forwarder.
- druid_admin: Administrator dashboard
- druid_user: User's portal
- druid_utils: common elements to the two previous Splunk apps.
- edittable: half-baked Splunk app that allows for editable tables (used in druid_admin and druid_user). Your mileage may vary.
- tsmsyslogger: TSM USEREXIT module to output log files to syslog.
- Splunk version 6.2 or higher
- IBM's Tivoli Storage Manager version 6.0 or higher
The following components are required to be installed on the Splunk server:
- Splunk Gantt Chart visualization (
- Splunk DB Connect (
- python-requests
- python-ldap
- python-argparse
- suds-jurko
- pushybullet (for Pushbullet integration)
If you're using this stuff or any part of it, I would love to hear about it! Drop me an email at and let me know what you like, what you don't like, etc.