A comprehensive library for working with country flag emojis in Deno and Node.js projects. Get flag emojis, country codes, and country information using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 and alpha-3 codes.
- 🌍 Support for all country flags (251 countries/territories)
- 🔄 Convert between country codes and flag emojis
- 🔍 Search countries by name
- 🏷️ Support for both ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 and alpha-3 codes
- 📱 Includes country dial codes
- 💪 Full TypeScript support with type definitions
- 🎯 Zero dependencies
- ✅ 100% test coverage
deno add @algoflows/flagmoji
import { flagmoji } from "@algoflows/flagmoji";
// Get a country using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code (2 letters)
const denmark = flagmoji.countryCode("DK");
// => {
// code: "DK",
// code3: "DNK",
// emoji: "🇩🇰",
// name: "Denmark",
// unicode: "U+1F1E9 U+1F1F0",
// title: "flag for Denmark",
// dialCode: "+45"
// }
// Get a country using ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (3 letters)
const usa = flagmoji.countryCode("USA");
// => "🇺🇸"
// Search countries by name (case-insensitive)
const islands = flagmoji.searchByName("island");
// Returns array of countries containing "island" in their name
// Get all flag emojis
// => ["🇦🇨", "🇦🇩", "🇦🇪", ...]
interface Country {
code: string; // ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
code3: string; // ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code
emoji: string; // Flag emoji
unicode: string; // Unicode representation
name: string; // Country name
title: string; // Flag title
dialCode?: string | null; // International dial code
- Looks up a country by its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or alpha-3 code
- Case-insensitive
- Returns undefined if not found
- Searches countries by name
- Case-insensitive, partial match
- Returns array of matching countries
- Access to the complete dataset of all countries
- Array of all flag emojis
- Array of all ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes
- Array of all country names
- Array of all unicode representations
# Run tests
deno test
# Format code
deno fmt
# Lint code
deno lint
Created by Sean Knowles (@seanknowles)