$ git clone git@github.com:aliaksandrb/quakes.git
$ cd quakes
$ bin/quakes --help
Usage: bin/quakes [options...] <command>
--top<N> Print a list of the top <N> US states by number of earthquakes
example: $ bin/quakes --top5
--<state> Print a list of the top 25 strongest earthquakes in <state>
example: $ bin/quakes --california
--help Print this message
example: $ bin/quakes --help
--version Print program version
example: $ bin/quakes --version
By default all results are sorted as 'highest to lowest' (desc) and
remote dataset is used for analysis.
You can change that behaviour by the following switches:
--asc Changes order of results to 'lowest to highest' (asc)
example: $ bin/quakes --asc --top5
--f <path> Use local dataset source available at <path> for analysis
example: $ bin/quakes --f data/all_month.geojson --top5
--net <url> DEFAULT: Download and analyze the most recent dataset from <url>
example: $ bin/quakes --net https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_month.geojson --top5