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153 lines (127 loc) · 5.18 KB


Bottom tab bar


  • For the bottom Tab slider page, currently support **icon, text, iconFont ** form of the bottom bar.


Code Example

  <wxc-tab-bar :tab-titles="tabTitles"
    <!--The first page content-->
    <div class="item-container" :style="contentStyle"><text>Home</text></div>

    <!--The second page content-->
    <div class="item-container" :style="contentStyle"><text>Hot</text></div>

    <!-- The third page content-->
    <div class="item-container" :style="contentStyle"><text>Message</text></div>

    <!-- The fourth page content-->
    <div class="item-container" :style="contentStyle"><text>My</text></div>

<style scoped>
  .item-container {
    width: 750px;
    background-color: #f2f3f4;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
  import { WxcTabBar, Utils } from 'weex-ui';

  import Config from './config'

  export default {
    components: { WxcTabBar },
    data: () => ({
      tabTitles: Config.tabTitles,
      tabStyles: Config.tabStyles
    created () {
      const tabPageHeight = Utils.env.getPageHeight();
      // If the page doesn't have a navigation bar
      // const tabPageHeight = env.deviceHeight / env.deviceWidth * 750;
      const { tabStyles } = this;
      this.contentStyle = { height: (tabPageHeight - tabStyles.height) + 'px' };
    methods: {
      wxcTabBarCurrentTabSelected (e) {
        const index =;
        // console.log(index);

More details can be found in here


Prop Type Required Default Description
tab-titles Array Y [] Tab list config
title-type String N icon type icon/text/iconFont (*1)
tab-styles Array N [] bottom Tab config
is-tab-view Boolean N true if set false,add tab-titles config with url can be jumped out
title-use-slot Boolean N false configure title using slot (*2)
duration Number N 300 page slider time of animation
timing-function String N - page slider function of animation
wrap-bg-color String N #F2F3F4 page background color
support-x-bar Boolean Y true if set false,the iPhone X Bar will not go into effect

*1: Using iconFont

  • After Weex Ui version about 0.3.8, we can use iconFont to represent our title image, you can use like this:
 // '&#xe608;' -> '\ue608'
  tabIconFontTitles: [
      title: 'Home',
      codePoint: '\ue608'
      title: 'Message',
      codePoint: '\ue752',
      badge: 5
   // .... more
  tabIconFontStyles: {
      bgColor: '#FFFFFF',
      titleColor: '#666666',
      activeTitleColor: '#3D3D3D',
      activeBgColor: '#FFFFFF',
      isActiveTitleBold: true,
      width: 160,
      height: 120,
      fontSize: 24,
      textPaddingLeft: 10,
      textPaddingRight: 10,
      iconFontSize: 50,
      iconFontColor: '#333333',
      iconFontMarginBottom: 8,
      activeIconFontColor: 'red',
      iconFontUrl: '//'

*2:Manually setting the title show

  • When configuring head navigation in the way of slot, we need to make sure that the original simple configuration is no longer able to meet the existing needs, and can be used to import param:title-use-slot="true", At the same time, the following slot corresponding nodes are introduced into the wxc-tab-bar component
  • It can be generated by traversing the way and determining the current selection page according to wxcTabBarCurrentTabSelected, and you need manage the color.
<div slot="tab-title-0"><text>111</text></div>
<div slot="tab-title-1"><text>222</text></div>
<div slot="tab-title-2"><text>333</text></div>

Manually setting the page

// <wxc-tab-bar ref="wxc-tab-bar">
// set the third page

// set the third page with no animation


// @wxcTabBarCurrentTabSelected="wxcTabBarCurrentTabSelected"
// will return the selected index