Contributing to TextCL is easy. First, clone this repository and cd
into the project's folder:
git clone
cd textcl
Then create a virtual development environment to test and experiment with the package:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .
The pytest, pytest-cov and pdoc3 packages are required for testing TextCL and generating its documentation:
pip install pytest pytest-cov pdoc3
Running the unit tests can be done with the following command from the project's root folder:
To check test coverage, execute the following command:
pytest --cov=textcl --cov-report=html
Project documentation can be generated with pdoc3. For example, running the following command in the project's root folder generates the HTML documentation and places it in the docs
pdoc3 --html --output-dir docs textcl/