1.8.3 (03-02-2019)
- Improvement in sanitizers
- `markAs` events support for showing conditional error messages.
1.8.2 (02-22-2019)
- controlsError clear once the FormControl is valid.(#129)
- Conditional error message hide during initialization as per rule.(#128)
- New sanitizers added(#136 #101 #107 #100 #102)
- Message key for custom messages(#132)
- Logical validators and decorators(#131)
- `patchModelValue` method in RxFormBuilder( (#130)
1.8.1 (02-18-2019)
- Handle numeric value while converting into decimal format.
1.8.0 (02-17-2019)
- date, minDate and maxDate validation support date object(#127)
- Currency format corrections(#123 )
- Currency format not working with decorator based validation (#122)
- `this` keyword support in decorator based validation(#120)
- @disable() decorator added to disable the FormControl conditionally(#124)
- @error() decorator added to bind the error message condtionally(#125)
- date, minDate and maxDate validation support ISO date and work without ReactiveFormConfig (#126)
- locale with decimal format transformation of numeric value.
1.7.0 (02-10-2019)
- Decorator based template driven validation (#94)
- Non array value validation in noneOf validator (#116)
- Greater than support in min and max date validation(#119)
1.6.0 (02-04-2019)
- required validation pass with the value of `false` (#111)
- Binds the errorMessage property during initialization, if the FormControl is invalid(#109)
- FormData object based on FormGroup value (#90)
- Store the value of FileList object in FormControl(#104)
- Enhancement in @prop decorator (#112)
- date validation decorator, validator and template driven (#113)