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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 16, 2022. It is now read-only.

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base repository: allenai/allennlp
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v2.7.0
Choose a base ref
head repository: allenai/allennlp
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: main
Choose a head ref
Showing with 5,790 additions and 5,351 deletions.
  1. +0 −13 .github/dependabot.yml
  2. +22 −0 .github/workflows/cffconvert.yml
  3. +109 −115 .github/workflows/ci.yml
  4. +4 −4 .github/workflows/issues.yml
  5. +129 −29
  6. +2 −2 CITATION.cff
  7. +1 −2
  8. +10 −5 Dockerfile
  9. +4 −4 Dockerfile.test
  10. +26 −9 Makefile
  11. +50 −10
  12. +0 −7 allennlp/
  13. +0 −7 allennlp/
  14. +3 −5 allennlp/commands/
  15. +204 −0 allennlp/commands/
  16. +0 −2 allennlp/commands/
  17. +0 −2 allennlp/commands/
  18. +31 −189 allennlp/commands/
  19. +0 −2 allennlp/commands/
  20. +1 −2 allennlp/commands/
  21. +219 −50 allennlp/commands/
  22. +1 −3 allennlp/commands/
  23. +2 −5 allennlp/commands/
  24. +0 −2 allennlp/commands/
  25. +95 −0 allennlp/commands/
  26. +1 −3 allennlp/commands/
  27. +0 −160 allennlp/commands/
  28. +1 −2 allennlp/commands/
  29. +6 −2 allennlp/commands/
  30. +1 −0 allennlp/common/
  31. +71 −5 allennlp/common/
  32. +2 −14 allennlp/common/
  33. +0 −105 allennlp/common/
  34. +50 −728 allennlp/common/
  35. +2 −53 allennlp/common/
  36. +3 −3 allennlp/common/
  37. +56 −78 allennlp/common/
  38. +180 −0 allennlp/common/
  39. +86 −1 allennlp/common/
  40. +0 −104 allennlp/common/
  41. +16 −3 allennlp/common/testing/
  42. +16 −2 allennlp/common/
  43. +6 −8 allennlp/confidence_checks/task_checklists/
  44. +10 −12 allennlp/confidence_checks/task_checklists/
  45. +7 −1 allennlp/confidence_checks/task_checklists/
  46. +384 −13 allennlp/confidence_checks/task_checklists/
  47. +6 −1 allennlp/data/data_loaders/
  48. +1 −6 allennlp/data/data_loaders/
  49. +1 −6 allennlp/data/data_loaders/
  50. +1 −5 allennlp/data/data_loaders/
  51. +3 −6 allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
  52. +0 −3 allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
  53. +0 −6 allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
  54. +0 −4 allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
  55. +0 −4 allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
  56. +3 −6 allennlp/data/dataset_readers/
  57. +1 −7 allennlp/data/fields/
  58. +0 −6 allennlp/data/fields/
  59. +1 −5 allennlp/data/fields/
  60. +1 −7 allennlp/data/fields/
  61. +0 −9 allennlp/data/fields/
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  64. +1 −6 allennlp/data/fields/
  65. +1 −7 allennlp/data/fields/
  66. +1 −5 allennlp/data/fields/
  67. +1 −5 allennlp/data/fields/
  68. +1 −10 allennlp/data/fields/
  69. +1 −5 allennlp/data/fields/
  70. +1 −2 allennlp/data/
  71. +1 −5 allennlp/data/token_indexers/
  72. +0 −6 allennlp/data/token_indexers/
  73. +1 −5 allennlp/data/token_indexers/
  74. +0 −5 allennlp/data/token_indexers/
  75. +1 −4 allennlp/data/token_indexers/
  76. +4 −6 allennlp/data/token_indexers/
  77. +10 −3 allennlp/data/tokenizers/
  78. +0 −2 allennlp/data/tokenizers/
  79. +28 −10 allennlp/data/tokenizers/
  80. +9 −5 allennlp/data/tokenizers/
  81. +24 −5 allennlp/data/tokenizers/
  82. +4 −3 allennlp/data/tokenizers/
  83. +22 −10 allennlp/data/
  84. +2 −0 allennlp/evaluation/
  85. +241 −0 allennlp/evaluation/
  86. 0 {tests/tango → allennlp/evaluation/postprocessors}/
  87. +1 −0 allennlp/evaluation/serializers/
  88. +106 −0 allennlp/evaluation/serializers/
  89. +2 −13 allennlp/fairness/
  90. +1 −0 allennlp/fairness/
  91. +6 −10 allennlp/fairness/
  92. +1 −13 allennlp/fairness/
  93. +136 −60 allennlp/fairness/
  94. +1 −2 allennlp/interpret/influence_interpreters/
  95. +2 −2 allennlp/interpret/saliency_interpreters/
  96. +1 −2 allennlp/models/
  97. +1 −2 allennlp/models/heads/
  98. +1 −3 allennlp/models/
  99. +3 −6 allennlp/models/
  100. +0 −2 allennlp/modules/attention/
  101. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/attention/
  102. +0 −2 allennlp/modules/attention/
  103. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/attention/
  104. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/attention/
  105. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/attention/
  106. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/attention/
  107. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/backbones/
  108. +3 −4 allennlp/modules/backbones/
  109. +13 −0 allennlp/modules/conditional_random_field/
  110. +45 −14 allennlp/modules/{ → conditional_random_field}/
  111. +91 −0 allennlp/modules/conditional_random_field/
  112. +232 −0 allennlp/modules/conditional_random_field/
  113. +97 −0 allennlp/modules/conditional_random_field/
  114. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/
  115. +0 −2 allennlp/modules/
  116. +0 −2 allennlp/modules/matrix_attention/
  117. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/matrix_attention/
  118. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/matrix_attention/
  119. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/matrix_attention/
  120. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/matrix_attention/
  121. +0 −5 allennlp/modules/seq2seq_encoders/
  122. +1 −5 allennlp/modules/seq2seq_encoders/
  123. +0 −5 allennlp/modules/seq2seq_encoders/
  124. +0 −5 allennlp/modules/seq2seq_encoders/
  125. +1 −5 allennlp/modules/seq2seq_encoders/
  126. +0 −3 allennlp/modules/seq2vec_encoders/
  127. +0 −4 allennlp/modules/seq2vec_encoders/
  128. +0 −5 allennlp/modules/seq2vec_encoders/
  129. +1 −3 allennlp/modules/seq2vec_encoders/
  130. +4 −3 allennlp/modules/seq2vec_encoders/
  131. +1 −0 allennlp/modules/span_extractors/
  132. +131 −0 allennlp/modules/span_extractors/
  133. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/span_extractors/
  134. +1 −3 allennlp/modules/span_extractors/
  135. +1 −1 allennlp/modules/
  136. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/text_field_embedders/
  137. +1 −2 allennlp/modules/
  138. +2 −4 allennlp/modules/token_embedders/
  139. +14 −8 allennlp/modules/token_embedders/
  140. +7 −3 allennlp/modules/token_embedders/
  141. +4 −4 allennlp/modules/transformer/
  142. +3 −3 allennlp/modules/transformer/
  143. +81 −12 allennlp/modules/transformer/
  144. +2 −14 allennlp/nn/
  145. +5 −3 allennlp/nn/checkpoint/
  146. +2 −20 allennlp/nn/checkpoint/
  147. +1 −2 allennlp/nn/
  148. +1 −2 allennlp/nn/
  149. +1 −2 allennlp/nn/parallel/
  150. +1 −9 allennlp/nn/parallel/
  151. +9 −6 allennlp/nn/
  152. +0 −4 allennlp/predictors/
  153. +1 −3 allennlp/predictors/
  154. +1 −3 allennlp/predictors/
  155. +0 −20 allennlp/tango/
  156. +0 −208 allennlp/tango/
  157. +0 −142 allennlp/tango/
  158. +0 −126 allennlp/tango/
  159. +0 −340 allennlp/tango/
  160. +0 −21 allennlp/tango/
  161. +0 −156 allennlp/tango/
  162. +0 −45 allennlp/tango/
  163. +0 −751 allennlp/tango/
  164. +0 −63 allennlp/tango/
  165. +0 −175 allennlp/tango/
  166. +1 −1 allennlp/tools/
  167. +1 −0 allennlp/training/callbacks/
  168. +60 −0 allennlp/training/callbacks/
  169. +1 −4 allennlp/training/callbacks/
  170. +1 −5 allennlp/training/callbacks/
  171. +34 −8 allennlp/training/
  172. +1 −6 allennlp/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  173. +3 −4 allennlp/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  174. +1 −6 allennlp/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  175. +0 −2 allennlp/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  176. +0 −4 allennlp/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  177. +2 −3 allennlp/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  178. +1 −0 allennlp/training/metrics/
  179. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  180. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  181. +0 −5 allennlp/training/metrics/
  182. +5 −5 allennlp/training/metrics/
  183. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  184. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  185. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  186. +3 −6 allennlp/training/metrics/
  187. +1 −4 allennlp/training/metrics/
  188. +3 −7 allennlp/training/metrics/
  189. +6 −7 allennlp/training/metrics/
  190. +154 −0 allennlp/training/metrics/
  191. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  192. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  193. +0 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  194. +5 −5 allennlp/training/metrics/
  195. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  196. +1 −3 allennlp/training/metrics/
  197. +1 −2 allennlp/training/metrics/
  198. +3 −4 allennlp/training/
  199. +1 −5 allennlp/training/
  200. +2 −2 allennlp/
  201. +24 −0 constraints.txt
  202. +22 −17 dev-requirements.txt
  203. +3 −0
  204. +49 −0 requirements.txt
  205. +1 −1 scripts/ai2_internal/
  206. +5 −5 scripts/
  207. +62 −65 scripts/
  208. +24 −12 scripts/tests/py2md/
  209. +53 −35
  210. +0 −1 test_fixtures/basic_classifier/common.jsonnet
  211. BIN test_fixtures/embeddings/{fake_embeddings.5d.txt.lzma → fake_embeddings.5d.txt.xz}
  212. +0 −3 test_fixtures/plugins/d/
  213. BIN test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/
  214. +48 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/config.json
  215. +1 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/meta.json
  216. +16 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/metrics.json
  217. +16 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/metrics_epoch_0.json
  218. BIN test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/model.tar.gz
  219. BIN test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/
  220. +235 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/out.log
  221. BIN test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/
  222. 0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/vocabulary/.lock
  223. +2 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/vocabulary/labels.txt
  224. +2 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/vocabulary/non_padded_namespaces.txt
  225. +9 −0 test_fixtures/simple_tagger/serialization_full/vocabulary/tokens.txt
  226. +0 −58 test_fixtures/tango/train_tagger.jsonnet
  227. +0 −68 test_fixtures/tango/train_tagger_complicated.jsonnet
  228. BIN test_fixtures/utf-8_sample/archives/{utf-8.tar.lzma → utf-8.tar.xz}
  229. +7 −1 tests/commands/
  230. +94 −37 tests/commands/
  231. +1 −2 tests/commands/
  232. +0 −56 tests/commands/
  233. +98 −5 tests/common/
  234. +0 −57 tests/common/
  235. +14 −133 tests/common/
  236. +30 −56 tests/common/
  237. +0 −3 tests/common/
  238. +146 −0 tests/common/
  239. +66 −3 tests/common/
  240. +0 −25 tests/common/
  241. +2 −0 tests/data/
  242. +13 −0 tests/data/tokenizers/
  243. +33 −0 tests/data/tokenizers/
  244. +10 −0 tests/data/tokenizers/
  245. +17 −0 tests/data/tokenizers/
  246. +1 −1 tests/data/
  247. 0 tests/evaluation/
  248. +64 −0 tests/evaluation/
  249. 0 tests/evaluation/serializers/
  250. +76 −0 tests/evaluation/serializers/
  251. +4 −4 tests/fairness/
  252. +5 −5 tests/fairness/
  253. +11 −0 tests/fairness/
  254. +84 −0 tests/models/
  255. +137 −1 tests/modules/
  256. +1 −1 tests/modules/
  257. +1 −5 tests/modules/seq2seq_encoders/
  258. +184 −0 tests/modules/span_extractors/
  259. +1 −3 tests/modules/
  260. +1 −1 tests/modules/token_embedders/
  261. +14 −0 tests/modules/transformer/
  262. +1 −5 tests/modules/transformer/
  263. +3 −3 tests/nn/
  264. +0 −224 tests/tango/
  265. +2 −2 tests/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  266. +2 −2 tests/training/learning_rate_schedulers/
  267. +22 −0 tests/training/metrics/
  268. +504 −0 tests/training/metrics/
  269. +1 −1 tests/training/metrics/
  270. +2 −2 tests/training/
  271. +50 −0 tests/training/
13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions .github/dependabot.yml

This file was deleted.

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/cffconvert.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
name: cffconvert


name: "validate"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out a copy of the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3

- name: Check whether the citation metadata from CITATION.cff is valid
uses: citation-file-format/cffconvert-github-action@2.0.0
args: "--validate"