A GameBoy emulator developed by me.
The main goal of this project is to be able to play Pokemon on my own emulator.
- Rom (No MBC controller)
- MBC1
- MBC3
- MBC5
More will be added if neccessary (and by neccessary I mean if games I want to play will require them)
Install cargo-make
cargo install cargo-make
verify you have docker or podman installed
cargo make sdl
or with more configuration options:
cargo build --release --package magenboy_sdl --features [optional_features]
- Enable debuggerstatic-sdl
- will link statically to sdl2, On by default
Note to turn off on by default features pass
when building
Joypad | Keyboard |
A | X |
B | Z |
Start | S |
Select | A |
Dpad Up | Up arrow |
Dpad Down | Down arrow |
Dpad Left | Left arrow |
Dpad Right | Right arrow |
Edit the relevant settings in configuration.rs
install arm-none-eabi-gcc
and then run:
cargo make -e [rpi_revision] rpibm
This command will do the folowing:
- Install the rust source to compile for toolchain
rustup +nightly component add rust-src
Unfurtuantly armv7a-none-eabihf
is a tier3 target for the Rust compiler so building for it requires the nightly toolchain - source
Notice We install the
target and not thearmv7a-none-eabi
target, as the later doesn't have support for hardware floats.
- Install Cargo Binutils:
cargo install cargo-binutils
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
- Builds the image
See - LibretroDocs
magenboy [path_to_rom] [other_optional_flags]
See - RealMagenBoy
- Saves the audio to a file--full-screen
- Full screen mode--no-vsync
- Disable vsync--bootrom [path to bootrom file]
- Specify the path for a bootrom (If not specified the emualtor will look fordmg_boot.bin
at the cwd)--rom-menu [path to roms folder]
- Opens an interactive dialog uopn start to choose the rom from the folder Choose a game with the Joypad bindings (Dpad and A to confirm)--mode [mahcine mode]
- Override the auto machine detection for the game (mode can be:CGB
- Gameboy color |DMG
- Original Gameboy |ANY
- default)--shutdown-rpi
- Requiresrpi
feature, shutdown the RPi upon shutdown of the program
Currently only Raspberry Pi 4 is supported using the following instructions:
- Format a sd card and make a single
partition calledboot
- Copy the file
to the root dir of the sd card - Copy the following files from the Raspberry Pi firmware repo onto the SD card:
- Copy
onto the SD card - Connect all the peripherals (ili9341 display and gpio buttons)
- Insert the SD card to the RPI4 and boot it
Note: Should it not work on your RPi4, try renaming start4.elf
to start.elf
(without the 4)
on the SD card.
Currently Qemu doesn't support RPI4 in 32 bit mode, so in order to test it I added support for RPI2 mapping.
To change to RPI2 mode build with the rpi2
feature and not the default rpi4
running with qemu:
qemu-system-arm.exe -M raspi2b -serial null -serial mon:stdio -kernel path_to_elf
Note Qemu takes the path to the elf generated by cargo not the image generated by binutils the UART output will be written to the console.
I think that not all the peripherals I use are implemented in QEMU so I used this mainly to debug boot and CPU initialization problems
- CPU - Cycle accurate CPU
- PPU - Cycle accurate fifo PPU
- Timer - Mostly accurate timer
- APU - mostly accurate APU
- Tests
- Blargg's cpu_instrs
- dmg-acid2
- TurtleTests
- CPU cycle accurate
- mooneye-test-suite
- acceptance/ppu/intr_2_0_timing
- acceptance/ppu/intr_2_mode0_timing
- acceptance/ppu/intr_2_mode3_timing
- acceptance/ppu/intr_2_oam_ok_timing
- APU passes some of blargs dmg_sound tests
- Timer passes most of mooneye-test-suite
- Pokemon Red
- Tetris
- Super Mario World
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- CPU - Full support
- PPU - Kinds of works
- Tests
- Pokemon Yellow
- Tetris DX
- The Pandocs
- gbops
- The GameBoy Programming Manual
- gbdev gameboy sound hardware
- Hactix's awsome blog post
- Nightshade's awsome blog post
- The Ultimate GameBoy Talk
- Nitty gritty Gameboy timing
- mgba gbdoc