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DMC (diagram model counter)

DMC computes exact literal-weighted model counts of formulas in conjunctive normal form using algebraic decision diagrams

Installation (Linux)



With Singularity 3.5 (slow)

sudo make dmc.sif

Without Singularity (quick)

make dmc


If you use Singularity, then replace ./dmc --cf=$cnfFile with singularity run --bind="/:/host" ./dmc.sif --cf=/host$(realpath $cnfFile) in the following commands.

Showing command-line options




Diagram Model Counter (reads join tree from stdin)
  dmc [OPTION...]

      --cf arg  cnf file path; string (REQUIRED)
      --wc arg  weighted counting: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
      --pc arg  projected counting: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
      --pw arg  planner wait duration (in seconds), or 0 for first join tree only; float (default: 0)
      --dp arg  diagram package: c/CUDD, s/SYLVAN; string (default: c)
      --tc arg  thread count, or 0 for hardware_concurrency value; int (default: 1)
      --ts arg  thread slice count [with dp_arg = c]; int (default: 1)
      --rs arg  random seed; int (default: 0)
      --dv arg  diagram var order: 0/RANDOM, 1/DECLARED, 2/MOST_CLAUSES, 3/MINFILL, 4/MCS, 5/LEXP,
                6/LEXM (negative for inverse order); int (default: 4)
      --sv arg  slice var order [with dp_arg = c]: 0/RANDOM, 1/DECLARED, 2/MOST_CLAUSES, 3/MINFILL,
                4/MCS, 5/LEXP, 6/LEXM, 7/BIGGEST_NODE, 8/HIGHEST_NODE (negative for inverse order); int
                (default: 7)
      --ms arg  mem sensitivity (in MB) for reporting usage [with dp_arg = c]; float (default: 1e3)
      --mm arg  max mem (in MB) for unique table and cache table combined; float (default: 4e3)
      --tr arg  table ratio [with dp_arg = s]: log2(unique_size/cache_size); int (default: 1)
      --ir arg  init ratio for tables [with dp_arg = s]: log2(max_size/init_size); int (default: 10)
      --mp arg  multiple precision [with dp_arg = s]: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
      --lc arg  log counting [with dp_arg = c]: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
      --jp arg  join priority: a/ARBITRARY_PAIR, b/BIGGEST_PAIR, s/SMALLEST_PAIR; string (default: s)
      --vc arg  verbose cnf: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 0)
      --vj arg  verbose join tree: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 0)
      --vp arg  verbose profiling: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 0)
      --vs arg  verbose solving: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 1)

Computing weighted projected model count given cnf file and join tree from jt file


./dmc --cf=../examples/phi.wpcnf --wc=1 --pc=1 <../examples/phi.jt


c processing command-line options...
c cnfFile                     ../examples/phi.wpcnf
c weightedCounting            1
c projectedCounting           1
c planningStrategy            FIRST_JOIN_TREE
c diagramPackage              CUDD
c threadCount                 1
c threadSliceCount            1
c randomSeed                  0
c diagramVarOrder             MCS
c sliceVarOrder               BIGGEST_NODE
c memSensitivityMegabytes     1000
c maxMemMegabytes             4000
c logCounting                 0
c joinPriority                SMALLEST_PAIR

c processing cnf formula...

c procressing join tree...
c getting join tree from stdin (end input with 'enter' then 'ctrl d')
c processed join tree ending on line 28
c joinTreeWidth               2
c plannerSeconds              -inf
c getting join tree from stdin: done

c computing output...
c diagramVarSeconds           0
c thread slice counts: { 1 }
c sliceWidth                  2
c threadMaxMemMegabytes       4000
c thread    1/1 | assignment    1/1: {  }
c thread    1/1 | assignment    1/1 | seconds 0.044      | mc 0.4            
c apparentSolution            0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c s type pmc
c s log10-estimate -0.39794
c s exact double prec-sci 0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c seconds                     0.047

Computing weighted projected model count given cnf file and join tree from planner


cnfFile="../examples/phi.wpcnf" && ../lg/lg.sif "/solvers/flow-cutter-pace17/flow_cutter_pace17 -p 100" <$cnfFile | ./dmc --cf=$cnfFile --wc=1 --pc=1


c processing command-line options...
c cnfFile                     ../examples/phi.wpcnf
c weightedCounting            1
c projectedCounting           1
c planningStrategy            FIRST_JOIN_TREE
c diagramPackage              CUDD
c threadCount                 1
c threadSliceCount            1
c randomSeed                  0
c diagramVarOrder             MCS
c sliceVarOrder               BIGGEST_NODE
c memSensitivityMegabytes     1000
c maxMemMegabytes             4000
c logCounting                 0
c joinPriority                SMALLEST_PAIR

c processing cnf formula...

c procressing join tree...
c getting join tree from stdin (end input with 'enter' then 'ctrl d')
c processed join tree ending on line 11
c joinTreeWidth               2
c plannerSeconds              0.0114944
c killed planner process with pid 271154
c getting join tree from stdin: done

c computing output...
c diagramVarSeconds           0
c thread slice counts: { 1 }
c sliceWidth                  2
c threadMaxMemMegabytes       4000
c thread    1/1 | assignment    1/1: {  }
c thread    1/1 | assignment    1/1 | seconds 0.017      | mc 0.4            
c apparentSolution            0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c s type pmc
c s log10-estimate -0.39794
c s exact double prec-sci 0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c seconds                     0.133