DMC computes exact literal-weighted model counts of formulas in conjunctive normal form using algebraic decision diagrams
- Developer: Vu Phan
- automake 1.16
- cmake 3.16
- g++ 9.3
- gmp 6.2
- make 4.2
- already included as git submodules:
sudo make dmc.sif
make dmc
If you use Singularity, then replace ./dmc --cf=$cnfFile
with singularity run --bind="/:/host" ./dmc.sif --cf=/host$(realpath $cnfFile)
in the following commands.
Diagram Model Counter (reads join tree from stdin)
dmc [OPTION...]
--cf arg cnf file path; string (REQUIRED)
--wc arg weighted counting: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
--pc arg projected counting: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
--pw arg planner wait duration (in seconds), or 0 for first join tree only; float (default: 0)
--dp arg diagram package: c/CUDD, s/SYLVAN; string (default: c)
--tc arg thread count, or 0 for hardware_concurrency value; int (default: 1)
--ts arg thread slice count [with dp_arg = c]; int (default: 1)
--rs arg random seed; int (default: 0)
--dv arg diagram var order: 0/RANDOM, 1/DECLARED, 2/MOST_CLAUSES, 3/MINFILL, 4/MCS, 5/LEXP,
6/LEXM (negative for inverse order); int (default: 4)
--sv arg slice var order [with dp_arg = c]: 0/RANDOM, 1/DECLARED, 2/MOST_CLAUSES, 3/MINFILL,
4/MCS, 5/LEXP, 6/LEXM, 7/BIGGEST_NODE, 8/HIGHEST_NODE (negative for inverse order); int
(default: 7)
--ms arg mem sensitivity (in MB) for reporting usage [with dp_arg = c]; float (default: 1e3)
--mm arg max mem (in MB) for unique table and cache table combined; float (default: 4e3)
--tr arg table ratio [with dp_arg = s]: log2(unique_size/cache_size); int (default: 1)
--ir arg init ratio for tables [with dp_arg = s]: log2(max_size/init_size); int (default: 10)
--mp arg multiple precision [with dp_arg = s]: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
--lc arg log counting [with dp_arg = c]: 0, 1; int (default: 0)
--jp arg join priority: a/ARBITRARY_PAIR, b/BIGGEST_PAIR, s/SMALLEST_PAIR; string (default: s)
--vc arg verbose cnf: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 0)
--vj arg verbose join tree: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 0)
--vp arg verbose profiling: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 0)
--vs arg verbose solving: 0, 1, 2; int (default: 1)
./dmc --cf=../examples/phi.wpcnf --wc=1 --pc=1 <../examples/phi.jt
c processing command-line options...
c cnfFile ../examples/phi.wpcnf
c weightedCounting 1
c projectedCounting 1
c planningStrategy FIRST_JOIN_TREE
c diagramPackage CUDD
c threadCount 1
c threadSliceCount 1
c randomSeed 0
c diagramVarOrder MCS
c sliceVarOrder BIGGEST_NODE
c memSensitivityMegabytes 1000
c maxMemMegabytes 4000
c logCounting 0
c joinPriority SMALLEST_PAIR
c processing cnf formula...
c procressing join tree...
c getting join tree from stdin (end input with 'enter' then 'ctrl d')
c processed join tree ending on line 28
c joinTreeWidth 2
c plannerSeconds -inf
c getting join tree from stdin: done
c computing output...
c diagramVarSeconds 0
c thread slice counts: { 1 }
c sliceWidth 2
c threadMaxMemMegabytes 4000
c thread 1/1 | assignment 1/1: { }
c thread 1/1 | assignment 1/1 | seconds 0.044 | mc 0.4
c apparentSolution 0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c s type pmc
c s log10-estimate -0.39794
c s exact double prec-sci 0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c seconds 0.047
cnfFile="../examples/phi.wpcnf" && ../lg/lg.sif "/solvers/flow-cutter-pace17/flow_cutter_pace17 -p 100" <$cnfFile | ./dmc --cf=$cnfFile --wc=1 --pc=1
c processing command-line options...
c cnfFile ../examples/phi.wpcnf
c weightedCounting 1
c projectedCounting 1
c planningStrategy FIRST_JOIN_TREE
c diagramPackage CUDD
c threadCount 1
c threadSliceCount 1
c randomSeed 0
c diagramVarOrder MCS
c sliceVarOrder BIGGEST_NODE
c memSensitivityMegabytes 1000
c maxMemMegabytes 4000
c logCounting 0
c joinPriority SMALLEST_PAIR
c processing cnf formula...
c procressing join tree...
c getting join tree from stdin (end input with 'enter' then 'ctrl d')
c processed join tree ending on line 11
c joinTreeWidth 2
c plannerSeconds 0.0114944
c killed planner process with pid 271154
c getting join tree from stdin: done
c computing output...
c diagramVarSeconds 0
c thread slice counts: { 1 }
c sliceWidth 2
c threadMaxMemMegabytes 4000
c thread 1/1 | assignment 1/1: { }
c thread 1/1 | assignment 1/1 | seconds 0.017 | mc 0.4
c apparentSolution 0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c s type pmc
c s log10-estimate -0.39794
c s exact double prec-sci 0.4
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
c seconds 0.133