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Mick A edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 3 revisions


Custom functions that don't use the traditional Steam Web API stuff. As such, they are likely to change in functionality at some point in the future. For now these are safe to use in production, but be warned!

Method Description
GetGroupInfo Retrieve detailed information about a community group.


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Does NOT require an API Key! Yay!

Retrieve detailed information about a community group. Like player summaries but for groups!


getGroupInfo(id[, type])


id required

Type: String

Group 64-bit ID, short ID, or vanity url name. The 64-bit ID is used in just about all places on the Steam site, the vanity name only appears as the URL, and the short ID is only visible to group admins and through the GetUserGroupList API. All of these work just the same, however you should favor the 64-bit ID over the short ID and name when you can.


Type: String
Default: gid

Type of ID for the group, supported values are gid and group. Use gid for the number IDs, and group for the vanity url name.


String gid
Full group ID number. Fun trivia, Steam seems to only use the last 32 bits internally. Check out the hexadecimal format of any gid!

String name
Unique group name, locked on group creation. This is NOT THE VANITY URL, and as such DOES NOT WORK FOR GETTING GROUP INFO.

String vanityName
The unique group url name, can be changed at any time by group admins

String summary
HTML code for the group description, since this comes from Steam it is safe to be rendered right on your own web pages, however keep in mind that all links are redirected to the Steam link filter

Integer members
Total number of members in the group, slightly smaller than the true number due to private accounts not being included in this count

Integer membersReal
True number of members in the group, although the regular members count is more accurate because it doesn't include all the private profiles

Integer membersOnline
Number of members currently online

Integer membersGame
Number of members playing a game

Integer membersChat
Number of members in the group chat room

Object logo
Holds the various urls for the group logo sizes

String small
URL for the 32x32 logo

String medium
URL for the 64x64 logo

String large
URL for the 184x184 logo


const api = require('steam-js-api')

api.getGroupInfo('103582791435315066').then(result => {

This would display an object that looks like this one:

    "gid": "103582791435315066",
    "name": "DINOSOWER1337",
    "vanityName": "DINOSOWEROfficial",
    "summary": "Welcome to the group anyone can wear the tag! not like I can stop em :)<br><br>There's only two types of players in dinosower. Cheaters and people who arent better than me.",
    "members": 415842,
    "membersReal": 453019,
    "membersOnline": 24858,
    "membersGame": 2695,
    "membersChat": 429,
    "logo": {
        "small": "",
        "medium": "",
        "large": ""