This tool is used to analyze IOTA tangle.
parsing transaction files exported from IRI, iota-ctps calculates a wide set of metrics.
git clone ...
cd iota-ctps
sudo python install
you may also need to run:
sudo pip install pyota
if you are missing ffi
run - sudo apt-get install libffi libffi-dev
historical & current data is accumulated:
'Total Tx.',
'Confirmed Tx.',
'Conf. rate',
'Tangle width',
'avg. confirmation time',
'all-time avg. TPS',
'all-time avg. CTPS',
'max TPS',
'max CTPS'
Tangle width can be plotted, together with confirmed transactions.
milestone: # confirmed: * unconfirmed_non_tips: = unconfirmed_tips: +
35729 1 =
35728 12 ===========+
35727 8 =======+
35726 8 ======++
35725 8 ========
35724 11 =========++
35723 15 ===========++++
35722 19 ==================+
35721 19 **==============+++
35720 19 **================+
35719 26 [#75669 / 1497782545] #***=====================+
35718 20 *****=============++
35717 28 [#75668 / 1497782498] #**********==============+++
35716 23 ***************========
35715 23 [#75667 / 1497782430] #***************=======
35714 27 **********************==+++
35713 28 [#75666 / 1497782376] #***********************++++
35712 27 ************************+++
35711 21 [#75665 / 1497782310] #******************++
35710 19 ******************+
35709 27 [#75664 / 1497782256] #*********************+++++
Usage: [-e DIR] [-i INTERVAL] [options]
-h --help show this help message and exit
--version show version and exit
--testnet sets Coordinator address to testnet Coo
-e DIR --export_folder=DIR export folder
-i INTERVAL --interval=INTERVAL sampling interval [default: 30]
--auth_key=AUTH_KEY authentication key for url api endpoint
--url=URL url api endpoint
--slack_key=SLACK_KEY slack token
--width calculate & plot width histogram
--poisson calculate & plot confirmation time distribution
--prune prune confirmed transactions