Currently detailed guides live at urls like:
This can cause problems because editors are able to create documents and claim high-profile slugs which shouldn't really be used for guidance
Instead they should be published as[thing]
Note that currently manuals are also published under /guidance
so we will need to check using url arbiter or equivalent to ensure the path can be claimed.
Ensuring new detailed guides are served under guidance/
in Whitehall, adding 'guidance/' in front of the detailed_guides#show route in routes.rb. However keeping the old route live to cover deploy time (to be removed 30mn+ after deploy). It will be the same as the current route, without 'as:detailed_guides'.
- in Whitehall, update the presenterfor sending the paths to panopticon to reflect the changes in the paths
- In Panopticon, we might also need to update the slug validation code as it may not accept detailed_guide artefacts with a
in the slug
NB: in the routes, /specialist/detailed-guide-slug redirects to root/detailed-guide-slug, so as another story we should make it redirect to /guidance/detailed-guide-slug directly.
NB: also, in govuk_content_models, we will need to disallow URLs at the root once the migration of old guides is complete
- Ensuring the existing detailed guides are served under guidance/
- Panopticon migration to reslug all detailed guides and avoid creating duplicates
We need to create a rake task to republish to publishing-api. There is already a PublishingApiRepublisher class in lib/data_hygiene that takes an edition scope (eg DetailedGuide.published) and republishes them - we would need to call that from the rake task.
In Whitehall, run the rummager::reset::detailed rake task to reindex the detailed guides in search.
In collections-publisher, run a data migration to update all api-urls for when detailed guidance is curated into topics
- Redirecting old paths of existing detailed guides
- Several options: 1. extract the URLs to a CSV and add them into router-data 2. in Whitehall, add a "was_previously_under_root" boolean attribute to the DetailedGuide model; for each detailed guide which has this attribute as true, push a redirect to the Publishing API 3. add redirects as a model so that a detailed guide has a redirects association, and the redirects are pushed to the Publishing API when a detailed guide is published.
Arrange the above steps in such a way that nothing breaks.