ROS2 Crystal Clemmys introduces support for the 3D Simulation and Visualization tool Gazebo 9.
Differences with the ROS1 version here
Install Gazebo More detailed instructions
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Test if Gazebo is working
$ gazebo
If you are installing ROS2 from debian packages, you can easily do the same for gazebo.
$ sudo apt install -y ros-crystal-vision-opencv ros-crystal-gazebo-ros-pkgs
On the other hand, if you are building from sources
Create a workspace for gazebo_ros_pkgs
$ mkdir -p ~/gazebo_ws/src
$ cd ~/gazebo_ws/src
$ git clone -b ros2
$ git clone -b ros2
$ git clone -b ros2
Install other dependencies
$ cd ..
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Build the workspace and source it
$ colcon build
$ source install/
Now everything should be ready. You can run a Gazebo world file, as the example provided in the gazebo plugins package
$ gazebo --verbose /opt/ros/crystal/share/gazebo_plugins/worlds/
Now you should be able to see the ROS2 topics used by this example
$ ros2 topic list
For example, to send a velocity command to the robot
$ ros2 topic pub /demo/cmd_demo geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: 1.0}}' -1
If you want to change the settings for this simulation example, just edit its related world file
$ gedit /opt/ros/crystal/share/gazebo_plugins/worlds/
[Err] [] EXCEPTION: Unable to start server[bind: Address already in use]. There is probably another Gazebo process running.
Kill all the gazebo-related processes:
$ pkill -9 gazebo
$ pkill -9 gzserver
$ pkill -9 gzclient