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🚀 CrudMaker


CrudMaker is intended to potentially save time and energy by automatically generating CRUD-endpoints for given entities. It has a tight coupling to OData, Entity Framework Core, AutoMapper and Fluentvalidation in order to achive rich queryablity, persistance, mapping entities to dto's and building business logic into operations by utilizing validators.

⚠️ This repository is in an experimental stage


This project is tightly coupled to

How about...

Can I use my own controllers alongside this library?

Yes, you can! If you'd like to use CrudMaker to generate crud operations for e.g. a Blog entity and also write your own controller for a Post entity with more complex business logic into it, that's totally fine.

CrudMaker doesn't include relations when getting data

That's easily fixed by implementing a custom repository (shown below)


When setting up a CRUD-operation (as below) with CrudMaker you'll get the following endpoints:

services.AddCrud<TestDbContext>(options =>
    options.Add<BlogDto, Blog>("/blogs");
  • GET /api/blogs Querying blogs by using OData, e.g.:

    • GET /api/blogs?$select=Property1, Property2$top=10$skip=10

    (This will ofcourse return a projection to the provided dto rather than the database entity to not expose sensitive data)

  • GET /api/blogs/{id} Gets Blog by id

  • POST /api/blogs with provided dto as parameter

  • PUT /api/blogs/{id} with provided dto as parameter

  • DELETE /api/blogs/{id}


For complete setup inspiration, please visit example/CrudMaker.TestHost.


Startup service collection configuration

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // An EF Core database context is required
    // AutoMapper is required


    // Endpoint routing is not supported due to OData configurations
    services.AddMvc(option => option.EnableEndpointRouting = false)
        // Fluent validation (aspnet core style) is recommended

    services.AddCrud<TestDbContext>(options =>
        // Adds CRUD endpoints for Post operations on /posts
        options.Add<PostDto, Post>("/posts");

        // Adds CRUD endpoints for Blog operations on /blogs
        // with custom repository.
        options.Add<BlogDto, Blog, BlogRepository>("/blogs");

Startup application builder configuration

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    // Add CrudMaker OData support
    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

Entities and dtos

Both entities and dtos needs to be implemented using the CrudMaker.IIdentity interface in order to identify entities

public class Blog : IIdentity
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

public class BlogDto : IIdentity
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

Custom repositories

Custom repositories is implemented by implementing the interface CrudMaker.Abstractions.IRepository<TEntity> and configured when configuring your service collection

services.AddCrud<TestDbContext>(options =>
    options.Add<BlogDto, Blog, BlogRepository>("/blogs");


Validation of incoming dto's for POST and PUT is achieved by implementing FluentValidation validators for the entities. This is not required but it's highly recommended.

public class BlogDtoValidator : AbstractValidator<BlogDto>
    public BlogDtoValidator()
        RuleFor(x => x.Property).NotEmpty();

Entity<->Dto mapping

Mapping is done using AutoMapper and thus need to be defined both ways in your auto mapper profile.

public class AutoMapperProfile : Profile
    public AutoMapperProfile()
        CreateMap<BlogDto, Blog>()


The MIT License