Team: Alexis Macaskill (alexism9) and Ivy Wang (fw29)
Graded By: John Feltrup (
Minimax (4/4)
✓ Passed depth2
✓ Passed depth3
ParallelMinimax (15/15)
✓ Passed depth2
✓ Passed depth3
✓ Passed depth4
AlphaBeta (9/9)
✓ Passed depth2
✓ Passed depth3
✓ Passed depth4
Jamboree (20/20)
✓ Passed depth2
✓ Passed depth3
✓ Passed depth4
✓ Passed depth5
Project Enjoyment
I'm glad you enjoyed working with parallel code!
Chess Server
Chess Game
Sequential Cut-Offs
Number of Processors
Why do you think the number of processors you found are the optimal number of processors for each algorithm?
Comparing the Algorithms
You are missing a graph to plot your results.
Beating Traffic
Above and Beyond
(EX: 0)