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$\mathcal{T}$-similarity (AISTATS'24)

This repository contains the official implementation of T-similarity, a novel confidence estimation measure robust to distribution shifts introduced in

Leveraging Ensemble Diversity for Robust Self-Training in the Presence of Sample Selection Bias.
Ambroise Odonnat, Vasilii Feofanov, Ievgen Redko.


We provide the implementation of the $\mathcal{T}$-similarity, a drop-in replacement of the softmax for confidence estimation under distribution shifts. This novel confidence measure is build upon a diverse ensemble of linear classifiers and corrects the softmax overconfidence while being calibrated. It can be used for confidence estimation and SSL methods using neural networks as backbones, e.g., self-training.

What is included?

We provide the following implementations.

Labeling procedure

Sample selection bias (SSB) occurs when data labeling is subject to constraints resulting in a distribution mismatch between labeled and unlabeled data. We illustrate below the two types of labeling considered in our paper:

  • IID: The usual uniform labeling that verifies the i.i.d. assumption;
  • SSB: Distribution shift between labeled and unlabeled data.

Learning with the $\mathcal{T}$-similarity

We provide the PyTorch implementation of the $\mathcal{T}$-similarity and the corresponding diversity loss. To combine prediction and confidence estimation, e.g., for self-training, we introduce the lightweight architecture shown below. In terms of implementation, it has the form of an sklearn base_estimator with fit, predict, and predict_proba methods and we add a predict_t_similarity method.

Key features

  • Backpropagation of the diversity loss only influences the ensemble, not the projection layers;
  • In practice, we use $M=5$ heads resulting in lightweight and fast training;
  • Compatible to any SSL methods using neural networks as backbones.


Please, make sure you have Python 3.8 or a newer version installed. To get started with the $\mathcal{T}$-similarity, you can install the library with pip:

pip install git+

If you want to contribute, you can clone the repository and install the packages as follows:

git clone
cd tsim
pip install -e .[dev]


We provide demos in notebooks/ to take in hand the implementation and reproduce the figures of the paper:

  • plot_intro_figure.ipynb: Overview of the method (Figure 1)
  • plot_sample_selection_bias.ipynb: Visualization of the sample selection bias (Figure 3)
  • plot_calibration.ipynb: $\mathcal{T}$-similarity corrects overconfidence of the softmax (Figure 6)

The code below (in demo.ipynb) gives an example of how to train the architecture introduced above:

import sys
from tsim.datasets.read_dataset import RealDataSet
from tsim.models.diverse_ensemble import DiverseEnsembleMLP

dataset_name = "mnist"
gamma = 1
n_classifiers = 5
seed = 0
nb_lab_samples_per_class = 10
test_size = 0.25
num_epochs = 5
n_iters = 100
selection_bias = True

# Data split
dataset = RealDataSet(dataset_name=dataset_name, seed=seed)

# Percentage of labeled data
num_classes = len(list(set(dataset.y)))
ratio = num_classes / ((1 - test_size) * len(dataset.y))
lab_size = nb_lab_samples_per_class * ratio

  # Split
  x_l, x_u, y_l, y_u, x_test, y_test, n_classes = dataset.get_split(
      test_size=test_size, lab_size=lab_size, selection_bias=selection_bias

  # Define base classifier
  base_classifier = DiverseEnsembleMLP(

  # Train, y_l, x_u)


This package consists of several key modules:

  • notebooks/: Contains the notebooks to reproduce the figures from the paper;
  • data/: Contains the datasets used in our experiments;
  • tsim/datasets: Contains the functions to load datasets and perform the labeling procedure;
  • tsim/models/: Contains all the functions to train diverse ensembles with the $\mathcal{T}$-similarity

Coming soon


The code is still in development and we will add the following components very soon:

  • Visualization of ECE for softmax and $\mathcal{T}$-similarity (Figure 5)
  • Self-training algorithms
  • Extended requirements.txt


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



If you use our code in your research, please cite:

  title = 	 { Leveraging Ensemble Diversity for Robust Self-Training in the Presence of Sample Selection Bias },
  author =       {Odonnat, Ambroise and Feofanov, Vasilii and Redko, Ievgen},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},
  publisher =    {PMLR},
  pdf = 	 {},
  url = 	 {},