This is a collection of instructions covering the processes that the Stackage curators - the guys who maintain the Stackage project itself - should be doing on a regular basis. Originally this was handled largely by Michael Snoyman, but now we are a team of 5 people handling requests weekly in rotation. Curation activities are mostly automated, and do not take up a significant amount of time.
This section sketches out at a high level how the entire Stackage build/curation process works:
- build-constraints.yaml specifies packages to be included in Stackage
- stackage-curator combines build-constraints.yaml with the current state of Hackage to create a build plan for a Stackage Nightly
- stackage-curator can check that build plan to ensure all version bounds are consistent
- The Travis job performs these two steps to provide immediate feedback on pull requests
- Docker Hub builds a Docker image for running builds
- The stackage-build server (described below) is able to run automated builds using the script
- When a new Nightly build is completed, it is uploaded to the nightly repo
- Once a week, we run an LTS minor bump. Instead of using build-constraints.yaml, that job takes the previous LTS release, turns it into constraints, and then bumps the version numbers to the latest on Hackage, in accordance with the version bounds in the build plan. This plans are uploaded to the LTS repo
- Cutting a new LTS major release is essentially just a Stackage Nightly that gets rebuilt and uploaded as an LTS
The typical story on pull requests is: If Travis accepts it and the author only added packages under his/her own name, merge it. If the build later fails (see Adding Debian packages), then block the package until it's fixed.
If benchmarks, haddocks, or test suites fails at this point we typically also block the package until these issues are fixed. This in order to add packages with a clean slate.
Optionally we can check if packdeps says the package is up to date. Visit
Builds may fail because of unrelated bounds changes. If this happens, first add any version bounds to get master into a passing state (see "Fixing bounds issues"), then re-run the travis build.
A common issue is that authors submit newly uploaded packages, it can take up to an hour before this has synced across the stack infrastructure. You can usually compare the versions of the package in to what's on hackage to see if this is the case. Wait an hour and re-run the pull request.
Tests also commonly fail due to missing test files, and sometimes due to doctest limitations. You can point the maintainer to
The most common activity you'll deal with in Stackage curation is a version bound issue, usually a restrictive upper bound. You fix this by opening an issue on the Stackage repo about the problem, and modifying the build-constraints.yaml file to work around it in one of the ways below. Be sure to refer to the issue for workarounds added to that file.
Most common technique, just prevent a new version of a library from being included immediately. This also applies to when only benchmarks and tests are affected.
Copy the stackage-curator output and create a new issue, see e.g commercialhaskell#2108
Add a new entry under the "stackage upper bounds" section of
. For the above example it would be
"Stackage upper bounds":
- pipes < 4.3.0
- Commit (message e.g. "Upper bound for #2108")
- Optionally: Verify with
stackage-curator check
locally - Push
- Verify that everything works on the build server (you can restart the build or wait for it to to run again)
Sometimes releases for different packages are tightly coupled. Then it can make sense to combine them into one issue, as in commercialhaskell#2143.
If a dependency that is not explicitly in stackage is causing test or benchmark failures you can skip or expect them to fail (see "Skipping tests and benchmarks" and "Expecting test/benchmark/haddock failures"). Bonus points for reporting this upstream to that packages' maintainer.
You can try this when you notice that a package has been updated. You can also periodically try to lift bounds (I think it's good to do this at the start of your week /@bergmark)
If not all packages have been updated check if any of them are missing from the original issue and if so add a new comment mentioning them. A new package may appear if its dependencies were part of this issue but have been updated since the last time we checked. We want to give these new packages ample time to be upgraded.
If stackage-curator is happy commit the change ("Remove upper bounds and close #X"). After doing this the next nightly build may fail because some packages didn't have an upper bound in place, but compilation failed. In this case revert the previous commit so any disabled packages are enabled again, re-open the issue, and add a new comment with the failing packages. This is to give all maintainers enough time to upgrade for this case as well.
With the pipes
example above there was later a new release of
that required the newer version of pipes
. You can
add that package to the same upper bounds section,
as we want to lift them simultaneously.
Sometimes tests and benchmark dependencies are forgotten or not cared
for. To disable compilation for them add them to skipped-tests
. If a package is added to these sections they
won't be compiled, and their dependencies won't be taken into account.
There are sub sections under these headers that is used to group types of failures together, and also to document what type of failures exist.
The difference from the skipped
sections is that items listed here
are compiled and their dependencies are taken into account. These
sections also have sub sections with groups and descriptions.
One big category of test suites in this section are those requiring running services. We don't want to run those, but we do want to check dependencies and compile them.
If there are no version bounds that would fix the issue or if you can't figure it out, file it (e.g. commercialhaskell#2133) to ask the maintainer for help.
Sometimes there is a failure reported on a (now possibly closed) issue on an external tracker. If an issue gets resolved but there is no hackage release yet we'd like to get notified when it's uploaded.
Add the package with its current version to the
section. This will cause the build to stop
when the new version is out.
In an extreme case of a non-responsive maintainer, you can remove the package entirely from Stackage. We try to avoid that whenever possible.
This typically happens when we move to a new major GHC release or when there are only a few packages waiting for updates on an upper bounds issue.
Comment out the offending packages from the "packages" section and add a comment saying why it was disabled:
# - swagger # bounds: aeson 1.0
If this causes reverse dependencies to be disabled we should notify the maintainers of those packages.
Additional (non-Haskell) system libraries or tools should be added to stackage/
After you've committed those changes, merging them into the nightly
branch should
trigger a DockerHub build. Simply run:
$ git checkout nightly
$ git merge master
$ git push
Use Ubuntu Package content search to determine which package provides particular dev files (it defaults to xenial which is the version used to build Nightly).
Note that we generally don't install/run services needed for testsuites in the docker images - packages with tests requiring some system service can be added to expected-test-failures
It's good to inform the maintainer of any disabled tests (commenting in the PR is sufficient).
If a new package fails to build because of missing system libraries we often ask the maintainer to help figure out what to install.
The Dockerfile contains information on which GHC versions should be used. You can modify it and push it to Github to trigger a DockerHub build. The nightly branch is used for nightlies. For LTSes, we use the ltsX branch, where X is the major version number (e.g., lts3 for lts-3.*).
Note that when starting a new LTS major release, you'll need to modify Docker Hub to create a new Docker tag for the relevant branch name.
Once a new Docker image is available, you'll need to pull it onto the stackage-build server (see below). Instead of pulling an unbounded number of images, I typically just delete all of the old images and let the new ones get downloaded:
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
but docker pull snoyberg/stackage:nightly
can also be run instead just to update the nightly image say.
For a new GHC version you should also delete the cache directories on the stackage-build server to force all packages to be rebuilt. See: issue#746. Eg:
rm -r nightly/work/builds/nightly/
This should also be done when moving the Nightly docker image to a new version of Ubuntu.
If you're impatient and would like to build the Docker image on the build server instead of waiting for Docker Hub, you can run the following command:
DIR=$(mktemp -d)
(cd $DIR \
&& git clone \
&& cd stackage \
&& docker build --tag snoyberg/stackage:nightly .)
rm -rf $DIR
Note that we do a clean clone of the stackage
repo instead of using
the existing checkout because of how docker build
works: it will
send the entire local directory contents as context to the Docker
daemon, which in the case of the build tree is a lot of content. (We
can discuss the wisdom—or lack thereof—of Docker's
approach separately.)
You'll need to get your SSH public key added to the machine. ~/.ssh/config info:
Host stackage-build
User curators
We currently run the builds manually so make it easy to see when there are bounds issues that need to be corrected. Automated this would be even better, we're just not there yet.
# Run a nightly build
# Run an LTS minor bump
/opt/stackage-build/stackage/automated/ lts-2.17
# Run an LTS major bump
/opt/stackage-build/stackage/automated/ lts-3.0
Recommended: run these from inside a tmux
session. If you get version bound
problems on nightly or LTS major, you need to fix build-constraints.yaml (see
info above). For an LTS minor bump, you'll typically want to use the
environment variable, e.g.:
CONSTRAINTS='--constraint "conduit < 1.4.5" --constraint "criterion < 1.2.3"' /opt/stackage-build/stackage/automated/ lts-2.17
Valid arguments to include in this environment variable:
to modify an upper or lower bound--add-package
to add a brand new package--expect-test-failure
to expect tests to fail--expect-haddock-failure
to expect haddocks to fail
If a build fails for bounds reasons, see all of the advice above. If the code itself doesn't build, or tests fail, open up an issue and then either put in a version bound to avoid that version or something else. It's difficult to give universal advice on how to solve things, since each situation is unique. Let's develop this advice over time. For now: if you're not sure, ask for guidance.
If you wish to rerun a build without recalculating a
build plan, you can set the environment variable NOPLAN=1
. This is
useful for such cases as an intermittent test failure, out of memory
condition, or manually tweaking the plan file.
Note LTS builds inherit the current Hackage data (stack updated for Nigthly) to avoid excess extra rebuilding.
A looping script on the build server keeps trying to build nightly
with sleep 30m
interleaved. It only publishes the nightly once per
day. This way new package versions or build failures can be caught
early and hopefully the nightlies will be timely.
LTS minor bumps typically are run on Sundays.
- You can detect the problem by running
. If you see that/
is out of space, we have a problem - (outdated) There are many temp files inside
that can be cleared out occasionally - (outdated) You can then manually run
, or wait for the cron job to do it
Sometimes the cache can get corrupted which might manifest as can't load .so/.DLL
You can wipe the nightly cache and rebuild everything by doing
rm -rf /var/stackage/stackage/automated/nightly
Replace nightly with lts7
to wipe the LTS 7 cache.
You can force a single package to rebuild by deleting its "previous result" file, e.g.:
$ rm /var/stackage/stackage/automated/nightly/work/builds/nightly/prevres/Build/cryptohash-0.11.9
We do not run the full stackage build locally as that might take too much time. However, some steps on the other hand are much faster to do yourself, e.g. verifying constraints without building anything.
To get started, install stackage-curator
via Git, or the Linux binary:
$ git clone
$ cd stackage-curator && stack install
It is a good idea to upgrade stackage-curator
at the start of your week.
Then, clone the stackage repo, get the latest packages and run dependency
$ git clone
$ stack update && stackage-curator check
This can be used to make sure all version bounds are in place, including for test suites and benchmarks, to check whether bounds can be lifted, and to get tell-me-when-its-released notifications.
does not build anything, so you wont see any compilation
errors for builds, tests and benchmarks.
- Add public ssh key to
on build server - Add to fpco/stackage project.
As mentioned in the GHC upgrade note, the major impact of a new GHC release is on the packages that are causing upper bounds to be put in place. In order to minimise out-of-date breakage and allow maintainers to have a solid chance of getting their packages into the newest LTS, we try to do the following:
Make an early announcement (in the form of a blog post, typically) of the new GHC release on the nightly build and the planned deadline for the new LTS release. Make it clear, that in the time coming up to this, we hope package maintainers will upgrade their packages to allow for the new GHC release.
We prefer to prune packages causing upper bounds constraints after the LTS release to allow the maximum amount of packages to get into the newest LTS.
After the first LTS release, the package pruning process may begin in the nightly build in order to move forward with getting the latest versions of packages compatible with the new GHC release.