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File metadata and controls

158 lines (119 loc) · 8.43 KB

General protocol description

All informations are gathered during monitoring of serial communication between device and orginal software.

  • All values transmitted as little-endian (lower byte transmitted first) until otherwise noted
  • Communication on uart with baudrate 38400bps
  • Every message starts with 0xAB 0xCD bytes (0xCDAB)
  • Next comes two bytes with payload size - 2
  • Then payload encoded using xor function described below
  • Finally every message ends with 0xDC 0xBA (0xBADC)

This can be shown also like this:
message = 0xAB 0xCD len(payload)-2 payload_xor(payload) 0xDC 0xBA

before encoding payload contains:

  • Command ID - 2 bytes little endian (for example 0x0514, 0x051B etc)
  • Command body length + 4 (2 bytes)
  • Command body (variable size, can be zero length too)
  • Command Trailer (4 bytes, ignored by device, applications sends unix timestamp, in all my samples i use 0x9f 0x4c 0x55 0x64 and it works)
  • CRC16 of above data (2 bytes)

This can be show like this:
payload = cmd_id len(cmd_body)+4 cmd_body cmd_trailer crc16(cmd_id;len(cmd_body)+4;cmd_body;cmd_trailer)

Payload decoding/encoding

Payload content is XOR-ed with 16 bytes long key:


In samples presented on this page I will use below function to decode/encode payloads:

def payload_xor(payload):
    XOR_ARRAY = bytes.fromhex('166c14e62e910d402135d5401303e980')
    XOR_LEN   = len(XOR_ARRAY)

    for i in range(0,len(ba)):
        ba[i] ^= XOR_ARRAY[i%XOR_LEN]
    return bytes(ba)

and this to calculate checksums:

Crc16Tab = [0, 4129, 8258, 12387, 16516, 20645, 24774, 28903, 33032, 37161, 41290, 45419, 49548, 53677, 57806, 61935, 4657, 528, 12915, 8786, 21173, 17044, 29431, 25302,
            37689, 33560, 45947, 41818, 54205, 50076, 62463, 58334, 9314, 13379, 1056, 5121, 25830, 29895, 17572, 21637, 42346, 46411, 34088, 38153, 58862, 62927, 50604, 54669, 13907,
            9842, 5649, 1584, 30423, 26358, 22165, 18100, 46939, 42874, 38681, 34616, 63455, 59390, 55197, 51132, 18628, 22757, 26758, 30887, 2112, 6241, 10242, 14371, 51660, 55789,
            59790, 63919, 35144, 39273, 43274, 47403, 23285, 19156, 31415, 27286, 6769, 2640,14899, 10770, 56317, 52188, 64447, 60318, 39801, 35672, 47931, 43802, 27814, 31879,
            19684, 23749, 11298, 15363, 3168, 7233, 60846, 64911, 52716, 56781, 44330, 48395,36200, 40265, 32407, 28342, 24277, 20212, 15891, 11826, 7761, 3696, 65439, 61374,
            57309, 53244, 48923, 44858, 40793, 36728, 37256, 33193, 45514, 41451, 53516, 49453, 61774, 57711, 4224, 161, 12482, 8419, 20484, 16421, 28742, 24679, 33721, 37784, 41979,
            46042, 49981, 54044, 58239, 62302, 689, 4752, 8947, 13010, 16949, 21012, 25207, 29270, 46570, 42443, 38312, 34185, 62830, 58703, 54572, 50445, 13538, 9411, 5280, 1153, 29798,
            25671, 21540, 17413, 42971, 47098, 34713, 38840, 59231, 63358, 50973, 55100, 9939, 14066, 1681, 5808, 26199, 30326, 17941, 22068, 55628, 51565, 63758, 59695, 39368,
            35305, 47498, 43435, 22596, 18533, 30726, 26663, 6336, 2273, 14466, 10403, 52093, 56156, 60223, 64286, 35833, 39896, 43963, 48026, 19061, 23124, 27191, 31254, 2801,
            6864, 10931, 14994, 64814, 60687, 56684, 52557, 48554, 44427, 40424, 36297, 31782, 27655, 23652, 19525, 15522, 11395, 7392, 3265, 61215, 65342, 53085, 57212, 44955,
            49082, 36825, 40952, 28183, 32310, 20053, 24180, 11923, 16050, 3793, 7920]

def crc16_ccitt(data):
    i2 = 0
    for i3 in range(0, len(data)):
        out = Crc16Tab[((i2 >> 8) ^ data[i3]) & 255]
        i2 = out ^ (i2 << 8)

    return 65535 & i2

Command types


Cmd ID Reply ID Description Remarks
0x0514 0x0515 Get Firmware Version Only in Main ROM
0x0516 0x0517 Write to NVR? Only in Flashing mode ℹ
none 0x0518 Bootloader loop message Only in Flashing mode until 0x0530 sent ℹ
0x0519 0x051A Write to Flash Only in Flashing mode ℹ
0x051B 0x051C EEProm Read Only in Main ROM
0x051D 0x051E EEProm Write Only in Main ROM
0x051F 0x0520 Sends value to Reg 0x3B of BK4819 (Crystal Frequency Low-16bit) Only in Main ROM, works only in lock mode - see 0x052F
0x0521 0x0522 Similar as above but different Only in Main ROM
0x0527 0x0528 Returns values of registers of BK4819: 0x67 (RSSI), 0x65 (Ex-noiseindicator) and 0x63 (Glitch indicator) Only in Main ROM
0x0529 0x052A Read some values from ADC Only in Main ROM
0x052D 0x052E Set Password Only in Main ROM
0x052F 0x0515 Lock mode + Reply FW Ver Only in Main ROM
0x0530 Break BootLoader wait loop Only in Flashing mode ℹ
0x05DD none Jump to 0x20000000 (Reset) Only in Main ROM

Get firmware version

command id = 0x0515, command body length = 0, reply id = 0x0514

import serial
import struct

with serial.Serial('COM14', 38400, timeout=1) as ser:
    payload = b'\x14\x05' + b'\x04\x00' + b'\x9f\x4c\x55\x64' #cmd_id + cmd_len (0+4) + unix timestamp LE
    crc = crc16_ccitt(payload)
    payload = payload + bytes([crc & 0xFF,]) + bytes([crc>>8,])  #swap bytes of crc to get little endian
    message = b'\xAB\xCD' + b'\x08\x00' + payload_xor(payload) + b'\xDC\xBA'

    full_response =
    payload_decoded  = payload_xor(full_response[4:-4]) #skip header and checksum
    s = struct.unpack_from('<HH20s',payload_decoded)
    print('CMD: 0x{:04X}'.format(s[0]))
    print('LEN: 0x{:04X}'.format(s[1]))
    print('VER: {}'.format(s[2].split(b'\0', 1)[0].decode())) #null terminated string

this should return something like this:

>> abcd0800026910e6b1dd58242bdfdcba
<< abcd2800036930e645a452720f05e46e2130e9802a8e14e62e910d4066c929359d488b9884eba7b453e58337decadcba
CMD: 0x0515
LEN: 0x0024
VER: k5_2.01.23

Read configuration memory (eeprom)

command id = 0x051B, command body length = 4, reply id = 0x051C

Device have 8kB of memory for configuration. It can be read using command 0x051B. Format of payload (before encoding) is following:

Command ID len(cmd_body)+4 Address (0 - 0x1FF) Length dummy timestamp CRC16
0x1B 0x05 0x08 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x9f 0x4c 0x55 0x64 0xFF 0xFF

Python code for dumping whole configuration memory can be found here:

Brief map of memory contents:

Write configuration memory (eeprom)

command id = 0x051D, command body length = variable, reply id = 0x051E

Command ID len(cmd_body)+4 Address (0 - 0x1FF) Length dummy timestamp payload CRC16
0x1D 0x05 0x08 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x9f 0x4c 0x55 0x64 0x00 ... 0x00 0xFF 0xFF

Note: Payload length have to be mulitple of 8 bytes. Address don't have to be aligned.

Change password

command id = 0x052D, command body length = 0x10, reply id = 0x052E, Reply length = 0x08

Command ID len(cmd_body)+4 uint0 uint1 uint2 uint3 CRC16
0x2D 0x05 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF

TODO: Figure how old and new password is stored in these 4 uints / 16 bytes