TODO please help document this stuff
is a string of valid key presses to send to Vim. These key presses can
include navigation, yanking, deleting, etc. This is a core function to much of
the functionality Snake provides.
Runs cmd
as a Vim command, as if you typed :cmd
. If capture
is True
also return the output of the command.
Expands Vim wildcards and keywords. For example, expand("%:p")
will return
the current file as an absolute path. See also:
Returns the current cursor position as a tuple, (row, column)
Sets the cursor position, where pos
is a tuple (row, column)
These context managers and decorators help keep your functions from messing
around with your current state. For example, if you had a function that
searched for and counted the number of times "bananas" was said in your buffer,
you would want to use the context manager with preserve_cursor():
in order to
keep your cursor in the same location before and after your function runs.
A convenience decorator that preserves common states. For example:
def do_something():
Calling do_something()
would be as if you called it like this:
with preserve_cursor(), preserve_mode(), preserve_registers():
A with-context manager that preserves the cursor location
A with-context manager that preserves the current buffer contents.
A with-context manager that doesn't do anything because apparently it's ridiculously difficult/impossible to get the current mode (visual mode, normal mode, etc). Feel free to grind mind against this one if you want to get it working.
A with-context manager that preserves the registers listed in \*regs
, along
with the special delete register and default yank register. Use it like this:
with preserve_registers("a"):
yanked_line = get_register("a")
- get_word()
- delete_word()
- replace_word(rep)
- get_in_quotes()
- get_leader()
- get_runtime_path()
- set_runtime_path(paths)
- multi_command(*cmds)
- set_filetype(pat, ftype)
Returns the content currently selected in visual mode.
Replaces the content currently selected in visual mode with rep
Gets the ((start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col))
of the visual selection.
- raw_input(prompt="")
- new_buffer(name, type=BUFFER_SCRATCH)
- get_buffers()
- set_buffer(buf)
- get_current_buffer()
- get_buffer_in_window(win)
- get_num_buffers()
- set_buffer_contents(buf, s)
- set_buffer_lines(buf, lines)
- get_buffer_contents(buf)
- get_current_buffer_contents()
- get_buffer_lines(buf)
- when_buffer_is(filetype)
- get_current_window()
- get_num_windows()
- get_window_of_buffer(buf)
- new_window(size=None, vertical=False)
Sets a variable. You typically only need the name
and value
. You can use
different scopes for the variable, like NS_GLOBAL
("g") or buffer-local scope.
follows the convention of many Vim plugins by prefixing a Vim
variable name with the plugin name. So something like:
let("switch_buffer", "0", namespace="ctrlp")
Seems not super useful now, but it comes in handy with multi_let
, where you
can define many plugin variables at once.
Gets a variable's value.
Let's you batch-define a bunch of variables related to some namespace. It's
essentially a sequence of let
s, where the namespace of all of them is the
same. For example, in my
user_command='ag %s -l --nocolor -U --hidden -g ""',
This sets all of my ctrlp
settings in one go.
Sets a Vim option, like:
set_option("textwidth", 80)
Gets an option's value.
Toggles an option on and off.
A convenience function for batch setting options in your
("background", "dark"),
("textwidth", 80),
("shiftwidth", tab),
("softtabstop", tab),
("tabstop", tab),
Sets a buffer-local option.
- get_register(name)
- set_regsiter(name, value)
- clear_register(name)
Maps the key-sequence keys
to a Vim key-sequence or a Python function. To use
it like you would in regular Vim:
key_map("<leader>sv", ":source $MYVIMRC<CR>")
Or to use it with a Python function:
key_map("<leader>t", sync_to_network)
can also optionally be used as a decorator:
def sync_to_network():
""" sync this buffer to a remote machine """
Creates a key mapping for visual mode. What's cool about this function is that
if you attach a Python function to the key-sequence, that function will be
passed the contents of the current visual selection. And if your function
returns anything other than None
, it will be used to replace the contents of
the visual selection:
def reverse_everything(selected):
s = list(selected)
return "".join(s)
Returns the (row, col)
of the string s
. By default, it will move the cursor
- redraw()