AMPATH POC is a point of care system used by AMPATH clinics. It provides real-time access to electronic medical records allowing patient records to be accessible during patient-clinician interactions. It also offers clinical decision support via automated reminders, lab integrations, clinic dashboards as well as data analytics and reporting.
AMPATH POC works in conjunction with AMPATH ETL and AMRS (AMPATH Medical Records System), a web-based open-source medical records system. It is being used against OpenMRS v2.1.2 in production but it should be compatible with older versions of OpenMRS.
Recommended setup:
- Install chrome.
- Install and setup git on your local machine.
- Install npm and nodeJS.NodeJS version 10-12 and Npm version 6 recommended.
- Install visual studio code.
After you've made sure to have the correct things setup, you should be able to run a few commands to get set up:
git clone
cd ng2-amrs
npm install
To get the app up and running locally, run:
npm start
Fire up your chrome and go to https://localhost:3000
. You should see a login screen with the AMPATH logo.
When building for production environment use:
npm run build-prod
When building for staging or test environment use:
npm run build-staging
This assists the team to differentiate which environment they are working on
npm test
This command will build the app and launch the Karma test runner. Karma should spin up several chrome browser instances (equal to the number of cores on your machine) and run the test specs in parallel the specs across them.
There are a few tools that we use extensively that all AMPATH developers should have set up:
- JIRA for tracking bugs and project management.
- Slack for project-specific group chats.
- AMRS is AMPATH's medical records system. You'll need an AMRS account for use with a lot of AMPATH's internal tools, including AMPATH POC.
Access to these platforms is managed by the AMPATH IT team.