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Hello, everybody I will show you how to write drink shop app with PHP backend. And firebase. in this part we will learn how to use firebase account kit to authentication user and register account demo.

First, we need to create new project in Android

Next add library to use

dependencies {

implementation fileTree (d1: : o -w 'libs', include: [".jar‘])

implementation 'com. android. support: appoompat v7 :27 . 1 . 1 '

implementation ' oom. android. :upport . constraint : constraint 1:yout:1 . 1 . 0 '

testImplementation ’ junit: junitz4 . 12 '

androidTestImplementation ' com. android. support . tust : runner : 1 . 0 . 2 ' android’l‘estImplementation 'oom. android. support . test. osprasso f osprasso acre :3 . D . 2'

android. support : cardview v7 : 27 . 1 . 1 '

android. support : design : 27 . 1 . 1 ' rengwuxian .matorialedittext : library : 2 . 1 . 4' :zagurskii :pattarnedtextwatchar : 0 . 5 . O '

.github.d manuspots dialog: 0. 7@aar'

squaroup . zetrofit2 : retrofit : 2 . 3 . 0 ' squareup. retrofitz : oonv-r'ter gson : 2 . 3 . 0'


Now we need to create new database on MYSQL use PHPmyadmin and write webservice backend.


After create new database and new table we will add primary key for phone column now we will write webservices for this project. In this tutorial we will write 2 methods

  • Check Exist User
  • Register New User



< ?php


class DB_Connect( private $conni


public function connect ()


raquire_onca ‘ config . php '

This >conn new mysqli( host: DE_HOST, username: DB_USER, passwd. DE_PASSWORD, dbname: DB__DATABASE) ,return this >conn

} } ?>


conn = $db->connect() : function _destruct () l I // T000: Implement _destruct () method. /» * Check user exists * return true/false */ function checkExistsUser ($phone) { { $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM Use: WHERE Phone=?"): $3tmt->bind_param(“s",Sphone); $5tmt->execute(); $3tmt->store_;result(): if($stmt->num_;ows > 0) { $stmt->close(): return true; ) else( $5tmt->close(): return false /* * Register new user * return User object if user was created * return error message if have exception */ public function registerNewUser($phone,$name,$birthdate,$address) ( Stmt = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO User(Phone,Name,Birthdate,Address) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"): Stmt->bind_param("ssss",$phone,$name,$birthdate,Saddress)t $result=$stmt->execute(): $3tmt->close()f if($result) ( $stmt=$this->conn->prepare("SELECT * IROM User WHERE Phone = ?"): $stmt->bind_peram("s",$phone); $stmt->execute(); $user = $3tmt->get_resu1t()->fetch_assoc(): $5tmt->close(); return $user; } else return false; /t * Register new user * return User object if user was created 9 * return false and show error message if have exception */ public function registerNewUser ($phone, Shame, $birthdate, $address) ( $stmt = $this->conn->prepare (" INSERT INTO User (Phone,Name, Birthdate,Address) VALUES (? , '2 , ? , '2) ") : $5tmt~>bind_param ( "ssss" , Sphone, $name, Shirthdate, $address) ; $result=$3tmt->execute () : $5stmt->close () ; i£($result) l $stmt=$this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM User WHERE Phone = 9") ' $stmt->bind_param("s", $phone) : I $stmt->execute () .$user = $stmt->get result() _ ->fetch a $stmt->close () : _ 53°C 0 I return Suser; } else return false; } } ?>


packagedmt . dev . androiddrinkshop ‘ Model ;

public class CheckUserResponse { private heel-an exists; private string ozzor_msg;

public CheckUserResponseO I


public boolaux isExistsO (I return exists;


public void setExists(boolean exists) { Humanist: = exists;


public String getError_msg() (

return error msq; }

And we need to create data model for this response in Android


packagedmt . dev . androiddrinkshop ‘ Model ;

public class CheckUserResponse { private heel-an exists; private string ozzor_msg;

public CheckUserResponseO I


public boolaux isExistsO (I return exists;


public void setExists(boolean exists) { Humanist: = exists;


public String getError_msg() (

return error msq; }


Sresponse = array():

if (isset ($_POST [ 'phone' ]) H isset($_POST['nama']) && isset(5_POST['birthdate'1) E5 isset($_POST['address']))

Sphone = $_POST['phone'];

Sname = $_POST['name']: Sbirthdate = $_POST['birthdate']: $address = S P05T['address'];


( $response["error_psg“] = “User already exsted with “.$phone: echo json_encode($response)i




//CReate new user

Suser = $db->registerNewUser(Sphone,$name,$birthdate,$address)i if($user)

( $response["phone“] = $user[“Phone“]; $response[“name“] = $USer[“Name“]; 9 $response["birfhdate"] = $user[“birthdate“]; $regiter[ "Phone“} )



//CReate new user . _ . Suser = $db->registerNewUser(Sphone,Sname,Sblrthdate,:address). if($user)

( $re5ponse[“phone"] = $user["Phone“]: $response["name"] = $user[“Name"]: $response["birthdate"] = $user["Birthdate“]; $re5ponse["address"] = $user["Address"]; echo jsoq_encode($response);




$response["error_psg"] = "Unknow error occurred in registration!“: echo jsoq_encode($response)i

) )


$response["error_psg"] = "Re

required parameter b _ _ _ echo jS°Q_enCode($response); (P,birthdate,address is missing;


Yes! We have done to write webservices backend,

Now we will try use advanced rest client to test

Ok! API work good

Now we need to write user model for Android app


public class User { privatString phone; private String address; private String name;

privata string bithdate; private String e:error_msg; // It will empty if use: return object

Now setup retrofit


import edmt . dev. androiddrinkshop .Model . CheckUserResponse; import edmt . dev. androiddrinkshop .Model . User;

import retrofitz . Call;

import retrofitz .http. Field;

import retrofit-2 . http . FormUrlEncoded; import retrofit-2 .http.POST:

public interface IDrlnkShopAPI { @FormUrlEncoded @POST ( "checkusaz .php") Ca11 checkUserExlsts(@F1e1d("phone") String phone);


@POST ( "xugistez .php")

Call registerNewUsermFleld("phone") String phone, @Field("naxn.") String name, @Field("address") String address, @Fied("birthdate") String birthdate) ;


import retrofit2.Retrofit; l import retrofitZ.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory; public class Retrofltcllent { private static Retrofit retrofit=null;

public static Retrofit getClient (String baseUrl) I 1£(retrofit == null) { retrofit = new Retrofit.Bui1der() .baseUrl (baseUrl) . addconverterEactory (GsonconverterE‘actory. area be ( ) ) .buildO ; }

return retrofit;

package edmt . dev . androiddrinkshop . Utils ;

import edmt . dev. androiddrinkshop . Re trofi t: . IDrinkShopAPI; import edmt . dew . androiddrinkshop . Retrofit . RetrofitClient;

public class Common ( //In Emulator , localhost = 10. 0.2.2

private static final Strung BASE_W http.//”;

public static IDrinkShopAPI getAPI () {

return Retrofitclient: . etClient ' } g (BASELM) . create (IDrlnkShopAPI. class) ;

Now we just design UI for main screen

In next part I will show you how to integrate Facebook account kit to this app and register new account.