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Kenneth G. Franqueiro edited this page Mar 15, 2013 · 3 revisions

API Comparison Between dojox/grid and dgrid

dojox/grid properties


The way in which dgrid represents current sort order is significantly different than dojox/grid. dgrid stores the current sort options, as they would be passed via a store's queryOptions; these options are retrievable via the sort getter (e.g. grid.get("sort")).

Additionally, store-backed components will reflect any currently-applied sort information in the object returned by get("queryOptions"), since sort becomes part of these options when queries are issued.

rowSelector and indirect selection

Indirect selection is available in dgrid via the selector column plugin. This achieves similar effects to the DataGrid's _CheckBoxSelector and _RadioButtonSelector view types, and EnhancedGrid's IndirectSelection plugin.

dgrid does not feature a direct analog to the rowSelector property.


dgrid supports this property via the Selection and CellSelection mixins. It recognizes the same values supported by dojox/grid components (none, single, multiple, and extended, the latter being the default).


This is roughly the inverse equivalent to the deselectOnRefresh property supported by dgrid's Selection (and CellSelection) mixin. Both dojox/grid and dgrid default to not maintaining selection between refreshes, sorts, etc.


Setting this dojox/grid property to true allows reordering of columns in grids with basic structures via drag'n'drop operations on column header cells.

This feature is available in dgrid via the ColumnReorder extension.

headerMenu and other context menu scenarios

dgrid does not directly offer context menu functionality via an extension, but it is easily possible to delegate to the contextmenu event of cells or rows in the grid's body or header, to perform custom logic. Here are the basic steps one would need to follow:

  • An event handler listening for contextmenu events against a particular selector; for example:
    • .dgrid-header:contextmenu for a general header context menu
    • .dgrid-row:contextmenu for a general body context menu
    • .dgrid-header .field-foo:contextmenu for a context menu for a specific header cell
    • .dgrid-content .field-foo:contextmenu for a context menu for body cells in a particular column
  • within the event handler:
    • A call to preventDefault on the event object, to stop the default browser context menu from displaying.
    • A call to grid.row() or grid.cell() to retrieve information on the pertinent row or cell. If the menu is intended to apply to selected items, grid.selection can be checked for entries, and then grid.row() can be called with the IDs found.
    • If dijit/Menu is being used, it unfortunately does not provide any directly-accessible public API for simply opening the menu around the mouse, as it is normally expected to be pre-attached to nodes; however, depending on use-case, attaching it to an entire section of the grid may be inappropriate. In such a case, the menu can be directly opened within a contextmenu event handler, by calling _scheduleOpen(this, null, { x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY }.


Automatic height can be achieved using height: auto in the CSS for a grid's main DOM node. There is no direct programmatic support for this. (This means there is no built-in support for automatically sizing to a certain number of rows.)

Examples of an auto-height grid can be found in the autoheight.html and extensions/Pagination.html test pages.


Not supported.


Not supported. Width (and height) should be dictated via CSS.


The effect of the singleClickEdit property can be achieved by specifying editOn: "click" in a column definition passed to the editor column plugin function. (Alternatively, dojox/grid's default double-click behavior can be achieved by specifying editOn: "dblclick" instead.)

loadingMessage, noDataMessage, errorMessage

Store-backed grid instances support loadingMessage and noDataMessage. There is currently no direct support for an error message, but when a store-related error occurs within dgrid's own logic, it will emit a dgrid-error event. When is called directly, it will return a promise which will reject if an error occurs.


This is not exposed as a distinct option in dgrid, but is automatically managed by the Selection plugin. Standard browser selection is disabled when a selectionMode other than none is in use. Otherwise, text selection operates as normal.


dgrid supports this option as of version 0.3.7.


dgrid does not support this, as it is generally not applicable, due to the difference in how dgrid components update from observed store changes.


Not supported. By default, dgrid components will escape HTML in data, as it should generally be devoid of HTML in most cases, and presence of HTML in data might suggest a cross-site scripting attempt.

The formatter or renderCell functions in the column definition may be overridden to explicitly render data as received, in cases where that is truly desired.

Column Definitions

Whereas dojox/grid always expects cell definitions to be specified via a structure property, dgrid expects one of the following properties to be specified:

  • columns: an array or object hash, for simple single-row grid configurations
  • subRows: an array of arrays, for grid configurations with multiple sub-rows per item
  • columnSets (only when the ColumnSet mixin is in use): a nested array for grid configurations containing distinct horizontal regions of one or more rows (analogous to multiple views in a dojox/grid instance)

The following subsections outline how features of dojox/grid cell definitions are available in dgrid column definitions.


Supported by dgrid, including the special "_item" value supported by dojox/grid in Dojo >= 1.4.

Also note that dgrid also supports specifying columns as an object hash instead of an array, in which case the key of each property is interpreted as the field.


Not supported by dgrid. If a compound value is desired, define a custom get function in a column definition.


Use CSS with .field-<fieldname> selectors. (Note that if any value is specified via the className property of the column definition object, it takes the place of .field-<fieldname>.)

cellType, widgetClass

The editor column plugin provides capabilities equivalent to these properties. It accepts an editor property, which can be either a widget constructor or a string indicating a native HTML input type.


Not directly applicable; in dojox/grid this applies only to cell definitions where cellType is set to dojox.grid.cells.Select.

The editor column plugin does not currently offer support for standard HTML select components; however, similar behavior can be achieved using the dijit/form/Select widget as the editor, and specifying options for the widget within the editorArgs property of the column definition object.


In dgrid, cells are uneditable by default, and are made editable by invoking the editor column plugin.


Only applicable to dojox/grid instances with columnReordering set to true, the draggable property determines whether a particular column can be reordered via drag'n'drop.

The ColumnReorder dgrid extension provides an equivalent via the reorderable column definition property. It defaults to true, but if set explicitly to false, the given column's header node will not be registered as a DnD item.


dgrid supports formatter functions, but doesn't support returning a widget from them.

dgrid also has renderCell, which is expected to return a DOM node. This could ostensibly be used for displaying widgets (and the editor column plugin does exactly this).

Note that for cell editing purposes, use of the editor column plugin is highly encouraged.


dgrid supports the get function on column definitions; however, note that it only receives one parameter: the object for the item represented by the current row being rendered. (dgrid generally has no concept of row index, since row identities are generally far more meaningful.)


The hidden property on column definitions is only supported by the ColumnHider extension. Otherwise, columns would ordinarily be suppressed simply by excluding them from the columns, subRows or columnSets property outright.

DataGrid methods

getItem(rowIndex), getItemIndex(item)

These are somewhat inapplicable, since again, dgrid components do not put any emphasis on index in terms of order of appearance in the component.

On the other hand, when dealing with events on nodes in a list or grid, it is possible to retrieve the associated item via the data property of the object returned by the row or cell functions. These functions can look up based on a variety of argument types, including a child node of the target row/cell, or an event object which fired on such a node.


Store-backed dgrid components support this via set("store", store[, query[, queryOptions]]).


Store-backed dgrid components support this via set("query", query[, queryOptions]).


While it is unclear what exact purpose this serves in dojox/grid/DataGrid, and whether or not it is truly intended to be public, it is probably analogous to calling renderArray directly on a dgrid component. Note, however, that generally renderArray is not expected to be called directly on store-backed instances.


This is likely closest in behavior to the refresh method on dgrid components.


dgrid components have a sort setter (e.g. grid.set("sort", ...) which takes two arguments:

  • the name of the field to sort by
  • optionally, a flag as to whether to sort descending (defaults to false)

Like the sort method in dojox/grid components, this can even be called to sort columns that ordinarily wouldn't be sortable via the UI.


dojox/grid components refer to this method when a sort request is initiated via the UI. dgrid does not have such a method; instead, it relies on the sortable property of each column definition (which defaults to true).


dgrid has no direct analog to this method, but the same effect can be achieved on a store-backed, Selection-enabled list or grid instance as follows:

for(var id in grid.selection){;
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