- Add Citation file for new JSS publication
- Correct minor bugs
- Upgrade plotting function of forecast models (plot.forStMoMo) to include nice fan charts similar to those in the forecast package
- Change inteface of fit function (fit.StMoMo) to allow simiplified calling using newly defined StMoMoData class
- Add the possibility of using general arima models (beyond the random walk with drift) for the forecasting and simulation of the period indexes
- Add new estimation function for the Renshaw and Haberman model implementing the approximate constraint Hunt and Villegas (2015)
- Change residual plotting function (plot.resStMoMo) to use a more effective divergent colour palette for colourmaps.
- Change the default plotting limits in residual plotting function to have a symmetric scale
- Fix formatting issues in logLik, AIC and BIC functions for models fitted with gnm
Add optional parameters kt.lookback and gc.lookback to functions forecast.fitStMoMo, simulate.fitStMoMo and simulate.bootStMoMo. These new parameters allow the forecast and simulation of mortality models using only a limited history of the period and cohort indexes
Improve documentation of some functions
Update package vignette
Add citation file
- First stable version of StMoMo released to CRAN