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AI Nights BONUS Content - Beginner Track

Pre-requisites for your machine

All demos and content have been tested on a Windows PC, however all options should run from macOS and Linux machines as well. Please provide information via an issue or pull request if you have feedback on other operating systems

Go to sections:

  • Task A: Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services - Computer Vision Go to Section
  • Task B: Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services - Text Analytics in a Container Go to Section
  • Task C: Microsoft PowerApps Go to Section

Task A: Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services - Computer Vision

In this task you will try out the Cognitive Services using the website demo options

Navigate to:

Computer Vision website Link highlighted

There are lots of different demos to try in each section (Scene and Activity Recognition in Images, OCR, Face Detection, Emotion Detection, Video indexer etc)

Select the Demo link next to Scene and activity recognition in images under Computer Vision. There are also other demo links to explore the different services

Computer Vision Example

Now select Browse button and upload the cat.jpeg or city.jpeg image from sample-images/computer-vision-web-browser/cat.jpeg

Computer Vision Cat Example

Task 2: Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services - Text Analytics via REST

Now you will try using the REST protocol as you would use to integrate these services into an application

First log into Microsoft Azure and choose Portal in the top right corner.

Once in the portal select Create a resource and search Cognitive Services and choose Enter. Then select Create on the Cognitive Services blade

Create Cognitive Services Account

Enter details to create an account:

  • Name: enter a suitable name for the service (example: ainightscognitive)
  • Subscription: Choose your subscription
  • Location: Choose your closest Data Center available
  • Pricing Tier: S0
  • Resource Group: Select 'Create new', and provide a sensible name (example ainights)
  • select the checkbox after reading the terms below
  • select 'Create'

Cognitive Services Details

Once created, in your notifications (top right corner) select go to resource Go to Resource

In the Cognitive Services page, select Keys and copy KEY 1 Copy Key

Now select Overview in the left hand pane and copy the Endpoint variable Copy Endpoint

Download and open Postman, an API Development environment on your local machine.

Find the download in the Pre-requisites section

Select Request

Create A Request

Enter request details as below and choose the option create a new collection and name it "Text Analytics Samples"

Enter Request Details

Select the newly created collection and choose save

Save Request

Now create a request to call your text analytics API:

  • Change from a GET request to a POST request in the top left
  • Enter your endpoint URL and add text/analytics/v2.0/sentiment to the end
  • Select Headers underneath the URL box
  • In Key type Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key and in Value add your KEY1 value
  • In Key type Content-Type and in Value type application/json
  • Headers and URL
  • Select Body underneath the URL box
  • Select raw from the radio button options
  • Copy JSON sample from sample-code/cognitive-services-api-task/sentiment-analysis-text.json into the box
  • Select the Send button and review the Response
  • Body and Submit REST Request

You can also try other options from the REST API - such as KeyPhrases function. Change the end of the URL from sentiment to keyPhrases and select send to view the key phrases for the example text.

  • Key Phrases REST Request

Check out the language support for the Text Analytics API here. If your language is supported please edit the JSON file to translate the text and show the functionality of the API above. There is an example of a French JSON file in sample-code/text-analytics-demo/sentiment-analysis-text-fr.json please edit this file as appropriate

If you have any issues running Postman, API Development Environment you can always run the REST API requests within the API docs for sentiment analysis and key phrase extraction. Select the data centre you are using and then enter your key in the box provided along with the sample body sample used in Postman

Task B: Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services - Text Analytics in a Container

Demo based on the Azure Documentation: Install and run Text Analytics containers

In order to run this demo you will need Docker installed locally on your machine Download docker for your local machine here - available on Windows, Linux and macOS

Once the download starts you can see the information of its progress Docker Download

Once installed, run Docker (on windows type docker into the start menu and select Docker Desktop) Check the Docker Daemon is running on your machine.

In windows you can find the icon in the bottom left toolbar near the date/time

Docker Running

In order to run the Cognitive Services Text Analytics API locally you need to get the image for your machine. Open a command prompt within a folder on your machine (I recommend creating an AI-Nights folder if you haven't done already)

Enter the command below

docker pull

and the docker image should start to download to your local registry

Docker Pull success

If you see an error similar to the below, double check your Docker Daemon is running before executing docker commands. To confirm it is running try the Getting Started Guide from Docker Here Docker Error

Now its downloaded we want to start running the container so we can query it with text sentences and gain our sentiment scores back.

In order to run the container you will need you Cognitive Services Endpoint and your API Key from the previous section

if you wish to prove the container is local. Disconnect from the internet now

The docker run command looks like below (or is available here). Substitute the data center and API key values and run

docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 --memory 4g --cpus 1 Eula=accept Billing=https://<datacenter-here> ApiKey=<key>

The container is running on your local machine To understand how to query the local API review the Swagger definition here: http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html

Swagger Definition

To test the API, make a new postman request:

To stop the container from running when you finish, go back ot the command line and type CTRL + C this will show the application shutting down

Application Shutdown

Task C: Microsoft Power Apps

Creating a front end application to take a picture of a dog and analyse it

NOTE: you must use your organizational account to use PowerApps. As this may become an issue

Navigate to: and sign in with your organizational account.

This will take you to the PowerApps main menu screen. Select the Canvas App from Blank button

PowerApps main menu

Provide an App Name, example: Dog Spotter and in this case select Format:Phone

PowerApps Create Canvas App

This will load a screen like shown below. With a user interface for you to start building your application using the click-and-drag interface.

PowerApps Blank App

To start building our app we are going to need to insert some functionality. You will find the insert menu at the top of the page like below

PowerApps Insert Tab

First we are going to insert Camera functionality. Under the insert tab select the Media dropdown and select the Camera option

PowerApps Insert Camera

Position the camera in good place on the page and you will see a properties pane appear on the right side of the page

Choose the Advanced tab from the properties pane. Under Action and OnSelect insert

Collect(myPics, Camera1.Photo)

PowerApps Camera Logic

Next we are going to insert a title for the application. Go to the insert tab and select the Text dropdown menu. Under this menu select Label

PowerApps Insert Title

Place the Title at the top of the page. Under the properties pane on the right update the options below:

  • Text: Dog Spotter (or another application name you would like)
  • Font Size: 60
  • Text Alignment: Center

Making other changes on the properties pane will change the look and information within your app. Please investigate the options available to you. In this tutorial we will only look at a few

PowerApps Title Information

Now we are going to insert a Photo Gallery. When a photo is taken it will appear in the app at the bottom of the page.

Go to the Insert tab and select Gallery. Choose the Horizontal option and position the item on the page below the camera

PowerApps Insert Gallery

In order for the application to know which pictures to use we reuse the myPics variable we created in the Camera setup

On the properties pane, select myPics from the Items dropdown menu

PowerApps Collection Images Setup

Now select a single image slot from the gallery and on the properties pane select the Advanced tab. Complete the code below for the correct fields:

  • OnSelect: Remove(myPics, ThisItem)
  • Image: ThisItem.Url

PowerApps Remove Images Setup

Next we add a Text Input box from the Text menu on the insert tab. This box will allow us to give our image a name when we send it to Azure Blob Storage.

PowerApps Insert Text Input

Align the Text Input box underneath the Camera and above the Image gallery

Finally add a Button to the page. This cna be found underneath the Insert -> Controls -> Button options

Place the button next to the text input box underneath the Camera

PowerApps Insert Button

On the properties pane for the button change the Text field to Send

PowerApps Button Properties

Now we need to add Azure Blob Storage as our data source. This will mean we can send the image taken by the camera in the app to storage and this will trigger our Logic app

Go to View in the main toolbar, then Data Sources. This will open a pane on the right where you can click Add Data Source

PowerApps Add Data Source

Select New Connection and search for blob in the search box. Then click the Azure Blob Storage option

PowerApps Add Data Source setup connection

Insert the connection information for your Azure Blob Storage account you used in the Logic App scenario: example ainightsstor.

PowerApps Add Data Source setup connection

Once authenticated you will then see your blob storage connection added to the connections pane

PowerApps Data Added

Now we can use this connection in a function. Click on the Send button and switch to the Advanced pane.

In the OnSelect box type: AzureBlobStorage.CreateFile("images", TextInput1.Text, Camera1.Photo)

PowerApps Azure Blob Function

Now we have built an app lets test it in our development environment. In the top right of the screen you will see the toolbar below - press the Play button highlighted. This will open a new window with your application running. This will ask for access to your camera to test the app

PowerApps Preview your app

Test you app by taking a picture of a dog (or anything at this point). The camera will take a picture - name it - click the send button. Once sent wait a moment and you should recieve an email as your Logic app will have triggered

PowerApps Preview your app

Now we are going to Save and Publish the application so you can use it on your mobile device

Go to the File tab in to top toolbar and choose the option on the left pane Save. Then click the save button.

Once saved you will have the Publish button appear - select this

PowerApps Publish

PowerApps save

You can also edit the look of the icon for the application. In the File menu go to App Settings.

In App Name and Icon select a background color for your application and choose an icon. You can also upload you own. Why not add a dog icon? Download the icon from here and choose the browse button to add your own icon

PowerApps Change App Settings

In order to view your published app on your phone you will need to download the PowerApps app from your app store.

For this tutorial the instructions will be for IOS.

PowerApps IPhone download

Once the app is download. Open the application and log in with your organizational credentials. Once logged in you should see all your organizations apps listed

PowerApps apps listed on phone

For you Dog Spotter app we want to add it to your home screen like any other application. Click on the 3 dots (...) and select pin to home

PowerApps Pin to home screen

This will open the web browser where you follow the instructions to add it to your home screen. Select the share button.

PowerApps add to home screen

Select Add to Home Screen

PowerApps add to home screen using IOS functionality

Provide your application useful name to be shown on your phone and select Add

PowerApps Home Screen Details


The app is now added to your phone home screen and you can open and run the functionality.

Test the app by taking a picture of a dog and sending it to the cloud.