Welcome to "Advanced Visualization in R: R Shiny," a one-day course on using R Shiny to create R-based web applications.
This course assumes basic familiarity with R—e.g., R syntax, data structures, development environments. Participants with no knowledge of R should consider taking an introductory R short course prior to this class.
In order to participate in class exercises, participants will need a computer where you have installed current versions of R, RStudio, and the following packages:
- shiny
- tidyverse
- markdown
- knitr
- readxl
- plotly
- colorspace
- DT
- crosstalk
- flexdashboard
- here
install.packages(c("shiny", "tidyverse", "markdown", "knitr", "readxl", "plotly",
"colorspace", "DT", "crosstalk", "flexdashboard", "here"))
Additional optional packages include: leaflet, sf, maps, mapproj, networkD3, formattable, upsetjs
install.packages(c("leaflet", "sf", "maps", "mapproj", "networkD3", "formattable", "upsetjs"))
Note: this helpful guide to Installing Packages in RStudio describes the process for installing packages once you have installed R and RStudio. Just copy each of the package names listed above into the install packages dialog box, either one at a time or in a long list.
Having appropriate user permissions to install packages on the fly would be useful.
(Note: Mac users without Xcode already installed may see a prompt to install Xcode or the "command line tools" to compile some packages from source. You should go ahead and do that -- at least the command line tools. This is often a large installation, though, so it may take a bit of time.)
If you would like to practice publishing your Shiny applications, you can create a free account at https://www.shinyapps.io/.
I will be sharing datasets and code using this course's GitHub repository, but you will not have to have a GitHub account or a git installation on your laptop to participate in the course. We will walk through downloading the files from the GitHub website and opening them in RStudio.
Additionally, because this is a course where you and I will be walking through exercises together, you may find it especially helpful to have a second monitor attached to your computer, so you can have your RStudio window on one monitor and Zoom on the other. Alternatively, if you have two devices, you could use one to display the Zoom content and the other to take part in the exercises.