Following are the steps to execute both scripts:
- In case of windows, open a command prompt or windows power shell.
- With python setup already completed, first make sure that github3 API is already installed, if not then run the following command: pip install --pre
- Delete any old “repositories.txt” or “code.csv” files in the directory where the scripts are present so that the following script can create a new file with the latest results.
- Then update both and scripts with valid GitHub username and password.
- Now go to the directory via command prompt or power shell where the scripts are present.
- To execute the first python script, run the following command: python This will extract Java repositories and export their information into “repositories.txt” file as explained in the previous section.
- Now in order to execute the second script, run the following command: python --username --repoFile repositories.txt --outputFile code.csv This will give the final results in a “code.csv” file which would have the list of repositories along with the file names which are using javax.crypto library as explained in the previous section.