The original Python code can be found in
In this project, we'll learn a language model, and use it to generate text.
We start from the text in, and download it with
void init_text() {
var url = "";
var text_path = Util.fullpathForDownloadedFile("text-datasets", "nietzsche.txt");
if (System.IO.File.Exists(text_path) == false) {
var success = FromStackOverflow.FileDownloader.DownloadFile(url, text_path, timeoutInMilliSec: 360000);
if (!success) {
Console.WriteLine("Could not download " + url);
text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(text_path, Encoding.UTF8).ToLowerInvariant();
Console.WriteLine("Corpus length:" + text.Length);
Then, we take partially overlapping substrings of the text, and construct the training
data set float[][] x
, float[] y
, where the features x
are substrings, and the labels y
the characters immediately after each of those substrings.
So, first we create the "sentences", in
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length - maxlen; i += step) {
sentences.Add(text.Substring(i, maxlen));
next_chars.Add(text[maxlen + i]);
and fill in the features x
, and the labels y
x = new float[sentences.Count][];
y = new float[sentences.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < sentences.Count; i++) {
x[i] = new float[maxlen];
var sentence = sentences[i];
for (int t = 0; t < sentence.Length; t++) {
x[i][t] = char_indices[sentence[t]];
y[i] = char_indices[next_chars[i]];
The language model will learn to predict the next character, given a sequence of previous characters.
As in the previous chapters, we'll create the model in Python, and load it in C# for the training.
In Python we have (see
def build_model_cntk(alphabet_size):
x_placeholder = cntk.placeholder(shape=(), dynamic_axes=[cntk.Axis.default_batch_axis(), cntk.Axis.default_dynamic_axis()])
model = cntk.one_hot(x_placeholder, num_classes=alphabet_size, sparse_output=True)
model = cntk.layers.Recurrence(cntk.layers.LSTM(128))(model)
model = cntk.sequence.last(model)
model = cntk.layers.Dense(alphabet_size)(model)
return model
and in C# we have:
class TextGeneratingTrainingEngine: TrainingEngine {
public CNTK.Function softmaxOutput;
protected override void createVariables() {
x = CNTK.Variable.InputVariable(new CNTK.NDShape(0), CNTK.DataType.Float, name: "x");
var y_axis = new List<CNTK.Axis>() { CNTK.Axis.DefaultBatchAxis() };
y = CNTK.Variable.InputVariable(new CNTK.NDShape(0), CNTK.DataType.Float, dynamicAxes: y_axis, name: "y");
protected override void createModel() {
var model_path = "ch8-1_cntk.model";
model = CNTK.Function.Load(model_path, computeDevice);
var replacements = new CNTK.UnorderedMapVariableVariable() { { model.Placeholders()[0], x } };
softmaxOutput = CNTK.CNTKLib.Softmax(model.Output);
protected override CNTK.Function custom_loss_function() {
var y_oneHot = CNTK.CNTKLib.OneHotOp(y, (uint)alphabet_size, false, new CNTK.Axis(0));
var rtrn = CNTK.CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(model.Output, y_oneHot);
return rtrn;
Then, we proceed with the training as before.
Let's see now how we can generate text based on the model that we have trained.
The idea is that we start from a random substring of the original text:
var start_index = (int)(random.NextDouble() * (di.text.Length - maxlen - 1));
var seed_generated_text = di.text.Substring(start_index, maxlen).Replace('\n', ' ');
Console.WriteLine($"\nSeed: {seed_generated_text}");
Then, we pass it through the trained model, and we obtain a vector (the softmax output) with the estimated probabilities of the next character. We adjust these probabilities with a "temperature", draw a random character based on this distribution, append it to the end of the substring, and keep on doing it for a number of iterations:
for (int i=0; i<400; i++) {
var sampled = generated_text.Select(v => (float)(di.char_indices[v])).ToArray();
var preds = engine.evaluate(new float[][] { sampled }, engine.softmaxOutput)[0].Take(di.chars.Length).ToArray();
var next_index = sample(random, preds, temperature);
var next_char = di.chars[next_index];
if ( next_char=='\n' ) { next_char = ' '; }
generated_text = generated_text.Substring(1) + next_char;
Console.WriteLine($"Randomly generated with temperature {temperature:F1}: {generated_text}");
This is how it looks like.