checks a JSON object against a specific type/interface
$ npm install --save typescript-json-typesafe
Get a JSON file from disk or from an http api and check it against an existing typescript interface/type. Useful for ci regression testing.
const tsJson = require('typescript-json-typesafe');
const jsonObject = require('jsonToTest.json');
# returns true if valid, throws if not
tsJson.isTypeSafe(jsonObject, 'ITestInterface');
Returns true if the passed in jsonObject compiles against the given interface/type. If not, this method throws an Exception from the typescript compiler with compileerrors.
Type: object
, array
, string
Pass in any parsed json.
Type string
Could be an interface or type to compile against
Type string
If there was any compile error. The passed in jsonFileName gets referenced in the error message.
MIT © Andreas Scherer