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190 lines (120 loc) · 6.79 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (120 loc) · 6.79 KB

_grid.affordance {


_grid.fill { ... }

_grid.number {


_grid.control {


_grid.trigger { ... }

_grid.momentary {


_grid.toggle {

  • ...
  • include
  • min
  • max


_grid.range { ... }

_grid.pattern {


_grid.preset {




the base affordance type for the grid module - all other grid affordances inherit from this device and share common properties. the user may extend this type in order to define a custom grid affordance:

two_by_two = _grid.affordance {
  x = { 1, 2 }, y = { 1, 2 }, lvl = 15, v = { x = 0, y = 0 },
  handler = function(s,v,x,y,z)
    if z == 1 then 
      return { x = x - x[1], y = y - y[1] }
  redraw = function(s,v,g)
    g:led(s.x[1] + v.x, s.y[1] + v.y, s.lvl)
  action = function(s,v)
    print(v.x, v.y)


a simple output-only affordance which draws the provided x and y dimentions to the provided brightness level


a integer or "radio button" style affordance for which an integer value is assinged to index of the last key pressed. x and y dimentions set the size of the affordance and the range of value.


like the paramset "control" type, a number with musicaly convenient properties. a controlspec is used internally, which may be provided at init time rather than properties.


an affordance that blinks for blinktime seconds and runs action on keypress. x and y dimentions set up a matrix of values.


a "held" button where value goes high where a key is depressed, low where a key is released. x and y dimentions set up a matrix of values.


a button where value toggles between high and low on a keypress. x and y dimentions set up a matrix of values. if lvl has a table length greater than two, a toggle button will cycle forward through those brightness values.


responds only to a two-finger press and fills a range of keys, setting value = { finger1, finger2 }



a pattern recorder, loops any input recieved by the target(s). x and y dimentions set up a bank of pattern recorders. setting the property count = 1 creates a "choke group" bank, with only one pattern slot playing back at a time.

unlike regular affordances, meta-affordances have thier action functions & behaviors pre-defined (lvl is also predefined). a single press toggles between recoding, playback & pause. double-tap a recorded pattern to overdub, and hold for > 0.5s to clear the pattern slot. reference source code if you wish to redefine behavior & appearence.


a preset switch, stores and recalls values of the target(s). x and y dimentions set the size of the switch & the number of preset slots.

unlike regular affordances, meta-affordances have thier action functions & behaviors pre-defined (lvl is also predefined). by default only the first slot will have a value stored. pressing a blank slot key will store the current settings in that slot, and switching back to an earlier slot will recall the previous setting. reference source code if you wish to redefine behavior & appearence.



the horizontal component of an affordance's location. can assign either a single integer for a single key or a table of two integers specifying start and end keys on the x axis. all grid affordances can thus be 0-dimentional, 1-dimentional, or 2-dimentional.


the vertical component of an affordance's location. can assign either a single integer for a single key or a table of two integers specifying start and end keys on the y axis. all grid affordances can thus be 0-dimentional, 1-dimentional, or 2-dimentional.


the affordance value. the format of value depends on the affordance type and the x and y dimentions - it may either be a single number or a table of numbers. see types for details.


sets the brightness levels for the affordance. for most types, assigning a single integer sets the "on" level and assigning a table of two sets the "off" and "on" levels. a member of the lvl table may be a clock function, and a pointer function assigned to lvl will receive additional x and/or y arguments for relative offset being filled.


minimum output value.


maximum output value.


sets whether to respond to the rising edge of an input ('rising'), falling edge ('falling'), or both edges ('both'). will sometimes affect the behavior of the time argument.


when value is a table, restricts the number of simultaneous high values to the range given by count = { min, max }


restricts the number of simultaneous finger presses to which an affordance will respond to the range fingers = { min, max }



there may be up to six arguments passed to any grid action in addition to self:

action = function(self, value, time, delta, add, rem, list)
  print(value, time, delta, add, rem, list)
  1. value: the affordance value. the format of value depends on the affordance type and the x and y dimentions - see types for details.
  2. time: the amount of time in seconds that an affordance is held before releasing. may be either a single number or a table of numbers following the format of value.
  3. delta: a bit of a wildcard - this may eiter represent the change in value or the change in time between sucessive interactions. may be either a single number or a table of numbers following the format of value.
  4. add: when value is a table of numbers, add is passed the index that has turned from 0 to 1 if it exists
  5. rem: when value is a table of numbers, rem is passed the index that has turned from 1 to 0 if it exists
  6. list: when value is a table of numbers, list is a table of indicies in value which are > 0


if provided, stop(self) is called when any _pattern slots are paused or cleared. useful for clearing hung values from momentary affordances.


resets momentary to a clear state, useful for dealing with hung states.