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370 lines (326 loc) · 12.7 KB

File metadata and controls

370 lines (326 loc) · 12.7 KB



let's jump back to our number example:

n = nest_ {
    light = _grid.number {
        x = { 1, 5 },
        y = 1,
        level = 15,
        action = function(self, value)

n:connect { g = grid.connect() }
function init() n:init() end

we sent a table of two values to x to tell it to stretch from column 1 to column 5. likewise we can stretch like this:

x = 1,
y = { 1, 5 },

and we'll get a vertical number across rows 1-5 (notice from the REPL printout that value = 1 is at the bottom, value = 5 is at the top).

we can also do this:

x = { 1, 5 },
y = { 1, 5 },

now we can move our point in space around in a 5x5 square. the value being printed out is now a table specifying x and and y coordinates:

    y = 2,
    x = 1,

and yes, we can even send these properies to number:

x = 1,
y = 1,

but we won't have much of anywhere to go! these three variations are called the point, line, and plane variants of a grid affordance and they affect both output and input behaviors, as well as the format of value. many other properties reveal alternate behaviors when a table is sent. try this:

x = { 1, 5 },
y = 1,
level = { 4, 15 },

sending two numbers to level specifies that high and low values that are drawn to the grid, giving our affordance the effect of a background. useful in many circumstances!

one to many

for perspecive, let's try out how the size variants affect toggle:

n = nest_ {
    switch = _grid.toggle {
        x = 1,
        y = 1,
        level = { 4, 15 },
        action = function(self, value)

the point variant actually get's us somewhere useful - a single toggle button, value switching between 0 and 1. let's try out the different stretching values. this time, we end up with multiple independent toggles all bound to the same action function. for a line, the value printed out is a table of toggle values:

{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, }

and stretching out to a plane we get a table of tables:

    { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, },
    { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, },
    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, },
    { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, },
    { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, },

you'll notice that the 1's and 0's are rotated 90 degrees from what's actually lit on the grid - that lets you index the value like this: value[x][y] rather than this: value[y][x].

sidenote: in nest, triggers are non-binary - level lets us extend the range of output:

level = { 0, 4, 8, 15 },

now we're cycling forward from 0 to 3, with a different brightness level shown for each state.


both toggle and number have inputs and outputs, unlike fill which is simply a display. but what if we just want the output for those? add a new propery:

input = false,

key presses now have no effect, but you can set still change the value externally: n.lever.value = 3; n.lever:update() (did you know you can separate two commands in the REPL with a semicolin ??? I found out recently!). this is useful for displaying stuff, like a playhead position . likewise, we can set:

output = false

all is dark on the grid, but we can still see our value being printed in the REPL. what's this good for? let's do something wierd:

n = nest_ {
    rate = _grid.number {
        x =  { 1, 16 },
        y = 1,
        output = false
    step = _grid.number {
        x = { 1, 16 },
        y = 1,
        input = false
    while true do
        n.step.value = n.step.value % 16 + 1
        clock.sleep(0.4 / n.rate.value)

now keypresses set not the position of a light, but the rate of movement - the clock function below incriments & wraps step and calculates a wait time between updates based on rate. using two affordances, you can decouple input & output behavior - a classic monome move.


to disable things completely, we can use the enable property:

n = nest_ {
    lever = _grid.number {
        x =  { 1, 4 },
        y = 3,
        level = { 4, 15 },
        enabled = false,
        action = function(self, value)

seems like a lot of nothing, but of course we can change things: n.lever.enabled = true; enabled allows you to sort of push things out of view - affordances can still operate, but you won't be able to see them or interact with them. with this, we have a recipe for pagination.

let's jump ahead:

n = nest_ {
    lever = _grid.number {
        x =  { 1, 4 },
        y = 3,
        level = { 4, 15 },
        action = function(self, value)
            print(self.key, value)
        enabled = function() return == 1 end
    switch = _grid.toggle {
        x = { 1, 4 },
        y = { 3, 6 },
        level = { 4, 15 },
        action = function(self, value)
            print(self.key, value)
        enabled = function() return == 2 end
    tab = _grid.number {
        x =  { 1, 2 },
        y = 1,
        level = { 4, 15 }

there you have it, tab up top switches between two affordance pages (though it makes more sense to do this once you've filled up the grid). but check it out - enabled is a function. every time switch is drawn, this function checks what the value of tab is and returns a true or false accordingly. by setting a unique equlity condition for each affordance, we get pagination.

believe it or not, you can send a function to most properties - try subsitituting:

level = function(self) return self.value * 3 end,

now level changes as value changes !

nests have enabled properties too, so if we wanted lever and switch to show up on the same page we could group them in a subnest and enable things there:

n = nest_ {
    pages = nest_ {
        nest_ {
            -- page 1 affordances
            enabled = function(self) return == self.key end
        nest_ {
            -- page 2 affordances
            enabled = function(self) return == self.key end
    tab = _grid.number {
        x =  { 1, 2 },
        y = 1,
        level = { 4, 15 }

notice the shortcut of using a numeric table for the pages nest and checking tab against the table key.


sometimes we want 16 numbers. yes we could type out sixteen affordances, no let's not do that. as always: when things get repetetive, think loops.

a for loop could most certainly be used for this task, but there's an even nestier way to do things. check this out:

n = nest_(16):each(function(i, v)
    return _grid.number {
        x = i,
        y = { 1, 8 },

running this, we get a unique vertical number on each grid column. look at all those functions ! let's take this apart:

  1. nest_(16) creates a nest with 16 bank slots, numbered n[1] to n[16]
  2. each is a function that runs another function for each item in a nest.
  3. the function sent to each recieves two arguments, the current key (numeric or string) and the current item
  4. within our function we return something, this gets placed in the current slot.
  5. we're returning a number affordance. the x coordinate is set to the key, i, which counts up to 16

phew! if that's a lot to remember, it's easy to just copy and paste the snippet above, adjusting as needed. but having all of these seperate tools at your desposal opens up some handy shortcuts beyond simple repetition. for example, using each, we can consolidate the repeated function in the last pagination example:

pages = nest_ {
    nest_ {
        -- page 1 affordances
    nest_ {
        -- page 2 affordances
} :each(function(i, v)
    v.enabled = function(self) return == self.key end

a small enhancement, but certainly useful once the page count starts getting high!


the study 2 script is a suprisingly fun step sequencer on the grid, in just 100 lines. 16 steps, a note selection page & octave page, gate selection on row 7 and a touchable playhead on row 8. take some time to study it, and feel free to make some modifications to fit your musical interests!

-- nest_ study 2
-- the grid & multiples
-- grid:
--   1 : page select
-- 2-6: note/octave
--   3: gate
--   4: step

include 'lib/nest/core'
include 'lib/nest/norns'
include 'lib/nest/grid' = "PolyPerc"

scale = { 0, 2, 4, 7, 9 } -- scale degrees in semitones
root = 440 * 2^(5/12) -- the d above middle a

seq = nest_ {
    tab = _grid.number {
        x = { 1, 2 },
        y = 1,
        level = { 4, 15 },
    pages = nest_ {
        nest_ {
            notes = nest_(16):each(function(i)
                return _grid.number {
                    x = i,
                    y = { 2, 6 },
                    value = math.random(1, 5), -- initialize every note with a random number
                    -- adjust the brightness level based on step & gates
                    level = function(self)
                        if seq.gates.value[i] == 0 then return 0 -- if this step's gate is off set brightness low
                        elseif seq.step.value == i then return 15 -- if it's the current step set level high 
                        else return 4 end -- otherwise set dim
            enabled = function(self)
                return ( == self.key)
        nest_ {
            octaves = nest_(16):each(function(i)
                return _grid.number {
                    x = i,
                    y = { 2, 6 },
                    value = 3,
                    level = function(self)
                        if seq.gates.value[i] == 0 then return 0
                        elseif seq.step.value == i then return 15
                        else return 4 end
            enabled = function(self)
                return ( == self.key)
    gates = _grid.toggle {
        x = { 1, 16 },
        y = 7,
        level = 4,
        value = 1 -- a shortcut, toggle knows to set all the toggle values to 1
    step = _grid.number {
        x = { 1, 16 },
        y = 8

-- sequencer counter
count = function()
    while true do -- loop forever
        local step = seq.step.value -- the current step
        if seq.gates.value[step] == 1 then -- if the current gate is high
            -- find note frequency
            local note = scale[seq.pages[1].notes[step].value]
            local octave = seq.pages[2].octaves[step].value - 4
            local hz = root * 2^octave * 2^(note/12)
            engine.hz(hz) -- send a note to the engine
        seq.step.value = step % 16 + 1 -- incriment & wrap step
        clock.sync(1/4) -- wait for the next quarter note

-- connect the nest to a grid device
seq:connect {
    g = grid.connect()

-- initialize the nest, start counting
function init()


  • add another toggle in the top right to reverse sequence playback
  • change the transposition of the octave page to fifths rather than octaves.
  • add a number to control the tempo on y = 1, x = { 3, 14 } (we're using the global clock, so map it to the global tempo param.
  • disable the playhead jumping input on step and add an output-disabled length control (so hitting a key detirmines the length of the sequence).
  • modify pages 1 & 2 to have thier own independent step and length affordances, incrimenting & wrapping them independently in the clock. you'll be left with something a bit like awake, with transposition patterns phasing against notes !
  • connect to crow, midi, etc.
  • do many, many other things that can be done with sequencers. if this is your thing you don't even need to read the rest of these studies!
