Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.
- Proof-of-Work is a process that requires some work to be done before a block can be added to the blockchain;
- The work is computationally intensive and time-consuming;
- The work is easy to verify;
- This limits the rate at which blocks can be added to the blockchain, and thus the rate at which new coins can be created;
- In bitcoin, miners compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle, they aggregate transactions in blocks, allowing for better throughput;
- They compete to get block appended to the blockchain, and they are rewarded with new coins.
- Each miner has a transaction pool - set of transactions received over the network or created by the miner;
- Miners try to create a valid block by solving a puzzle:
SHA256(h || T || K || nonce) < D
, where:h
is the hash of the previous block;T
is the set of transactions;K
is the public key of the miner;nonce
is a random number;D
is the difficulty level.
- When solved, broadcast new block to all miners;
- A block includes:
- A subset of transactions from the pool, chosen by the miner;
- A pointer to the previous block;
- The identity of the miner;
- The solution to the puzzle.
- Every node keeps a copy of every block of transactions;
- Can be a scalability bottleneck;
- Upon receiving a new block, miners validate the block and its transactions;
- If valid, they add the block to their local copy of the blockchain and broadcast it to all other miners and start mining the next block.
- Clients - users that create transactions and broadcast them to the miners;
- Miners - nodes that create new blocks solving the PoW puzzle;
- Full nodes - nodes that keep a full copy of the blockchain;
- Compact/light nodes - nodes that keep only the block headers.
- Prevents sybil attacks - solving the puzzle requires computational power;
- Tamper-proof - pointer to the previous block;
- Changing a block would require changing all subsequent blocks;
- Rewriting the blockchain is computationally infeasible.
- Provides incentives for miners to behave honestly;
- Miners are rewarded with new coins;
- Miners are also rewarded with transaction fees;
- Generating a block can be seen as a random Poisson process;
- The time between blocks is exponentially distributed.
- Fork - when two miners solve the puzzle at the same time;
- The blockchain is forked into two chains;
- Miners will try to mine in parallel chains;
- Longest chain rule - miners will mine on the longest chain;
- The longest chain is the one with the most accumulated work;
- The other chain will be discarded.
- Problem: lack of finality - a transaction is considered confirmed after a few blocks, but not immediately - probabilistic finality.
Spending the same coin twice:
- Attacker sends a transaction to a merchant, and also sends the same coin to another merchant;
- The attacker tries to mine a block that includes the first transaction, and broadcasts it to the network;
- The attacker tries to mine another block that includes the second transaction, and broadcasts it to the network;
- The network will accept the first block, and the second block will be discarded.
- An attacker controls more than 50% of the network's computational power;
- Overly expensive for Bitcoin and Ethereum, but not for smaller blockchains.
- Attacker successfully pre-mines a block including a transaction that sends some of his coins back to himself, without broadcasting it;
- Attacker then makes a purchase from a merchant, and waits for the merchant to deliver the goods;
- After the goods are delivered, the attacker broadcasts the pre-mined block, overwriting the transaction that paid the merchant.
- Mining pool - a group of miners that work together to mine blocks;
- They share the reward;
- They share the computational power;
- They share the risk of not being able to solve the puzzle;
- They share the risk of being attacked;
- As mining becomes more difficult, mining pools become more common;
- CPU mining -> GPU mining -> ASIC mining.
- Suppose that a mining pool controls 40% of the network's computational power, and wants to censor Alice;
- Mining pool announces it will refuse to mine any block that includes a transaction from Alice;
- Creates a disincentive for every miner to include Alice's transactions in their blocks.
- A mining pool keeps its blocks private - they create their own private fork;
- When public chain catches up (the public chain is the longest), the pool releases its private chain, and the public chain is discarded.
Property | Consensus | PoW |
Termination | ✅Correct nodes eventually agree on the same value | ✅Blocks are added at a fixed rate |
Integrity | ✅No correct process decides twice | ❌Forks |
Agreement | ✅All correct processes decide the same value | ❌Forks |
Validity | ✅Decided value has been proposed by some process | ❌Byzantine processes can generate transactions |
- Classical consensus emphasizes safety (integrity and agreement);
- PoW emphasizes liveness (termination and agreement) - the system always makes progress.
Safety vs Liveness tradeoff
Each block in the blockchain is a set of transactions:
- Transactions can have multiple inputs and <= 2 outputs;
- It is possible to specify a set of deterministic operations, with conditions on transfer (smart contracts);
- Each input describes debit -> sender signs handoff of amount (signed with private key);
- Each output describes credit -> receiver's address and amount.
- Blockchains stores all transaction since the beginning of time;
- Additionally, keeps track of outputs that haven't been spent yet, called unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs);
- When a transaction is created, it consumes UTXOs and creates new ones.
- Resources required for running a full node are a problem, as the blockchain grows;
- Continuously maintaining a set of UTXOs is expensive;
- Light clients - do not keep state nor validate transactions, but rely on full nodes;
- Led to the proposal of UtreeXO - a way to compress the UTXO set;
- A new set of data structures that allow for efficient UTXO set compression;
- Store only a summary of the UTXO set, and not the entire set.