These are some of the things you can do to contribute to the project:
If you find the project useful, spread the word! Articles, mastodon posts, tweets, blog posts, instagram photos - whatever you're into. Please include a referral back to the repository page:
If you found this project useful, please consider starring it! It helps me gauge how useful this project is.
If you run into something which doesn't work as expected, raising an issue with all the relevant information to reproduce it would be helpful.
I am happy to review any pull requests. Please keep them as short as possible. Each pull request should be atomic and only address one issue. This helps with the review process.
Note that I will not accept everything, but I welcome discussion. If you are proposing a big change, please raise it as an issue first for discussion.
This project uses clang-format to format the code. There is a cmake target (e57-clang-format) - which runs clang-format on the source files. After changes have been made, and before you submit your pull request, please run the following:
cmake --build . --target e57-clang-format
The documentation is a bit old and could use some lovin'. You can submit changes over in the libE57Format-docs repository.
Given that I'm an independent developer without funding, financial support is always appreciated. If you would like to support the project financially (especially if you sell a product which uses this library), you can use the sponsors page for one-off or recurring support. Thank you!