- de.tudresden.slr.parent - main project, start maven build from here (clean package)
- RCP Infrastructure Projects
- de.tudresden.slr.target - Eclipse Target Site
- de.tudresden.slr.app - Eclipse RCP Application and Perspective
- de.tudresden.slr.app.feature - Main Feature (aggregating all slr-toolkit plugins)
- de.tudresden.slr.product - Eclipse Product Definition
- Central SLR Toolkit Plugins
- de.tudresden.slr.model.bibtex (EMF Model for BibTex Entries + generated subprojects)
- de.tudresden.slr.model.taxonomy (Xtext Language for Taxonomy + generated subprojects)
- de.tudresden.slr.model.modelregistry
- Special SLR Toolkit Plugins
- de.tudresden.slr.googlescholar - Google Scholar Import
- de.tudresden.slr.model.mendeley - Mendeley Synchronization
- de.tudresden.slr.ui.charts - BIRT-based Charting
- de.tudresden.slr.wizards - Wizards for SLR Projects
- Download Eclipse Modeling Tools (Eclipse 2019-12 (4.14))
- Install
- Xtext
- Maven Integration (m2e)
- Maven Tycho Utils
- Tycho Project Configurators
- Set Target Platform to .target provided in de.tudresden.slr.target
- Execute Xtext Build
- (Project) de.tudresden.slr.model.taxonomy -> (Right-Click) src/de/tudresden/slr/model/taxonomy/GenerateTaxonomy.mwe2 -> Run As.. -> MWE2 Workflow
Additional information can be found here.
- Implemented as EMF Project: de.tudresden.slr.model.bibtex
- Bibtex Files are parsed using JBibTeX into the EMF Model
- Model: model/bibtex.ecore
- .bib Parsing/Pretty-Printing: src/de.tudresden.slr.model.bibtex.util/BibTexResourceImpl.java
- doLoad(..)
- doSave(..)
- parseClasses(String taxonomyString) - build Taxonomy Model from string representation
- serializeTaxonomy(..) - build string representation from Taxonomy Model