Central repository for projects and tutorials that implement Amazon Web Services (AWS) technologies.
- Languages : Javascript, Typescript, others.
- Frameworks : Serverless, others.
- AWS Services : Lambda, S3, SQS, SNS, RDS, Api Gateway, DynamoDB, others.
- Technologies : Nodejs, others.
- ORM : Sequelize, TypeORM, others.
- Databases : MySQL, DynamoDB, others.
- Libraries : dotenv, cors, aws-sdk-v3, nodemon, others.
- Tools : Vsc, Postman, Git, others.
- Testing : Jest, Supertest, Mocha & Chai, others.
- Microservice for mercado libre users management [ Nodejs, Sequelize, Mysql , others ]
- Api Rest for the statistical management of bioethanol production and sales [ DynamoDB, Nodejs, Api Gateway , others ]
- Backup System for mining plant [ S3, SQS, SNS, others ]
- CRUD model for managing object with S3 service [ Nodejs, S3, Api Gateway, others ]
- CRUD model for managing Payments with MercadoPago [ DynamoDB, Typescript, Nodejs, others ]
- Microservice OpenWeather Nodejs Jest [ NodeJS, Jest, Serverless-Framework, etc. ]
- Communication between lambda producer and consumer with SQS service [ SQS, Nodejs, Api Gateway, others ]
- CRUD model for communication between lambdas with SNS service [ SNS, Nodejs, Api Gateway, others ]
- Creating and deploying a lambda function with serverless in AWS [ Nodejs, Serverless, Lambda , others ]
- Creating and deploying a lambda function with serverless, Api gateway and nodejs in AWS [ Api Gateway, Serverless, Lambda , others ]
- Create a lambda function with Nodejs from AWS [ Nodejs, Serverless, Lambda , others ]
- Create a lambda function with Nodejs and Api Gateway from AWS [ Api Gateway, Serverless, Lambda , others ]
Microservice for user management (ML) implemented with Systems Manager Parameter Store, Api-Gateway, Serverless-Framework, Lambda, NodeJs, Sequelize, Mysql, Amazon RDS, others. π

Api Rest for the statistical management of bioethanol production and sales implemented with Serverless-Framework, Api-Gateway, NodeJs, DynamoDB, Systems Manager Parameter Store, Lambda, others. π

Backup system for mining plant records implemented with SQS, SNS, Typescript, S3, DynamoDB, Api Gateway, Cloudwatch, Systems Manager Parameter Store, Serverless-Framework, Lambda, others. π

CRUD model for managing objects with aws amazon s3 implemented with Systems Manager Parameter Store, Bucket S3, Api-Gateway, Serverless-Framework, Lambda, NodeJs, aws-sdk-v3, others. π

CRUD model for managing Mercadopago payment objects with aws DynamoDB implemented with Api-Gateway, Systems Manager Parameter Store, Serverless-Framework, Lambda, Typescript, DynamoDB, aws-sdk-v3, others. π

Microservice OpenWeather with Nodejs, Jest, Api-Gateway, Systems Manager Parameter Store, Serverless-Framework, Lambda, others. π

Communication between lambda producer and lambda consumer using the AWS SQS service with FIFO queues. π

CRUD model for communication between lambdas through amazon simple notification service (SNS). π

Creating and deploying a lambda function with serverless in AWS. π

Creating and deploying a lambda function with serverless, Api gateway and nodejs in AWS. π