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61 lines (47 loc) · 1.63 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (47 loc) · 1.63 KB

My configuration files for macOS, FreeBSD, and Linux. The dots method of tracking dotfiles came from jaagr/dots.

Rather than using the built in update mechanisms in oh-my-zsh and other tools, I use git submodules. This lets me keep the versions consistent between systems, and I don't have to use different update methodologies for different tools.

I use git-crypt and my GPG key to unlock secret files.


The following alias will be present once you clone the repo, but you can also paste it into your shell session for the setup process.

alias dots='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dots.git/ --work-tree=$HOME'


git init --bare $HOME/.dots.git --initial-branch=master
dots remote add origin
# If GPG is setup, verify commit signatures
dots pull origin master --verify-signatures
dots submodule update --init --recursive
dots crypt unlock


To get sane status, you may want to adjust the following for the dots repository.

dots config status.showUntrackedFiles no
# Useful aliases
dots config alias.untracked "status -u ."
dots config alias.untracked-at "status -u"


# Use the dots alias like you would use the git command
dots status
dots add --update ...
dots commit -m "..."
dots push

# Listing files (not tracked by git)
dots untracked
dots status -u .config/

# Listing files (tracked by git)
dots ls-files
dots ls-files .config/polybar/

To get a list of files not tracked by git, use dots untracked or dots untracked-at $HOME/path/to/foo/bar to only show files in a specific subdirectory.