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Releases: androidx/media


27 Aug 11:47
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.4.0 release:

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Handle preload callbacks asynchronously in PreloadMediaSource (#1568).
    • Allow playback regardless of buffered duration when loading fails (#1571).
  • Extractors:
    • MP3: Fix Searched too many bytes error by correctly ignoring trailing non-MP3 data based on the length field in an Info frame (#1480).
  • Text:
    • TTML: Fix handling of percentage tts:fontSize values to ensure they are correctly inherited from parent nodes with percentage tts:fontSize values.
    • Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in LegacySubtitleUtil due to incorrectly handling the case of the requested output start time being greater than or equal to the final event time in the Subtitle (#1516).
  • DRM:
    • Fix$CryptoException: Operation not supported in this configuration: ERROR_DRM_CANNOT_HANDLE error on API 31+ devices playing L1 Widevine content. This error is caused by an incomplete implementation of the framework MediaDrm.requiresSecureDecoder method (#1603).
  • Effect:
    • Add a release() method to GlObjectsProvider.
  • Session:
    • Transform a double-tap of KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK into a 'seek to next' action, as documented (#1493).
    • Handle KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK as a 'play' command in MediaButtonReceiver when deciding whether to ignore it to avoid a ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException (#1581).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Skip invalid Media Descriptions in SDP parsing (#1087).


25 Jul 15:18
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.3.1 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Forward presumed no-op seek calls to the protected BasePlayer.seekTo() and SimpleBasePlayer.handleSeek() methods instead of ignoring them. If you are implementing these methods in a custom player, you may need to handle these additional calls with mediaItemIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET.
    • Remove compile dependency on enhanced Java 8 desugaring (#1312).
    • Ensure the duration passed to MediaItem.Builder.setImageDurationMs() is ignored for a non-image MediaItem (as documented).
    • Add Format.customData to store app-provided custom information about Format instances.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add BasePreloadManager which coordinates the preloading for multiple sources based on the priorities defined by their rankingData. Customization is possible by extending this class. Add DefaultPreloadManager which uses PreloadMediaSource to preload media samples of the sources into memory, and uses an integer rankingData that indicates the index of an item on the UI.
    • Add PlayerId to most methods of LoadControl to enable LoadControl implementations to support multiple players.
    • Remove Buffer.isDecodeOnly() and C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY. There is no need to set this flag as renderers and decoders will decide to skip buffers based on timestamp. Custom Renderer implementations should check if the buffer time is at least BaseRenderer.getLastResetPositionUs() to decide whether a sample should be shown. Custom SimpleDecoder implementations can check isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs() if needed or mark other buffers with DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped to skip them.
    • Allow a null value to be returned by TargetPreloadStatusControl.getTargetPreloadStatus(T) to indicate not to preload a MediaSource with the given rankingData.
    • Add remove(MediaSource) to BasePreloadManager.
    • Add reset() to BasePreloadManager to release all the holding sources while keep the preload manager instance.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setPriority() (and Builder.setPriority()) to define the priority value used in PriorityTaskManager and for MediaCodec importance from API 35.
    • Fix issue with updating the last rebuffer time which resulted in incorrect bs (buffer starvation) key in CMCD (#1124).
    • Add PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onLoadedToTheEndOfSource(PreloadMediaSource) to indicate that the source has loaded to the end. This allows the DefaultPreloadManager and the custom PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl implementations to preload the next source or take other actions.
    • Fix bug where silence skipping at the end of items can trigger a playback exception.
    • Add clear to PreloadMediaSource to discard the preloading period.
    • Add new error code PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_DECODING_RESOURCES_RECLAIMED that is used when codec resources are reclaimed for higher priority tasks.
    • Let AdsMediaSource load preroll ads before initial content media preparation completes (#1358).
    • Fix bug where playback moved to STATE_ENDED when re-preparing a multi-period DASH live stream after the original period was already removed from the manifest.
    • Rename onTimelineRefreshed() to onSourcePrepared() and onPrepared() to onTracksSelected() in PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl. Also rename the IntDefs in DefaultPreloadManager.Stage accordingly.
    • Add experimental support for dynamic scheduling to better align work with CPU wake-cycles and delay waking up to when renderers can progress. You can enable this using experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() when setting up your ExoPlayer instance.
    • Add Renderer.getDurationToProgressUs(). A Renderer can implement this method to return to ExoPlayer the duration that playback must advance for the renderer to progress. If ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled() then ExoPlayer will call this method when calculating the time to schedule its work task.
    • Add MediaCodecAdapter#OnBufferAvailableListener to alert when input and output buffers are available for use by MediaCodecRenderer. MediaCodecRenderer will signal ExoPlayer when receiving these callbacks and if ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled(), then ExoPlayer will schedule its work loop as renderers can make progress.
    • Use data class for LoadControl methods instead of individual parameters.
    • Add ExoPlayer.isReleased() to check whether Exoplayer.release() has been called.
    • Add ExoPlayer.Builder.setMaxSeekToPreviousPositionMs() to configure the maximum position for which seekToPrevious() seeks to the previous item (#1425).
    • Fix some audio focus inconsistencies, e.g. not reporting full or transient focus loss while the player is paused (#1436).
    • Fix potential IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by extractors reporting additional tracks after the initial preparation step (#1476).
    • Effects in ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect() will receive the timestamps with the renderer offset removed (#1098).
    • Fix potential IllegalArgumentException when handling player error that happened while reading ahead into another playlist item (#1483).
  • Transformer:
    • Add audioConversionProcess and videoConversionProcess to ExportResult indicating how the respective track in the output file was made.
    • Relax trim optimization H.264 level checks.
    • Add support for changing between SDR and HDR input media in a sequence.
    • Add support for composition-level audio effects.
    • Add support for transcoding Ultra HDR images into HDR videos.
    • Fix issue where the DefaultAudioMixer does not output the correct amount of bytes after being reset and reused.
    • Work around a decoder bug where the number of audio channels was capped at stereo when handling PCM input.
    • When selecting tracks in ExoPlayerAssetLoader, ignore audio channel count constraints as they only apply for playback.
    • Replace androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer interface with androidx.media3.muxer.Muxer and remove androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer.
    • Fix HEIC image loading from content URI schemes (#1373).
    • Adjust audio track duration in AudioGraphInput to improve AV sync.
    • Remove ExportResult.processedInputs field. If you use this field for codec details, then use DefaultDecoderFactory.listener instead. In case of a codec exception, codec details will be available in the ExportException.codecInfo.
  • Extractors:
    • MPEG-TS: Roll forward the change ensuring the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue (#7909). Incorporating fixes to resolve the issues that emerged in I-frame only HLS streams(#1150) and H.262 HLS streams (#1126).
    • MP3: Prefer the data size from an Info frame over the size reported by the underlying stream (e.g. file size, or HTTP Content-Length header). This helps to exclude non-playable trailer data (e.g. album artwork) from constant bitrate seeking calculations, making seeks more accurate (#1376).
    • MP3: Use the frame count and other data in an Info frame (if present) to compute an average bitrate for constant bitrate seeking, rather than extrapolating from the bitrate of the frame after the Info frame, which may be artificially small, e.g. PCUT frame (#1376).
    • Fix PCM audio format extraction in AVI containers.
  • Audio:
    • Fix DTS:X Profile 2 encoding attributes for passthrough playback (#1299).
    • For offloaded playback, reset the tracking field for stream completion in DefaultAudioSink prior to calling AudioTrack.stop() so that AudioTrack.StreamEventCallback#onPresentationEnded correctly identifies when all pending data has been played.
    • Fix bug in SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor where transitions between different audio formats (for example stereo to mono) can cause the processor to throw an exception (#1352).
    • Implement MediaCodecAudioRenderer.getDurationToProgressUs() so that ExoPlayer will dynamically schedule its main work loop to when the MediaCodecAudioRenderer can make progress.
  • Video:
    • Fix issue where Listener.onRenderedFirstFrame() arrives too early when switching surfaces mid-playback.
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Vision to use a compatible AV1 decoder if needed (#1389).
    • Fix codec exception that may be caused by enabling a video renderer mid-playback.
  • Text:
    • Fix issue where subtitles starting before a seek position are skipped. This issue was only introduced in Media3 1.4.0-alpha01.
    • Change default subtitle parsing behavior so it happens during extraction instead of during rendering (see ExoPlayer's architecture diagram for the difference between extraction and rendering).
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11 Jul 16:02
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.4.0-beta01 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Add Format.customData to store app-provided custom information about Format instances.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix some audio focus inconsistencies, e.g. not reporting full or transient focus loss while the player is paused (#1436).
    • Fix potential IndexOutOfBoundsException caused by extractors reporting additional tracks after the initial preparation step (#1476).
    • Effects in ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect() will receive the timestamps with the renderer offset removed (#1098).
    • Fix potential IllegalArgumentException when handling player error that happened while reading ahead into another playlist item (#1483).
  • Text:
    • Fix an IllegalArgumentException from LegacySubtitleUtil when a WebVTT subtitle sample contains no cues, e.g. as part of a DASH stream (#1516).
  • Session:
    • Allow the session activity to be set per controller to override the global session activity. The session activity can be defined for a controller at connection time by creating a ConnectionResult with AcceptedResultBuilder.setSessionActivivty(PendingIntent). Once connected, the session activity can be updated with MediaSession.setSessionActivity(ControllerInfo, PendingIntent).
    • Improve error replication of calls to MediaLibrarySession.Callback. Error replication can now be configured by using MediaLibrarySession.Builder.setLibraryErrorReplicationMode() for choosing the error type or opt-ing out of error replication which is on by default.
  • UI:
    • Work around a platform bug causing stretched/cropped video when using SurfaceView inside a Compose AndroidView on API 34 (#1237).
  • Demo app:
    • Use HttpEngineDataSource as the HttpDataSource when supported by the device.


27 Jun 11:32
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1.4.0-beta01 Pre-release
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add ExoPlayer.isReleased() to check whether Exoplayer.release() has been called.
    • Add ExoPlayer.Builder.setMaxSeekToPreviousPositionMs to configure the maximum position for which seekToPrevious() seeks to the previous item (#1425).
  • Transformer:
    • Remove ExportResult.processedInputs field. If you use this field for codec details, then use DefaultDecoderFactory.listener instead. In case of a codec exception, codec details will be available in the ExportException.codecInfo.
  • Extractors:
    • Fix PCM audio format extraction in AVI containers.
  • Image:
    • Allow null as parameter for ExoPlayer.setImageOutput to clear a previously set ImageOutput.
  • Effect:
    • Remove unused OverlaySettings.useHdr since dynamic range of overlay
    • Add HDR support for TextOverlay. Luminance of the text overlay can be adjusted with OverlaySettings.setHdrLuminanceMultiplier.
  • Session:
    • Add MediaSession.Callback.onPlayerInteractionFinished to inform sessions when a series of player interactions from a specific controller finished.
    • Add SessionError and use it in SessionResult and LibraryResult instead of the error code to provide more information about the error and how to resolve the error if possible.
    • Publish the code for the media3 controller test app that can be used to test interactions with apps publishing a media session.
    • Propagate extras passed to media3's MediaSession[Builder].setSessionExtras() to a media1 controller's PlaybackStateCompat.getExtras().
    • Map fatal and non-fatal errors to and from the platform session. A PlaybackException is mapped to a fatal error state of the PlaybackStateCompat. A SessionError sent to the media notification controller with MediaSession.sendError(ControllerInfo, SessionError) is mapped to a non-fatal error in PlaybackStateCompat which means that error code and message are set but the state of the platform session remains different to STATE_ERROR.
  • UI:
    • Add image display support to PlayerView when connected to an ExoPlayer (#1144).
    • Add customization of various icons in PlayerControlView through xml attributes to allow different drawables per PlayerView instance, rather than global overrides (#1200).
  • HLS Extension:
    • Fix a bug where non-primary playing playlists are not refreshed during live playback (#1240).
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove Bundleable interface. This includes removing all Bundleable.Creator<Foo> CREATOR constant fields. Callers should use the Bundle toBundle() and static Foo fromBundle(Bundle) methods on each type instead.


07 Jun 12:10
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1.4.0-alpha02 Pre-release

This release includes the following changes since the 1.4.0-alpha01 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Forward presumed no-op seek calls to the protected BasePlayer.seekTo and SimpleBasePlayer.handleSeek methods instead of ignoring them. If you are implementing these methods in a custom player, you may need to handle these additional calls with mediaItemIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET.
    • Remove compile dependency on enhanced Java 8 desugaring (#1312).
    • Ensure the duration passed to MediaItem.Builder.setImageDurationMs is ignored for a non-image MediaItem (as documented).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add reset to BasePreloadManager to release all the holding sources while keep the preload manager instance.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setPriority (and Builder.setPriority) to define the priority value used in PriorityTaskManager and for MediaCodec importance from API 35.
    • Fix issue with updating the last rebuffer time which resulted in incorrect bs (buffer starvation) key in CMCD (#1124).
    • Add PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl.onLoadedToTheEndOfSource(PreloadMediaSource) to indicate that the source has loaded to the end. This allows the DefaultPreloadManager and the custom PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl implementations to preload the next source or take other actions.
    • Fix bug where silence skipping at the end of items can trigger a playback exception.
    • Add clear to PreloadMediaSource to discard the preloading period.
    • Add new error code PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_DECODING_RESOURCES_RECLAIMED that is used when codec resources are reclaimed for higher priority tasks.
    • Let AdsMediaSource load preroll ads before initial content media preparation completes (#1358).
    • Fix bug where playback moved to STATE_ENDED when re-preparing a multi-period DASH live stream after the original period was already removed from the manifest.
    • Rename onTimelineRefreshed to onSourcePrepared and onPrepared to onTracksSelected in PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl. Also rename the IntDefs in DefaultPreloadManager.Stage accordingly.
    • Add experimental support for dynamic scheduling to better align work with CPU wake-cycles and delay waking up to when renderers can progress. You can enable this using experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled when setting up your ExoPlayer instance.
    • Add Renderer.getDurationToProgressMs. A Renderer can implement this method to return to ExoPlayer the duration that playback must advance for the renderer to progress. If ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled then ExoPlayer will call this method when calculating the time to schedule its work task.
    • Add MediaCodecAdapter#OnBufferAvailableListener to alert when input and output buffers are available for use by MediaCodecRenderer. MediaCodecRenderer will signal ExoPlayer when receiving these callbacks and if ExoPlayer is set with experimentalSetDynamicSchedulingEnabled, then ExoPlayer will schedule its work loop as renderers can make progress.
    • Use data class for LoadControl methods instead of individual parameters.
  • Transformer:
    • Work around a decoder bug where the number of audio channels was capped at stereo when handling PCM input.
    • When selecting tracks in ExoPlayerAssetLoader, ignore audio channel count constraints as they only apply for playback.
    • Replace androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer interface with androidx.media3.muxer.Muxer and remove androidx.media3.transformer.Muxer.
    • Fix HEIC image loading from content URI schemes (#1373).
    • Adjust audio track duration in AudioGraphInput to improve AV sync.
  • Extractors:
    • MPEG-TS: Roll forward the change ensuring the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue (#7909). Incorporating fixes to resolve the issues that emerged in I-frame only HLS streams(#1150) and H.262 HLS streams (#1126).
    • MP3: Prefer the data size from an Info frame over the size reported by the underlying stream (e.g. file size, or HTTP Content-Length header). This helps to exclude non-playable trailer data (e.g. album artwork) from constant bitrate seeking calculations, making seeks more accurate (#1376).
    • MP3: Use the frame count and other data in an Info frame (if present) to compute an average bitrate for constant bitrate seeking, rather than extrapolating from the bitrate of the frame after the Info frame, which may be artificially small, e.g. PCUT frame (#1376).
  • Audio:
    • Fix DTS:X Profile 2 encoding attributes for passthrough playback (#1299).
    • For offloaded playback, reset the tracking field for stream completion in DefaultAudioSink prior to calling AudioTrack.stop() so that AudioTrack.StreamEventCallback#onPresentationEnded correctly identifies when all pending data has been played.
    • Fix bug in SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor where transitions between different audio formats (for example stereo to mono) can cause the processor to throw an exception (#1352).
    • Implement MediaCodecAudioRenderer.getDurationToProgressUs so that ExoPlayer will dynamically schedule its main work loop to when the MediaCodecAudioRenderer can make progress.
  • Video:
    • Fix decoder fallback logic for Dolby Vision to use a compatible AV1 decoder if needed (#1389).
  • Text:
    • Fix issue where subtitles starting before a seek position are skipped. This issue was only introduced in Media3 1.4.0-alpha01.
    • Change default subtitle parsing behavior so it happens during extraction instead of during rendering (see ExoPlayer's architecture diagram for the difference between extraction and rendering).
      • This change can be overridden by calling both MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(false) and TextRenderer.experimentalSetLegacyDecodingEnabled(true). See the docs on customization for how to plumb these components into an ExoPlayer instance. These methods (and all support for legacy subtitle decoding) will be removed in a future release.
      • Apps with custom SubtitleDecoder implementations need to update them to implement SubtitleParser instead (and SubtitleParser.Factory instead of SubtitleDecoderFactory).
    • PGS: Fix run-length decoding to resolve 0 as a color index, instead of a literal color value (#1367).
    • CEA-708: Ignore rowLock value. The CEA-708-E S-2023 spec states that rowLock and columnLock should both be assumed to be true, regardless of the values present in the stream (columnLock support is not implemented, so it's effectively assumed to always be false).
      • This was originally included in the 1.3.0-alpha01 release notes, but the change was accidentally reverted before the 1.3.0-rc01 release. This is now fixed, so the change is present again.
    • CEA-708: Avoid duplicate newlines being added by ExoPlayer's naive handling of the 'set pen location' command (#1315).
  • Metadata:
    • Fix mapping of MP4 to ID3 sort tags. Previously the 'album sort' (soal), 'artist sort' (soar) and 'album artist sort' (soaa) MP4 tags were wrongly mapped to the TSO2, TSOA and TSOP ID3 tags (#1302).
    • Fix reading of MP4 (/iTunes) numeric gnre (genre) and tmpo (tempo) tags when the value is more than one byte long.
    • Propagate ID3 TCON frame to MediaMetadata.genre (#1305).
  • Image:
    • Add support for non-square DASH thumbnail grids (#1300).
    • Add support for AVIF for API 34+.
  • DataSource:
    • Allow ByteArrayDataSource to resolve a URI to a byte array during open(), instead of being hard-coded at construction (#1405).
  • DRM:
    • Allow setting a LoadErrorHandlingPolicy on DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider (#1271).
  • Effect:
    • Fix bug where TimestampWrapper crashes when used with ExoPlayer#setVideoEffects (#821).
    • Change default SDR color working space from linear colors to electrical BT 709 SDR video. Also provide third option to retain the original colorspace.
    • Allow defining indeterminate z-order of EditedMediaItemSequences (#1055).
    • Maintain a consistent luminance range across different pieces of HDR content (uses the HLG range).
    • Add support for Ultra HDR (bitmap) overlays on HDR content.
    • Allow SeparableConvolution effects to be used before API 26.
  • IMA extension:
    • Promote API that is required for apps to play DAI ad streams to stable.
    • Add replaceAdTagParameters(Map <String, String>) ...
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17 Apr 15:33
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1.4.0-alpha01 Pre-release

This release includes the following changes since the 1.3.1 release:

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add BasePreloadManager which coordinates the preloading for multiple sources based on the priorities defined by their rankingData. Customization is possible by extending this class. Add DefaultPreloadManager which uses PreloadMediaSource to preload media samples of the sources into memory, and uses an integer rankingData that indicates the index of an item on the UI.
    • Add PlayerId to most methods of LoadControl to enable LoadControl implementations to support multiple players.
    • Remove Buffer.isDecodeOnly() and C.BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY. There is no need to set this flag as renderers and decoders will decide to skip buffers based on timestamp. Custom Renderer implementations should check if the buffer time is at least BaseRenderer.getLastResetPositionUs() to decide whether a sample should be shown. Custom SimpleDecoder implementations can check isAtLeastOutputStartTimeUs if needed or mark other buffers with DecoderOutputBuffer.shouldBeSkipped to skip them.
    • Allow a null value to be returned by TargetPreloadStatusControl.getTargetPreloadStatus(T) to indicate not to preload a MediaSource with the given rankingData.
    • Add remove(MediaSource) to BasePreloadManager.
  • Transformer:
    • Add audioConversionProcess and videoConversionProcess to ExportResult indicating how the respective track in the output file was made.
    • Relax trim optimization H.264 level checks.
    • Add support for changing between SDR and HDR input media in a sequence.
    • Add support for composition-level audio effects.
    • Add support for transcoding Ultra HDR images into HDR videos.
    • Fix issue where the DefaultAudioMixer does not output the correct amount of bytes after being reset and reused.
  • Video:
    • Fix issue where Listener.onRenderedFirstFrame() arrives too early when switching surfaces mid-playback.
  • DataSource:
    • Implement support for android.resource://package/id raw resource URIs where package is different to the package of the current application. This wasn't previously documented to work, but is a more efficient way of accessing resources in another package than by name.
    • Eagerly check url is non-null in the DataSpec constructors. This parameter was already annotated to be non-null.
  • Effect:
    • Support multiple speed changes within the same EditedMediaItem or Composition in SpeedChangeEffect.
    • Support for HLG and PQ output from ultra HDR bitmap input.
    • Add support for EGL_GL_COLORSPACE_BT2020_HLG_EXT, which improves HLG surface output in ExoPlayer.setVideoEffect and Transformer's Debug SurfaceView.
    • Update Overlay matrix implementation to make it consistent with the documentation by flipping the x and y values applied in setOverlayFrameAnchor(). If using OverlaySettings.Builder.setOverlayFrameAnchor(), flip their x and y values by multiplying them by -1.
  • Session:
    • Change default of CommandButton.enabled to true and ensure the value can stay false for controllers even if the associated command is available.
    • Add icon constants for CommandButton that should be used instead of custom icon resources.
    • Add MediaSessionService.isPlaybackOngoing() to let apps query whether the service needs to be stopped in onTaskRemoved() (#1219).
    • Add MediaSessionService.pauseAllPlayersAndStopSelf() that conveniently allows to pause playback of all sessions and call stopSelf to terminate the lifecycle of the MediaSessionService.
    • Override MediaSessionService.onTaskRemoved(Intent) to provide a safe default implementation that keeps the service running in the foreground if playback is ongoing or stops the service otherwise.
  • Downloads:
    • Ensure that DownloadHelper does not leak unreleased Renderer instances, which can eventually result in an app crashing with IllegalStateException: Too many receivers, total of 1000, registered for pid (#1224).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Implement onInit() and onRelease() in FakeRenderer.
    • Change TestPlayerRunHelper.runUntil/playUntil methods to fail on nonfatal errors (e.g. those reported to AnalyticsListener.onVideoCodecError). Use the new method chain to disable this behavior.
  • Demo app:
    • Use DefaultPreloadManager in the short form demo app.
  • Remove deprecated symbols:
    • Remove CronetDataSourceFactory. Use CronetDataSource.Factory instead.
    • Remove some DataSpec constructors. Use DataSpec.Builder instead.


09 Apr 16:57
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.3.0 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Add Format.labels to allow localized or other alternative labels.
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Fix issue where PreloadMediaPeriod cannot retain the streams when it is preloaded again.
    • Apply the correct corresponding TrackSelectionResult to the playing period in track reselection.
    • Start early-enabled renderers only after advancing the playing period when transitioning between media items (#1017).
    • Add missing return type to proguard -keepclasseswithmembers rule for (#1187).
  • Transformer:
    • Add workaround for exception thrown due to MediaMuxer not supporting negative presentation timestamps before API 30.
  • Track Selection:
    • DefaultTrackSelector: Prefer video tracks with a 'reasonable' frame rate (>=10fps) over those with a lower or unset frame rate. This ensures the player selects the 'real' video track in MP4s extracted from motion photos that can contain two HEVC tracks where one has a higher resolution but a very small number of frames (#1051).
  • Extractors:
    • Fix issue where padding was not skipped when reading odd-sized chunks from WAV files (#1117).
    • MP3: Populate Format.averageBitrate from metadata frames such as XING and VBRI.
    • MPEG-TS: Revert a change that aimed to ensure the last frame is rendered by passing the last access unit of a stream to the sample queue (#7909). This is due to the change causing new problems with I-frame only HLS streams (#1150) and H.262 HLS streams (#1126).
  • Audio:
    • Allow renderer recovery by disabling offload if audio track fails to initialize in offload mode.
  • Video:
    • Add workaround for a device issue on Galaxy Tab S7 FE, Chromecast with Google TV, and Lenovo M10 FHD Plus that causes 60fps H265 streams to be marked as unsupported
    • Add workaround that ensures the first frame is always rendered while tunneling even if the device does not do this automatically as required by the API (#1169). (#966).
    • Fix issue where HDR color info handling causes codec misbehavior and prevents adaptive format switches for SDR video tracks (#1158).
  • Text:
    • WebVTT: Prevent directly consecutive cues from creating spurious additional CuesWithTiming instances from WebvttParser.parse (#1177).
  • DRM:
    • Work around a NoSuchMethodError which can be thrown by the MediaDrm framework instead of ResourceBusyException or NotProvisionedException on some Android 14 devices (#1145).
  • Effect:
    • Improved PQ to SDR tone-mapping by converting color spaces.
  • Session:
    • Fix issue where the current position jumps back when the controller replaces the current item (#951).
    • Fix issue where MediaMetadata with just non-null extras is not transmitted between media controllers and sessions (#1176).
  • UI:
    • Fallback to include audio track language name if Locale cannot identify a display name (#988).
  • DASH Extension:
    • Populate all Label elements from the manifest into Format.labels (#1054).
  • RTSP Extension:
    • Skip empty session information values (i-tags) in SDP parsing (#1087).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • Disable the MIDI extension as a local dependency by default because it requires an additional Maven repository to be configured. Users who need this module from a local dependency can re-enable it.


07 Mar 09:31
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.2.1 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Implement support for android.resource://package/[type/]name raw resource URIs where package is different to the package of the current application. This has always been documented to work, but wasn't correctly implemented until now.
    • Normalize MIME types set by app code or read from media to be fully lower-case.
    • Define ads with a full MediaItem instead of a single Uri in AdPlaybackState.
    • Increase minSdk to 19 (Android KitKat). This is aligned with all other AndroidX libraries, and is required for us to upgrade to the latest versions of our AndroidX dependencies.
    • Populate both artworkUri and artworkData in MediaMetadata.Builder.populate(MediaMetadata) when at least one of them is non-null (#964).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add PreloadMediaSource and PreloadMediaPeriod that allows apps to preload a content media source at a specific start position before playback. PreloadMediaSource takes care of preparing the content media source to receive the Timeline, preparing and caching the period at the given start position, selecting tracks and loading media data for the period. Apps control the preload progress by implementing PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl and set the preloaded source to the player for playback.
    • Add ExoPlayer.setImageOutput that allows apps to set ImageRenderer.ImageOutput.
    • DefaultRenderersFactory now provides an ImageRenderer to the player by default with null ImageOutput and ImageDecoder.Factory.DEFAULT.
    • Emit Player.Listener.onPositionDiscontinuity event when silence is skipped (#765).
    • Add experimental support for parsing subtitles during extraction. You can enable this using MediaSource.Factory.experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction().
    • Support adaptive media sources with PreloadMediaSource.
    • Implement HttpEngineDataSource, an HttpDataSource using the HttpEngine API.
    • Prevent subclassing CompositeSequenceableLoader. This component was previously made extensible but was never subclassed within the library. Customizations can be done by wrapping an instance using the decorator pattern and implementing a custom CompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory.
    • Fix issue where repeating the same time causes metadata from this item to be cleared (#1007).
    • Rename experimentalSetSubtitleParserFactory methods on BundledChunkExtractor.Factory and DefaultHlsExtractorFactory to setSubtitleParserFactory and disallow passing null. Use the new experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(boolean) methods to control parsing behaviour.
    • Add support for customising the SubtitleParser.Factory used during extraction. This can be achieved with MediaSource.Factory.setSubtitleParserFactory().
    • Add source prefix to all fields generated from MergingMediaSource. This helps to identify which source produced a Format (#883).
    • Fix the regex used for validating custom Common Media Client Data (CMCD) key names by modifying it to only check for hyphen (#1028).
    • Stop double-encoding CMCD query parameters (#1075).
  • Transformer:
    • Add support for flattening H.265/HEVC SEF slow motion videos.
    • Increase transmuxing speed, especially for 'remove video' edits.
    • Add API to ensure that the output file starts on a video frame. This can make the output of trimming operations more compatible with player implementations that don't show the first video frame until its presentation timestamp (#829).
    • Add support for optimizing single asset mp4 trim operations.
    • Add support to ensure a video frame has the first timestamp in the output file. Fixes output files beginning with black frame on iOS based players (#829).
  • Track Selection:
    • Add DefaultTrackSelector.selectImageTrack to enable image track selection.
    • Add TrackSelectionParameters.isPrioritizeImageOverVideoEnabled to determine whether to select an image track if both an image track and a video track are available. The default value is false which means selecting a video track is prioritized.
  • Extractors:
    • Add additional AV1C parsing to MP4 extractor to retrieve ColorInfo.colorSpace, ColorInfo.colorTransfer, and ColorInfo.colorRange values (#692).
    • MP3: Use constant bitrate (CBR) seeking for files with an Info header (the CBR equivalent of the Xing header). Previously we used the seek table from the Info header, but this results in less precise seeking than if we ignore it and assume the file is CBR.
    • MPEG2-TS: Add DTS, DTS-LBR and DTS:X Profile2 support (#275).
    • Extract audio types from TS descriptors and map them to role flags, allowing users to make better-informed audio track selections (#973).
  • Audio:
    • Improve silence skipping algorithm with smooth volume ramp; retained minimal silence and more natural silence durations (#7423).
    • Report the skipped silence more deterministically (#1035).
  • Video:
    • Change the MediaCodecVideoRenderer constructor that takes a VideoFrameProcessor.Factory argument and replace it with a constructor that takes a VideoSinkProvider argument. Apps that want to inject a custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory can instantiate a CompositingVideoSinkProvider that uses the custom VideoFrameProcessor.Factory and pass the video sink provider to MediaCodecVideoRenderer.
  • Text:
    • Fix serialization of bitmap cues to resolve Tried to marshall a Parcel that contained Binder objects error when using DefaultExtractorsFactory.setTextTrackTranscodingEnabled (#836).
    • CEA-708: Ignore rowLock value. The CEA-708-E S-2023 spec states that rowLock and columnLock should both be assumed to be true, regardless of the values present in the stream (columnLock support is not implemented, so it's effectively assumed to always be false).
  • Image:
    • Add support for DASH thumbnails. Grid images are cropped and individual thumbnails are provided to ImageOutput close to their presentation times.
  • DRM:
  • IMA extension:
    • Fix issue where DASH and HLS ads without the appropriate file extension can't be played.
  • Session:
    • Disable double-click detection for TV apps (#962).
    • Fix issue where MediaItem.RequestMetadata with just non-null extras is not transmitted between media controllers and sessions.
    • Add constructor to MediaLibrarySession.Builder that only takes a Context instead of a MediaLibraryService.
  • HLS Extension:
    • Reduce HlsMediaPeriod to package-private visibility. This type shouldn't be directly depended on from outside the HLS package.
    • Resolve seeks to beginning of a segment more efficiently (#1031).
  • Decoder Extensions (FFmpeg, VP9, AV1, MIDI, etc.):
    • MIDI decoder: Ignore SysEx event messages (#710).
  • Test Utilities:
    • Don't pause playback in TestPlayerRunHelper.playUntilPosition. The test keeps the playback in a playing state, but suspends progress until the test is able to add assertions and further actions.
  • Demo app:
    • Add a shortform demo module to demo the usage of PreloadMediaSource with the short-form content use case.


22 Feb 13:12
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This release includes the following changes since the 1.3.0-beta01 release:

  • ExoPlayer:
    • Add source prefix to all fields generated from MergingMediaSource. This helps to identify which source produced a Format (#883).
    • Fix the regex used for validating custom Common Media Client Data (CMCD) key names by modifying it to only check for hyphen (#1028).
    • Stop double-encoding CMCD query parameters (#1075).
  • Audio:
    • Improve silence skipping algorithm with smooth volume ramp; retained minimal silence and more natural silence durations (#7423).
    • Report the skipped silence more deterministically (#1035).
  • Session:
    • Fix issue where MediaItem.RequestMetadata with just non-null extras is not transmitted between media controllers and sessions.
    • Add constructor to MediaLibrarySession.Builder that only takes a Context instead of a MediaLibraryService.
  • HLS Extension:
    • Resolve seeks to beginning of a segment more efficiently (#1031).


09 Feb 11:18
Choose a tag to compare
1.3.0-beta01 Pre-release

This release includes the following changes since the 1.3.0-alpha01 release:

  • Common Library:
    • Populate both artworkUri and artworkData in MediaMetadata.Builder.populate(MediaMetadata) when at least one of them is non-null (#964).
  • ExoPlayer:
    • Prevent subclassing CompositeSequenceableLoader. This component was previously made extensible but was never subclassed within the library. Customizations can be done by wrapping an instance using the decorator pattern and implementing a custom CompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory.
    • Fix issue where repeating the same time causes metadata from this item to be cleared (#1007).
    • Rename experimentalSetSubtitleParserFactory methods on BundledChunkExtractor.Factory and DefaultHlsExtractorFactory to setSubtitleParserFactory and disallow passing null. Use the new experimentalParseSubtitlesDuringExtraction(boolean) methods to control parsing behaviour.
    • Add support for customising the SubtitleParser.Factory used during extraction. This can be achieved with MediaSource.Factory.setSubtitleParserFactory().
  • Extractors:
    • MP3: Use constant bitrate (CBR) seeking for files with an Info header (the CBR equivalent of the Xing header). Previously we used the seek table from the Info header, but this results in less precise seeking than if we ignore it and assume the file is CBR.
    • MPEG2-TS: Add DTS, DTS-LBR and DTS:X Profile2 support (#275).
    • Extract audio types from TS descriptors and map them to role flags, allowing users to make better-informed audio track selections (#973).
  • Image:
    • Add support for DASH thumbnails. Grid images are cropped and individual thumbnails are provided to ImageOutput close to their presentation times.
  • Session:
    • Disable double-click detection for TV apps (#962).