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439 lines (365 loc) · 17.3 KB

File metadata and controls

439 lines (365 loc) · 17.3 KB --help

usage: [-h] [-la] [--listtools]

ROS diagram tools

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --listtools           List tools

  use one of tools

                        one of tools
    codedistribution    source code distribution over packages
    packagetree         packages graph
    classifynodes       match nodes to packages
    buildtime           catkin build time
    maketime            objects compilation time based on make output
    rosparamlist        rosparam parameters list
    rosmsglist          rosmsg and rossrv messages list
    rosnodegraph        rosnode connection graph
    rostopicgraph       rostopic connection graph
    roslaunchgraph      roslaunch connection graph
    rosindex            index of diagrams
    rosgeneral          generate diagrams from provided data
    rosbagflow          generate sequence diagram based on messages from
    rosverify           verify ROS packages codedistribution --help

usage: codedistribution [-h] [-la]
                                           [--clocjsonpath CLOCJSONPATH]
                                           [--clocdumpdir CLOCDUMPDIR]
                                           [--filteritems FILTERITEMS]
                                           [--highlight HIGHLIGHT]
                                           [--outraw OUTRAW] [--outpng OUTPNG]
                                           [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                           [--outdir OUTDIR]

Source code distribution over packages. Tool can be feed with JSON or with
path to output of dumpclocpack tool.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --clocjsonpath CLOCJSONPATH
                        Path to JSON file with dumped 'cloc' results
  --clocdumpdir CLOCDUMPDIR
                        Path to directory with dumped 'cloc' results
  --filteritems FILTERITEMS
                        File with list of items to filter
  --highlight HIGHLIGHT
                        List with items to highlight
  --outraw OUTRAW       Graph RAW output
  --outpng OUTPNG       Graph PNG output
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory packagetree --help

usage: packagetree [-h] [-la]
                                      [--catkinlistfile CATKINLISTFILE]
                                      [--packdumppath PACKDUMPPATH]
                                      [--classifynodesfile CLASSIFYNODESFILE]
                                      [--nodeshape NODESHAPE]
                                      [--topitems TOPITEMS]
                                      [--highlightitems HIGHLIGHTITEMS]
                                      [--descriptionjson DESCRIPTIONJSON]
                                      [--outraw OUTRAW] [--outpng OUTPNG]
                                      [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                      [--outdir OUTDIR]

Packages graph. Tool can be feed with catkin putput (based on package.xml) or
with rospack output.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --catkinlistfile CATKINLISTFILE
                        Read 'catkin list' data from file
  --packdumppath PACKDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rospack' output
  --classifynodesfile CLASSIFYNODESFILE
                        Nodes classification input file
  --nodeshape NODESHAPE
                        Shape of node: 'box', 'octagon' or other value
                        supprted by GraphViz dot
  --topitems TOPITEMS   File with list of items to filter on top
  --highlightitems HIGHLIGHTITEMS
                        File with list of items to highlight
  --descriptionjson DESCRIPTIONJSON
                        Path to JSON file with items description
  --outraw OUTRAW       Graph RAW output
  --outpng OUTPNG       Graph PNG output
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory classifynodes --help

usage: classifynodes [-h] [-la] --packdumppath PACKDUMPPATH
                                        --launchdumppath LAUNCHDUMPPATH
                                        [--outfile OUTFILE]

match nodes to packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --packdumppath PACKDUMPPATH
                        Path to file containing dumped 'rospack' output
  --launchdumppath LAUNCHDUMPPATH
                        Path fo directory containing dumped 'roslaunch' output
  --outfile OUTFILE     Path to output file buildtime --help

usage: buildtime [-h] [-la] --buildlogfile BUILDLOGFILE
                                    [-st SCALESECSTEP] [-sp SCALEPXNUM]
                                    [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                    [--outdir OUTDIR]

catkin build schedule

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --buildlogfile BUILDLOGFILE
                        Path to catkin build log file
                        Scale time step. Timeline will be divided into steps
                        of given size.
  -sp SCALEPXNUM, --scalepxnum SCALEPXNUM
                        Scale pixel number - width in pixels of each timeline
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory maketime --help

usage: maketime [-h] [-la] -clf COMPILELOGFILE
                                   [--outfile OUTFILE]

calculate objects compilation time based on make output

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
                        Path to make compile log file
  --outfile OUTFILE     Path to output file rosparamlist --help

usage: rosparamlist [-h] [-la] --dumpyamlfile DUMPYAMLFILE
                                       [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                       [--outdir OUTDIR]

rosparam parameters list

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --dumpyamlfile DUMPYAMLFILE
                        Path to rosparam dump file
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory rosmsglist --help

usage: rosmsglist [-h] [-la] [--msgsdumppath MSGSDUMPPATH]
                                     [--srvsdumppath SRVSDUMPPATH]
                                     [--topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH]
                                     [--servicesdumppath SERVICESDUMPPATH]
                                     [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                     [--outdir OUTDIR]

rosmsg and rossrv messages list

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --msgsdumppath MSGSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rosmsg' output
  --srvsdumppath SRVSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rossrv' output
  --topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rostopic' output
  --servicesdumppath SERVICESDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rostopic' output
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory rosnodegraph --help

usage: rosnodegraph [-h] [-la]
                                       [--nodesdumppath NODESDUMPPATH]
                                       [--topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH]
                                       [--servicesdumppath SERVICESDUMPPATH]
                                       [--msgsdumppath MSGSDUMPPATH]
                                       [--srvsdumppath SRVSDUMPPATH]
                                       [--classifynodesfile CLASSIFYNODESFILE]
                                       [--highlightitems HIGHLIGHTITEMS]
                                       [--descriptionjson DESCRIPTIONJSON]
                                       [-mfg] [-iri] [--outraw OUTRAW]
                                       [--outpng OUTPNG] [--outhtml]
                                       [--outmarkdown] [--outdir OUTDIR]

rosnode connection graph

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --nodesdumppath NODESDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rosnode' output
  --topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rostopic' output
  --servicesdumppath SERVICESDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rosservice'
  --msgsdumppath MSGSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rosmsg' output
  --srvsdumppath SRVSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rossrv' output
  --classifynodesfile CLASSIFYNODESFILE
                        Nodes classification input file
  --highlightitems HIGHLIGHTITEMS
                        File with list of items to highlight
  --descriptionjson DESCRIPTIONJSON
                        Path to JSON file with items description
  -mfg, --mainfullgraph
                        Generate main full graph instead of compact one
  -iri, --includerosinternals
                        Include ROS internal items like /rosout and /record_*
  --outraw OUTRAW       Graph RAW output
  --outpng OUTPNG       Graph PNG output
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory rostopicgraph --help

usage: rostopicgraph [-h] [-la]
                                        [--topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH]
                                        [--outraw OUTRAW] [--outpng OUTPNG]

rostopic flow graph (tool is obsolete, use rosnodegraph)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rostopic list'
  --outraw OUTRAW       Graph RAW output
  --outpng OUTPNG       Graph PNG output roslaunchgraph --help

usage: roslaunchgraph [-h] [-la] [--launchfile LAUNCHFILE]
                                         [--outraw OUTRAW] [--outpng OUTPNG]
                                         [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                         [--outdir OUTDIR]

roslaunch connection graph

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --launchfile LAUNCHFILE
                        Path to file containing dumped JSON data
  --outraw OUTRAW       Graph RAW output
  --outpng OUTPNG       Graph PNG output
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory rosindex --help

usage: rosindex [-h] [-la] [--packagesview PACKAGESVIEW]
                                   [--paramsview PARAMSVIEW]
                                   [--nodesview NODESVIEW]
                                   [--topicsview TOPICSVIEW]
                                   [--customlist [CUSTOMLIST [CUSTOMLIST ...]]]
                                   [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                   [--outdir OUTDIR]

index of diagrams

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --packagesview PACKAGESVIEW
                        Path to packages view
  --paramsview PARAMSVIEW
                        Path to params view
  --nodesview NODESVIEW
                        Path to nodes view
  --topicsview TOPICSVIEW
                        Path to topics view
  --customlist [CUSTOMLIST [CUSTOMLIST ...]]
                        Space-separated list of titles and links
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory rosgeneral --help

usage: rosgeneral [-h] [-la] [--dumprootdir DUMPROOTDIR]
                                     [--launchdumppath LAUNCHDUMPPATH]
                                     [--classifynodesfile CLASSIFYNODESFILE]
                                     [--descriptionjsonfile DESCRIPTIONJSONFILE]
                                     [--pkgsfilterlist PKGSFILTERLIST]
                                     [--highlightnodeslist HIGHLIGHTNODESLIST]
                                     [--highlightpackageslist HIGHLIGHTPACKAGESLIST]
                                     [--customlist [CUSTOMLIST [CUSTOMLIST ...]]]
                                     [--outhtml] [--outmarkdown]
                                     [--outdir OUTDIR]

index of diagrams

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --dumprootdir DUMPROOTDIR
                        Path directory with standard dump directories
  --launchdumppath LAUNCHDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'roslaunch' output
  --classifynodesfile CLASSIFYNODESFILE
                        Nodes classification input file
  --descriptionjsonfile DESCRIPTIONJSONFILE
                        Path to JSON file with items description
  --pkgsfilterlist PKGSFILTERLIST
                        Path to file with list of packages to filter (other
                        packages will be excluded)
  --highlightnodeslist HIGHLIGHTNODESLIST
                        Path to file with list of nodes to highlight
  --highlightpackageslist HIGHLIGHTPACKAGESLIST
                        Path to file with list of packages to highlight
  -iri, --includerosinternals
                        Include ROS internal items like /rosout and /record_*
  --customlist [CUSTOMLIST [CUSTOMLIST ...]]
                        Space-separated list of titles and links
  --outhtml             Output HTML
  --outmarkdown         Output Markdown
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output directory rosbagflow --help

usage: rosbagflow [-h] [-la] --rosbagpath ROSBAGPATH
                                     [--topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH]
                                     [--groupcalls] [--grouptopics]
                                     [--groupsubs] [--detectloops]
                                     [--excludelistpath EXCLUDELISTPATH]
                                     [--outdir OUTDIR]

rosbag sequence diagram

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -la, --logall         Log all messages
  --rosbagpath ROSBAGPATH
                        Path to rosbag file
  --topicsdumppath TOPICSDUMPPATH
                        Path to directory containing dumped 'rostopic' output
  --groupcalls          Group calls to same topic
  --grouptopics         Group multiple topics in one call
  --groupsubs           Group topic's subscribers in one UML group
  --detectloops         Detect message loops and group in one UML loop
  --writemessages       Write message subpages
  --excludelistpath EXCLUDELISTPATH
                        Exclude list path
  --outdir OUTDIR       Output HTML rosverify --help

usage: rosverify [-h] [-w WORKSPACE]

package overlay detector

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE
                        Workspace directory to analyze