Nexus 4WD Mecanum Simulator project is taken from ( (commit e26640c600050b3da95312885d6a6e4de0786ff6
Project is published on GPL-3.0 license.
Dumping required data is done by script
. Script have to be run from environment with installed ROS.
generates diagrams and views from duped data.
HTML output.
Markdown output.
HTML output.
Markdown output.
Generated diagram:
Generated main graph view:
Generated package graph view:
HTML output.
Markdown output.
Generated diagram:
Generated main graph view:
HTML output.
Markdown output.
Generated diagram:
Generated main graph view:
HTML output.
Markdown output.
"gazebo_ros": {
"path": "/opt/ros/noetic/share/gazebo_ros",
"nodes": [
"nexus_4wd_mecanum_description": {
"path": "/home/vbox/rosdiagrams/mecanum/catkin_ws/src/nexus_4wd_mecanum_description",
"nodes": [
"nexus_4wd_mecanum_gazebo": {
"path": "/home/vbox/rosdiagrams/mecanum/catkin_ws/src/nexus_4wd_mecanum_gazebo",
"nodes": [
INFO:rosdiagram.tool.rosverify:found workspaces: ['/home/vbox/rosdiagrams/turtlebot3/catkin_ws', '/opt/ros/noetic']
INFO:rosdiagram.tool.rosverify:all overlay packages: []
INFO:rosdiagram.tool.rosverify:workspace overlay packages: []
Generated full diagram:
Generated main graph view:
Generated node graph view:
Generated topic graph view:
Generated service graph view:
HTML output.
Markdown output.
Generated main view:
Generated file view:
HTML output.
Markdown output.
HTML output.
Markdown output.