This is an unofficial repository, that contains xbps-src templates (as in void-linux/void-packages) of applications either not being accepted in the official repository due to various reasons (including quality standards which require packages to be tagged/released as versions) or needs more work done to be in the official repository.
It is primarily intended for my private use.
Add the following mirror:
echo 'repository=' | sudo tee /etc/xbps.d/11-repository-xpack.conf
sudo xbps-install -S
Package should now be indexed and be available from any xbps
Just add upstream and merge this into your void-packages clone, and build as usual.
git remote add --fetch xpackages
git merge -s subtree -Xsubtree=srcpkgs xpackages/main --allow-unrelated-histories --no-edit
# To see a list of packages coming from this repository
git ls-tree -d --name-only xpackages/main
# Build & Install (xbps-src) see link above for more information
./xbps-src pkg <pkgname>
sudo xbps-install -R hostdir/binpkgs <pkgname>
# (Optional) Add that repository as a mirror, so for not passing '-R' everytime for every xbps command
echo "repository=$PWD/hostdir/binpkgs" | sudo tee /etc/xbps.d/11-repository-xpack.conf
Work primarily on your void-packages clone to keep testing, and then move the final changes to this repository:
mv /path/to/void-packages/srcpkgs/<pkg> /path/to/xpackages-clone