- Objective & Data description
- Proposed Solution
- Model and Loss function
- Results: Accuracy, Loss
- Further Improvements
The Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset consists of 11,855 sentences extracted from movie reviews with fine-grained sentiment labels [0–4] (0 most negative and 4 most positive). It also consists of well as 215,154 phrases that compose each sentence in the dataset. We have used 3 files: sentiment_labels, dictionary and datasetSentences. The movie reviews to classified into 5 classes do not have their sentiments directly linked. The datasetSentences file contains those sentences and sentence ids for the respective sentences. The sentiment of each of these sentences exist in the file sentiment_labels linked to the file dictionary using phrase ids. In this dataset, sentence ids and phrase ids are different from each other. Hence, to get a proper sentiment label for the movie reviews in the datasetSentences, we merge these three files with each other and assign sentiment labels into 5 classes basis: [most negative](0-0.2, 0.2-0.4, 0.4-0.6, 0.6-0.8, 0.8-1.0) [most positive].
Eventhough we have 11,855 sentences (train- 8297 and valid- 3558 sentences), still we augment the data using multiple augmentation techniques to increase our data-size to train our models better. For the model, we use a multi-layer LSTM model fed by an embedding layer. To classify the sentences into their perceived sentiment labels from the LSTM layer, we use two fully connected layers with output dimension equal to both the sentiments' labels present in the dataset.
As discussed in proposed architecture, we use a model with embedding (300), 4 LSTM and 2 fully connected layers. First we pass our augmented and original dataset through spacy to tokenize it. We tokenize the training, validation and testing daya individually as our dataset is already split into train-valid-test hence we teh same split to create the bucketiterators. Using train dataset we created a vocabulary.
We use Adam optimiser with a learning rate of 1*10^-4 and CrossEntropyLoss
Cross entropy loss is used since it is a multi-class classification problem. This model was trained for 40 epochs.
Epoch 1 | Time Taken: 2.52s
Train Loss 5 labels: 1.591 | Train Acc 5 labels: 24.96%
Val. Loss 5 labels: 1.574 | Val. Acc 5 labels: 27.73%
Epoch 2 | Time Taken: 2.41s
Train Loss 5 labels: 1.577 | Train Acc 5 labels: 28.79%
Val. Loss 5 labels: 1.571 | Val. Acc 5 labels: 27.98%
Epoch 3 | Time Taken: 2.40s
Train Loss 5 labels: 1.572 | Train Acc 5 labels: 30.86%
Val. Loss 5 labels: 1.565 | Val. Acc 5 labels: 30.83%
Epoch 38 | Time Taken: 2.34s
Train Loss 5 labels: 1.066 | Train Acc 5 labels: 85.65%
Val. Loss 5 labels: 1.574 | Val. Acc 5 labels: 30.74%
Epoch 39 | Time Taken: 2.36s
Train Loss 5 labels: 1.061 | Train Acc 5 labels: 86.01%
Val. Loss 5 labels: 1.572 | Val. Acc 5 labels: 30.86%
Epoch 40 | Time Taken: 2.35s
Train Loss 5 labels: 1.054 | Train Acc 5 labels: 86.57%
Val. Loss 5 labels: 1.574 | Val. Acc 5 labels: 30.85%
Post training our model for sentiments' labels [0-4], we get a training accuracy of 86.57% and a validation accuracy of 30.85%
Confusion Matrix:
Sample outputs from the test data:
Here are 10 examples from the output of the model prediction. The rest can be checked from the colab notebook.
- As we saw in the confusion matrix, our model makes most classification mistakes in the positive classes. Hence, special notice and augmentation for the positive classes may help in lifting the score
- We only use an simple LSTM model here. More sophisticated models can be used for better prediction
- We see this as a case of overfitting as the validation accuracy keeps decreasing futher from the increasing train accuracy
- This time we did did it only for 5 classes. Training can also be extended to 1-25 classes to see any performance changes
- Since teh sentinments provided in the actual data are on a continuous scale, we can create this into a regression problem post letting features out of the LSTM model and prdict on a continuous scale
- Add callbacks to the code to get the best valid accuracy and stop training when required accuracy is reached
- Better hyperparameter optimisation using Bayesian optimisation techniques, et all.
- Anirban Mukherjee
- Debasish Sarangi