{% for plateform in site.data.plateforms %}
<h2> Sujet </h2>
<div class="button-group filter-button-group" data-filter-group='categories' >
{% for categorie in site.data.categories %}
<button class='button button_tags' data-filter=".{{categorie}}">{{categorie}}</button>
<button class='button button_tags button_categorie' data-filter="*">Tout</button>
{% if creators.youtube_description != '' %} {{ creators.youtube_description | newline_to_br}} {% else %} {{ creators.twitch_description | newline_to_br}} {% endif %}
{% if creators.twitter_account_name != '' and creators.twitter_followers != '' %} twitter {{ creators.twitter_followers }} {% endif %} {% if creators.youtube_channel_name != '' and creators.condition_youtube %} youtube {{ creators.youtube_subscriber_count}} {% endif %} {% if creators.twitch_channel_name != '' and creators.condition_twitch %} twitch {{ creators.twitch_followers}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}