Pedram Shojai, OMD
- Money is a form of energy. AKA currency, it flows in current and channels just as much as water or electricity. Thus, good money management is about good energy economics.
- Saving money requires an awakened, disciplined mode of being in order to be cultivated. Both a state of mind and a state of being.
- Humans are motivated to do all sorts of wacky things for a variety of reasons, but money is often how these root imbalances show up.
- A quick read of the financials of a business can tell you a lot about how it is doing and how its managed.
- Likewise, you can see quite deep into someone's life and mind by examining their personal finances.
- This is because money is energy. Financial statements document the flow of this energy through someone's life
- Regarding mass media, advertising, &c: "There's no reason to take arrows all day because, in a weak moment, you will bleed."
- While entrpreneurs know how to take on a debt burden and leverage it to rapidly scale a business, consumer debt makes people indentured servants to their lifestyles.
- Some people righteously claim that they believe money to be the root of all evil. Many are forced to reconcile this as they come of age, enter the "real world" and realize that, in reality, the world does function based on money.
- Many confused people attempt to become ascetics and only confront money when the eviction notice has been served.
- Householders establish a healthy relationship with money
- To obtain freedom, disconnect your sense of self from material things, accolades, compliments, and emotional dramas. Only then, free from all the bullshit, can you access your best thinking and allocate your money appropriately.
- Where should we spend our money?
- on things that promote health and vitality
- on useful products that are free from poisons and toxic chemicals
- on a sustainable investments that secure the future of ourselves and our families
- at companies that are closely connected and giving back to their communities
- on causes that protect nature and humanity's collective future
- It's time for a fundamental rethinking: benefit corps, NGOs, co-ops, and "regular" companies have been emerging around the globe and, more or less, practice the Buddhist precept of "right livelihood."
- It is possible for companies to turn a profit, do good work, and contribute to solutions to larger problems facing the world.
- By incorporating this directly into the identity, mission, and values of the company, owners, employees, and customers can be justifiably and collective righteous and full of integrity.
- Essential Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Spending
- Who am I in the first place?
- What is driving me?
- Do I need this or is it instead meant to feed or soothe some emotional pain?
- Is it a habit or a need?
- Will it actually make me happy?
- Why and how will it accomplish that?