By contributing you agree to respect the Code of Conduct of this repository.
- You don't have to know Git: if you found something of interest which is not already in this repo, please open an Issue with your links propositions.
- If you know Git, please Fork the repo and send pull requests.
- We have topics. Choose the right one as per your knowedge and create the content under respective sections.If you can't find the folder under sections, just create it.
- Make sure to follow the guidelines below and respect the Markdown formatting of the files.
- Please use original content as much as you can
- If content is being copied from somewhere, give the credit and update the reference
- if a resource exists at different places on the Internet
- use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning author's website is better than editor's website is better than third party website)
- include the author name or names where appropriate.
- if the content is not finished, and is still being worked on, add the "Work in process" notation, as described below.
- All lists are
files. Try to learn Markdown syntax. It's simple! - All the topics start with an Index. The idea is to list and link all sections and subsections there. Keep it in alphabetical order.
- Sections are using level 3 headings (
), and subsections are level 4 headings (####
The idea is to have
empty lines between last paragraph and new section1
empty line between heading & first link of its section0
empty line between two paragraph1
empty line at the end of
- Work in process: