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389 lines (270 loc) · 17.1 KB

File metadata and controls

389 lines (270 loc) · 17.1 KB
  • my goal is to find the floor

  • and there is floor data available

  • and i can paint that to the screen; probably mostly from a user land script if i feel like it

  • also a reticule can be painted if i wish as well, and that is pretty easy too

  • from there i can do whatever i want really

  • remove the xrinputhandler and get it somewhere sane

  • add whatever implicit support is needed for planes

  • make a behavior that tests showing them

  • make a behavior that tests showing a reticule

  • make a behavior that lets things drop onto surfaces

  • port to joshes code too

    • where is the origin of the scene?

for 1) to be useful, these things need to be built in. In particular, we would want to add options to the scene to say where the origin is. Right now it’s “device” or “whatever the previous scene used”. Adding “floor” (under user) and “ask user” would be obvious ones. I agree “floor” needs to be smart and change over time, and thus needs to be built “on top” of existing webxr anchors but not use them directly (like XRGeospatialAnchor does). “ask user” take a name as an option, and would trigger some sort of “pick a point” UI that uses WebXR hittesting (akin to the reticles in the webxr examples) and creates an anchor with that name that could be used later (implying a way to specify that anchor).

I don’t see the use case for 2), I’m probably being dense. Can you tell me a compelling one? This isn’t about designers tweeking things (that would be an immersiveAREditor), but an experience where we’d want users tweeking things. Regardless, we have no ability to modify existing “Graph” content from runtime scripts. We can obviously go in and mess with internal data structures, but I filled an issue a while ago about manipulating (change, delete, duplicate, etc) graph nodes. We don’t want to start mucking around with the threejs scene graph without having a spec’d want of manipulating the project graph as well, because lots of things assume the structure, and we’ll end up breaking things at runtime. We also have not exposed the idea of arbitrary anchors to script-land. Again, issues filed.

Here's an idea for a lightweight social experience:

+ Each player starts out with some number of tokens
+ When you meet another person you can collect them, and collect one of their tokens
+ The place that you meet them is important; and if other people go there they can see that you met there.
+ There could be incentives to have larger latch parties of token trading, or concentrations
+ Maybe it is the places themselves that get the tokens or get energized
+ As you are more and more popular your tokens are worth more.

Small things to tidy up

* xr improvement: the system makes a "camera" blox on the root that is a real object! super useful
* xr improvement: things can mark themselves as not visible during XR mode to keep code simpler
* xr improvement: walking controls have an orbit control built in - and also turn off during XR mode

- xr improvement: test collision with the xr camera now -> have to register the camera as a collidant
  • would be handy to package blox up as packages and load them - try harder

  • also would be nice to load behaviors from a file or scan

  • and a tiny server would be handy too, especially if it hosted content and had login / auth support

    • motion

      • i kinda think the fox should strive to be in front of the camera in either xr or other mode
      • (so we move the camera not the fox directly)
      • and in desktop mode we can also orbit the camera
      • i think we should just move the ground to kinda always be 1.6 feet beneath us? or detect crouch versus move?
    • right now there is a purple sphere when things are loading up; maybe it could be a sparkle effect

    • test portal -> make it do transitions too

    • also test image anchors

    • also test geo anchors

    • test a trivial spin power

    • i like the trick of making a qrcode url

    • a few basic behaviors such as xr geo anchors that are always at eye level, and a basic spin behavior

    • i'd like to be able to cut and paste and reference snippets to reduce duplicate example json

    • xr basics; embodiment of a hand, gaze based picking, gaze based dragging, gaze based editing panel placing an anchor at an absolute position and attaching an object to it also xr picking is inside of behaviorrenderer and it should not be right now it's a bit of a mess, just tidy up

Other less important small details

- i think maybe meshes should implicitly have an xr property or not so i can throw them away in xr mode
- pull in the latest 3js
- pull in the latest webxr
- look at how the canvas and the like is being setup now in mred
- look at how the geo anchors and image anchors are beng setup

- maybe could elaborate more on in app scripting, and maybe also being able to load up scriptlets separately
- maybe could really get around to loading behaviors separately, maybe from a text file or something
- it might make sense to have a tiny server
- it might make sense to test this on glitch

- sound support
- examining on_tick carefully in terms of invocations and cpu time

- effects engine improvement; the initial spray of flowers is ugly from the tree

- the text layout engine should use that embeddable html thing and we should test helpful popup text billboards

Other even less important ideas:

x try load behaviors by name -> revisit this idea later... some issues right now with paths or something

- [search and namespaces] consider renaming all objects into a named hierachy? as well as a flat hierarchy

- webxr
	- only send messages in general and on_tick to active objects, so have a deeper concept of active or not
	- when i recognize an image send an event so that i can toggle scenes off and on

- behaviornetwork
		- broadcast changes periodically
	- some simple multiplayer
	- what are strategies to get two players to see each other?
			- they could just share their local coordinate system directly...
				- slightly different elevations and orientations... that's just the way it is?
				- objects might pop as their authoritative position is changed due to anchor changes...
			- maybe common objects in both worlds like a qrcode could be used as a parent of any other objects

- rename "on_*" to "do_*" ? as in do_reset or do_goto or do_event? just for clarity?
	i am now specially reserving the word on_* to look for events...

- I did want to copy blox.functions.on_something handlers directly up to blox.on_something ...
	this would purely be nice for document level scripting, it makes it simpler to say "thing.do_something"

- small but curious bug with camera declaring blox.mesh - study?

 - could shorten the name to the various BehaviorAction* utilities... and also maybe not pollute Blox namespace so much

 - kinematic motion model improvements
	- tends to keep sliding sideways; i really want something that feels more precise for the pov movement; like set destination
	- destinations tend to be overshot in the ik model
	- should really use real physics engine again; and integrate physics with my motion model too

 - gltf load consolidation to avoid duplicate loads?

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // done /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

- [DONE] choreographed sequencing at the grammar level (not actually having to write code)

the approach i used was to add a behavioraction concept that has an array of timed messages
those messages fire off to objects, and it'll spontaneously decorate the object with a new behavior
or reset an existing behavior... works well.

 - choreography of groups [ LOWER PRIORITY RIGHT NOW ]

	- the easiest way to time things is just write code..
	- i don't want to replace javascript, but i want to pull out or emphasize the timeline itself
	- so where appropriate a grammar can be story level?
	- i want to separate verbs from nouns, so they can be applied to anything or i can group or find similar things
	- mass or group behavior - make 50 things do one dance together
	- any reasonable separation of behavior from being overly bound to objects
	- I'd like to be able to have a sequence or program made up out of successive intentions; a choreography
	- maybe i can give these little sequences names and save them the same way i save meshes and then refer to them like macros
	- although branching and turning completeness is risky, maybe events and resets are reasonable so a thing can loop behavior

	// a live query

	group = blox.query({monsters,all})
	group.add_behavior(intent) // - if i could save behaviors for later, and then apply them by reference this is 

 - continue to improve semantic choreography

		This tries to strike a balance between high level story telling and simplicity in a declarative grammar.
		It will probably have a lot of verbs.
		It's currently merged with sequencing of events over time - which arguably it should be distinct from

		The approach I've been taking is to define a BehaviorIntent which accepts a single event filled with lots of hints.
		The event can be a single request or an array of requests - that get played back over time.
		These are the powers I want:

		linear kinematic
			* accelerate in general

		linear inverse kinematic
			* go to entity
			* go to xyz
			* be at a height regardless of other stuff, like a height above ground
			- go to be in front of player
			- go behind (player sets what is behind)
			- go above (look at thing and get height)
			- go below
			- go generally nearish
			- be pinned to a wall at a height at a position

			* face forward [ this is not working as well as I would like although it does work ]
			- face a certain direction
			- face a relative direction (look left) waggle
			- face player ( billboard )
			- tilt { for waddling, or cartoon effects - like tilt left or tilt right }
			- spin in general

			- fire an event when goal is reached?

		- other ideas -> waddle, tilt, spin, follow nearest person, avoid each other

- [DONE] BehaviorAction event pipeline improvements

You can decorate a blox with a BehaviorAction which brings in a bunch of related Behaviors. I want to tidy this up.

- right now I decorate the parent blox with a bunch of conventions that are assumed and implicit...
	it would be nicer to have some formalism for when I'm decorating a blox with anything at all....

- right now all of the action properties are fairly naked and simple such as

	action: {
		//speed:{min:0.4,max:0.5,end:-1}, // minimum start speed, maximum start speed, ending speed if any }
		color_gradient:{min:0x00ff0000,max:0x00ff0000,end:0x00000000}, // minimum color, maximum color, end color
		lifespan:{min:100, max:150}

	if instead i force bundle them with their associated Behavior, then this could also solve another problem
	of attaching behaviors that I don't need. I'd like to do something more like this

	action: {
		kinetic: {
		goal: {

	and then i can not only spawn the right behavior, but i can direct the right events
	it becomes a way to talk to a behavior by name... and this could be a deeper more useful pattern
	right now i talk to a behavior based on what it has published as a listening method
	i would like instead to be able to simply talk directly to a behavior
	that is to say, behaviors can always listen to any events
	but it would be nice to have directed events

[ DONE ] implicit children - Usability feature - make it so that users don't have to declare a child group at all

at the moment the parent blox namespace is directly polluted with behaviors and functions
it might be nice to pollute it with children blox as well because this would make it easier for users to work in text
so instead of

			on_loaded:function(e) { console.log("i was loaded") }
			group: [
					on_goto:function(e) { console.log("goto something") }

it would become this - which could be dangerous because now behaviors and blox are colliding - but easier

		on_loaded:function(e) { console.log("i was loaded") }
			on_goto:function(e) { console.log("goto something") }

and also i would expose this now as

	parent.childblox.color etc

at the moment if i don't find a behavior i promote the thing to be a literal, but instead i could try treat it as a blox
still it would be nice to have both literals and behaviors - it is not clear how to have both easily...
i can tell functions apart by the keyvalue, i can tell behaviors apart by the reserved name on the key
i cannot tell some literals apart - unless i disallow hashes as literals, or disallow literals entirely?

[ DONE ] event chains and gathering up of events

there's a pretty deeply woven idea that most activity in this system is event driven, and events percolate to named handlers
this is so that users who work directly on documents can decorate a blox or a behavior with a handler and do work
also programmers who build behaviors can decorate behaviors with handlers

but what if i grab every event that i see - and push them up to the blox itself as event chains?
so they are all still called, in the right way, but now i can support buckets of them - ordinary events like on_goto()

right now events are distributed on blox themselves

+ basically i want the blox itself to be the thing you talk to
+ and i want to be able to call naked functions on the blox if the child had that function
	so although normally you can do
	i would like

	and the only way i can see to do that is to promote the events up to the parent blox, scavenging them from the behavior
	and since everybody has their own events i have to have event chains...
	but if i did this then now blox become more powerful and more generic; they are imbued with the derived child methods

[DECIDED/DONE] raw event arguments versus events always being a hash of properties - decided in favor of hashes

- there is also a bit of a question about buckets of event arguments...

	i kind of would like to be able to do 

		joe = query(find a blox named joe)

	but unnamed arguments are a hassle because events percolate generically with rollups of args and .blox is declared
	for example what looks like a single param is actually injected with the parent scope as a hint


	that said... i could use the "this" operator and bind the parent blox to the behavior and then have unrolled args...

		function goto(...args) {
			this typeof BehaviorIntent
			this.blox typeof Blox

	which is what most programmers would expect and be happy with

	* honestly I should probably stick with hashes but ALSO set the 'this' and the parent 'blox' correctly everywhere.
		AND ALSO pass the parent blox and the behavior as arguments
		AND userland functions that are naked - declared directly in the documents - I can bind(parentbehavior) on

[DONE] packages

[ kinda done? ]

- demonstrate loading a scene off disk dynamically, and loading just a blobs contents also
	- maybe ignore the second ’scene’ if it shows up? should scene be special?

- packages?- does not really handle children though? maybe it does?

[DONE] 2d UX (removed, we actually want everything to be absolutely pure 3d)

UX capabilities - Design Thoughts May 1 2019

It is not totally clear to me if 2D UX elements should be done IN ThreeJS or just exploit the power of the DOM. I decided that exploiting the full DOM is better and a good exercise.

It's also not clear to me if a Behavior should be this specialized or abstract. Arguably a sufficiently rich json file could declare all of the UX and behavior here. In this case I decided I might as well consolidate it as a behavior - it could be part of an editor UX.

It's not clear if it should add itself directly to the DOM or should have a router. Probably a shared router is a good idea but for now I'll just add it directly here.

It's not clear if it should talk to the anchor system or XR features at all? I think I am leaning towards producing a blox and then letting that blox update itself. That would reduce the burden on this code from knowing anything. Also this code is not making the blox inside the on_tick method so it doesn't have access to the renderer easily.

I think the right idea is to just make a blox right now - from a description? Maybe blox can have property sheet schemas so that they can be generically edited.

  • later pull up an editor - for now just make the default