As NFTables behaves differently in containers, we are testing on a Linux VM and a Linux Container (LXC > Docker).
Both must be reachable by SSH as we are using Ansible directly for integration-testing.
You can also only set-up one of these test-systems.
But you will have to run Ansible by using the --limit=container
or --limit=vm
Python libraries: apt install python3-nftables python3-packaging
Add a ssh-public key for the user and enable ssh-public-key authentication in the ssh-server config. (/home/<TEST-USER>/.ssh/authorized_keys
Grant root privileges: usermod -a -G sudo <TEST-USER>
We are using a Debian 12 minimal installation.
For a quick-start you could use this VirtualBox image provided by
We are using a Debian 12 container.
I would recommend using a LXC if you have the needed system for it.
pveam update pveam download local debian-12-standard_12.2-1_amd64.tar.zst # exact version number could vary
docker pull debian:12
You will have to install NFTables and make sure to use the ssh-server as entrypoint:
EXPOSE 1222 CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd","-D", "-p", "1222", "-o", "ListenAddress="]
Add your test-system's IPs and users to the inventory/host_vars/*.yml
files OR use the environmental variables:
export TEST_VM=
export TEST_CONT=
export TEST_PORT=1222
export TEST_USER=dummy
export TEST_PWD=test123
A NFTables base-config might be added later on.
When modifying tests you should run the lint-script: bash scripts/
Tests are placed under: tests/tasks/
and should be named as the module they are testing.
Example: tests/tasks/list.yml
is testing ansibleguy.nftables.list
Tests should always clean up after itself so the test-system is back to the state it was in before! Add those cleanup-tasks in tests/tasks/<MODULE>_cleanup.yml
As the connection over SSH is needed for Ansible to work - tests should never deny/drop this connection (TCP 22/1222).
You can run the tests simply by running the script: bash scripts/
Parameters you add to the test-script execution will be passed to ansible-playbook
- Enable difference-mode:
bash scripts/ -D
- Limit the execution:
bash scripts/ --limit=container
- Only test one module:
bash scripts/ -e=test_module=list
If a testing fails you might need/want to run the cleanup: bash scripts/