Role to provision and manage one or multiple PKI's on the target server.
The EasyRSA script is used as 'backend' to simplify the automation process.
Molecule Integration-Tests:
Internal CI: Tester Role | Jobs API
- Debian 11
- Debian 12
# latest
ansible-galaxy role install git+
# from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.infra_pki
# or to custom role-path
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.infra_pki --roles-path ./roles
# install dependencies
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
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Define the config as needed:
You can find a more detailed example here: Example
domain: ''
pwd_ca: !vault |
pwd_ca: !vault |
server: # server certificates
cn: 'AnsibleGuy Website'
dns: ['', '']
ip: ''
uri: ''
client: # client certificates
cn: 'AnsibleGuy Workstation'
You might want to use 'ansible-vault' to encrypt your passwords:
ansible-vault encrypt_string
Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook_pki.yml
There is also an 'entrypoint' for managing single certificates - that can be useful if they are automagically managed by other roles.
# to run it interactively
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook_single_cert.yml
There are also some useful tags available:
- instances => skip basic tasks but process all PKI-instances (RootCA's)
- subcas => skip basic and instance (RootCA) tasks but process all SubCA tasks
- certs => only process task related to managing certificates
- certs_create => create non-existent certificates
- certs_renew => renew certificates that have the state 'renewed' set
- certs_revoke => revoke certificates that have the state 'revoked' or 'absent' set
To debug errors - you can set the 'debug' variable at runtime:
# WARNING: Will log passwords!
ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml -e debug=yes
Note: --check
mode is not supported by this role as it heavily depends on scripted command-tasks.
Package installation
- OpenSSL
Usage of a group to allow read-only access to public-keys
Default config:
- Paths:
- PKI base: '/var/local/lib/pki'
- Script: '/usr/local/sbin/easyrsa'
- PKI user: 'pki'
- Read-only group: 'pki_read'
- EasyRSA vars:
- Expiration:
- Root-CA: 20 years
- Sub-CA: 15 years
- Certificates: 3 years
- Digest:
- Root-CA: sha512
- Sub-CA/Certificates: sha256
- Algorithm: rsa
- Key size: 4096
- Expiration:
- Certificates:
- Don't password-encrypt certificate private-keys
- Export formats:
- pkcs12 (private/.p12)
- certificate chain (issued/.chain.crt)
- Paths:
Default opt-ins:
- Adding dedicated PKI-user and read-only group
- Saving CA/Sub-CA/Certificate passwords to files for easier automation
- See the information below for alternatives
- Installation and configuration of a Nginx webserver to server CRL's and CA-PublicKey's (not yet implemented)
Default opt-outs:
- Purging of orphaned (existing but not configured) certificates
- Encryption of certificate private-keys (non CA/Sub-CA)
Note: Most of the role's functionality can be opted in or out.
For all available options - see the default-config located in the main defaults-file!
Info: To make sure the role config 'behaves' as expected - it tested by this role using molecule!
Per example: The certificate-attributes, file- & directory-permissions & -ownership are checked after generating multiple certificates using multiple Root- & Sub-CA's.
Warning: Not every setting/variable you provide will be checked for validity. Bad config might break the role!
Note: If you want to read more about PKI's and certificates:
- The EasyRSA project has a nice documentation
- For (x509) certificates check out the OpenSSL documentation.
- If you want to read a good explanation of how 'keyUsage' and 'extendedKeyUsage' are to be used - check out this StackExchange answer: LINK
- If you want to know how to manually create a PKI/SubCA's using EasyRSA - check out @QueuingKoala's clean example on how to do that: GitHub Gist
Warning: For gained security against CA-compromise you should:
Make sure all your needed Sub-CA's are created by the role
Copy the CA private-key (${path_base}/ca/private/ca.key) to an offline medium (keep redundancy in mind)
Save the password you used to initialize the CA (not on the same medium)
Remove the ca.key file from your Online-system using a 'secure-deletion' tool like 'shred':
shred -vzu -n10 ca.key
Note: You have multiple options to supply the CA/Sub-CA/Certificate passwords:
- if 'save_passwords' is set to true - the saved password will be retrieved after the CA is initialized
- as inventory variable (ansible-vault encrypted to be decrypted at runtime)
- --extra-vars at runtime
- if no password was set, the role will prompt for one at runtime
Note: Certificate variables you set on:
- global level will be inherited by all instances and their sub-ca's
- instance-level will be inherited by its sub-ca's
- specific config on instance/subca level will always override the inherited one
Note: You can find scripts for automated certificate-expiration monitoring that can be integrated with monitoring systems like Zabbix at files/usr/local/bin/monitoring.
Warning: The CRL-Distribution settings CANNOT BE CHANGED easily.
All existing certificates would have to be re-generated once the settings are changed.
Note: The 'cert_expire' variable of the root-ca will set the runtime of the sub-ca's!
Note: Passwords used for CA/Sub-CA/Certificate encryption are checked for complexity rules:
- min. 8 characters long
- must contain
- number
- uppercase letter
- lowercase letter
Note: Certificates states can be set to either:
- 'present' or 'created' to make sure a certificate exists
- 'absent' or 'revoked' to make sure a certificate does not exist
- 'renewed' to renew a certificate