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File metadata and controls

218 lines (143 loc) · 5.48 KB


Gatsby Gatsby + WordPress WordPress + Chakra-UI Chakra-UI

How it works:

Grabs existing WordPress content and generates an equivalent static page for each post, page, taxonomy, author, etc.



  • 🚀 Responsive, fast-loading, animated
  • 🎨 Customizable theme with Chakra-UI
  • ⭐ Custom landing page
  • 🌙 Dark-mode support
  • 💌 Built-in newsletter form with MailChimp
  • ⚡ Minimal WordPress setup
  • 📄 Support for post, page, category, tag and author types


🚀 Quick start

  1. Install.

    Use the Gatsby CLI (install instructions) to create a new site, specifying the wpgatsby starter.

    # Install wp-gatsby:
    gatsby new my-app
  2. Configure WordPress.

  1. Configure GraphQL.

    In gatsby-config.js under gatsby-source-wordpress point url to your WPGraphQL endpoint. E.g.

  2. Start developing.

    Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.

    cd my-app/
    gatsby develop

    Your site is now running in development mode at http://localhost:8000!

    _Note: You'll also see a second link: http://localhost:8000/___graphql. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data.

🧐 Limitations


Coming soon


🧐 What's inside?

A quick look at important files and directories you'll see in this Gatsby project.

├── node_modules
├── src
    ├── @chakra-ui
    ├── components
    ├── pages
    ├── templates
    ├── static
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierrc
├── gatsby-browser.js
├── gatsby-config.js
├── gatsby-node.js
├── gatsby-ssr.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json

💫 Deploy


Coming soon


🚀 Setup Data and Content

How to setup WordPress and other data to work with wp-gatsby:

↘️ Header & Footer Menu

- Add menus titled "GP-HEADER" and "GP-FOOTER"
- Add some pages to menus

↘️ Posts & pages

- Set permalink settings to "Post name".
- Add posts with featured images
- Add tags and categories
- Add some posts to "featured" category (to show on homepage)

↘️ Logo & Branding

🟠 Logo

Logo can be set in several ways:

  1. SVG from React component (default)

    • Put your SVG in customSvgLogo.js in src/components/svgs
    • Edit gatsby-config.js with the following option:
    module.exports = {
        siteMetadata: {
            customLogoComponent: true,

    ⚠️ Set this option to false if you wish to use any of the bellow options

  2. From WP Media Library (JPEG or PNG)

    • Upload and set image title to "gp-logo".
  3. From Gatsby's static directory (JPEG, PNG or SVG)

    • Add logo named "gp-logo" to src/static/images directory.
  4. If no image is found logo will be generated based on WordPress site name.

🖌️ Colors, fonts and styles

Edit the theme.js file to customize variables like colors, fonts, border-radius and edit global styles of existing components


↘️ MailChimp Newsletter

  1. Get the MailChimp endpoint

    • Go to MailChimp dashboard: Audience –> Signup Forms –> Embedded Form

    • Generate a form and copy the first URL you see (from the POST method)

    • Paste the endpoint URL into gatsby-config.js:

    plugins: [
        resolve: "gatsby-plugin-mailchimp",
        options: {
            # example URL
            endpoint: '',
            timeout: 3500,
  1. Paste URL in gatsby-config.js

↘️ Social Network Icons

Edit gatsby-config.js and add URLs to your social networks:

module.exports = {
 siteMetadata: {
   # Social icons URLs / 
   # If not using leave it empty ( `` ) / Do not delete field
   socialLinks: {
     facebook:  ``,
     instagram:  ``,
     linkedin: ``,
     youtube: ``,
     twitter: ``,