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Releases: ansys/pymapdl

Principal Stress Computation

22 Dec 18:34
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Added principal stress computation and plotting. Example is in documentation and below:

pstress = result.PrincipalNodalStress(0)
result.PlotPrincipalNodalStress(0, 'SEQV')

See updated documentation at:

Garbage Collection Fix and Updated Documentation

27 Nov 17:31
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Due to limitations with vtkInterface, object were not being garbage collected when deleted. That's fixed now, along with the outdated documentation and examples.

Archive File Code Streamlining

14 Nov 18:08
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ParseFEM has been removed entirely from the archive reader and new archive files can be read in and displayed with VTK using:

import pyansys

archive = pyansys.ReadArchive('tiny.cdb')
grid = archive.ParseVTK()
grid.Plot()  # plot

This approach simplifies much of the code and eliminates an unnecessary function. Information about the ansys archive file is now contained within the unstructured grid and can be accessed using the GetPointScalars function. See vtkInterface.

ParseVTK also allows you to specify element types to read in. See the doc_string of ParseVTK below:

Parses raw data from cdb file to VTK format.

force_linear : bool, optional
    This parser creates quadradic elements if available.  Set this to
    True to always create linear elements.  Defaults to False.

allowable_types : list, optional
    Allowable element types.  Defaults to:
    ['45', '95', '185', '186', '92', '187']

    Can include:
    ['45', '95', '185', '186', '92', '187', '154']

uGrid : vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid
    VTK unstructured grid from archive file.

Added Cyclic Plotting Results and Output to Paraview

13 Sep 15:31
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Modified Binary Geometry, Matrix, and Result Reader

22 Jun 11:31
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pyansys can now read component stresses from the result file. The mass and stiffness matrices can now be read using sorted and unsorted indexing. Additionally, the geometry can be directly read from the result file, making it unnecessary to load in a separate archive file.

See the full documentation Loading Results and Loading Full for details on the new API.

First Release of pyansys

20 Oct 09:39
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This Python module uses cython and c source to interface with ANSYS binary files. Useful for post processing ANSYS files, displaying using vtk, and analyzing results.

Initial release includes limited functionality

  • Modal results from a *rst file can be read.
  • Mass and stiffness matrices from the full file must be symmetric. Additionally, the module cannot import lumped mass matrices.

Additional features will be added when requested.